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Everything posted by bugaboo

  1. Answer was c. Thank you! I got a 94 on the entire test so there you go, ecoli.
  2. Nah, I am more trying to argue that my teacher is often a stickler for, "The book says..." FWIW, I have the highest average in my class (95) and have gotten As on all tests thus far. This question is from a take home test. Monday afternoon we fill in the little circles for the scantron. I'll let you know what the official answer is. BTW, I appreciate the challenge and debate.
  3. Yea, of course books are not infallible. But if the teacher giving the test is using the book... Frankly, I just want to color in the right circle.
  4. Looks that way to me too but book specifies v shape so that boggles me.
  5. A replication fork: a) is only seen in prokaryotic chromosomes (NO) b) is only seen in bacterial cells (NO) c) is a Y shaped structure where both DNA strands are replicated simultaneously (should be NO as book calls it V shaped) d) is a site where one DNA strand serves as a template but the other strand is not replicated e) is created by the action of the enzyme RNA polymerase Thanks so much for any help.
  6. I did have d and e out so that's something. Wanna finish the rest of the test?
  7. I am not a science geek, for sure. Thank you.
  8. I found that too, thank you. But my brain is not making the connection which answer is supposed to be a SSB protein. B?
  9. Been working on a take home test for well over 10 hours now. The question is, "In replication, once the DNA strands have been separated, reformation of the double helix is prevented by:" Choices are a) DNA helicase enzymes b) helix-destabilizing proteins c) DNA polymerases d) ATP e) GTP I need help. I've looked all the answers up and am no closer to an answer now than I was at the start. Thank you!
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