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  1. Only for Dr. Swansont: Socrates' websites are the only ones in this Galaxy, which at agreement with the graph of Dr V.Ullmann predicts the limit of incompressibility of elementary particles. Which links should be now relevant to the discussion? If the link to Socrates' sites is here disabled, I have no reason be on this forum
  2. I gave a link to Socrates site, because only his model of vacuum is in accord with Ullmann‘s graph and only he is able to interpret it causally. Is it perhaps, presentation of own opinion on the discussion forum banned? And what else is a website?! If I would put 1000 links to pages in which authors claim that body such as star, may collapse to zero volume and other similar antiphysicum, you will be satisfied. No progress of physics, but to freezing the status quo. Thinking? Why? I don't envy you your destiny the humble footman of science without own thoughts I feel sorry for you.
  3. Removed URL was link to the source, which is in accord with the graph of V. Ullmann but unlike him, this source gives us causal physical interpretation of Dr Ullmann graph. In protest against the discrimination by the moderator Klaynos I quit with participation in this forum. Salonis
  4. RNDr. Vojtech Ullmann published an interesting graph of changes the potential for nuclear power on the degree of mutual approximation of nucleons inside the nucleus. For it is evident that the approximation of the nucleons distance of 0,5 fm previous drop-potential for changes in growth potential. When approaching nucleon at r = 0,15 fm, increase the potential U to zero and the next approximation steeply rising potential to positive potential U and the attraction of nucleons has significantly changed on their repulsion. The green waveform indicated potential U is clear that in the nucleon approximation point r < 0,15 fm growing potential repulsion of nucleons the relation U = 1/r4. The result of this growth potential is practical incompressibility of nucleons to prevent any collapse of massive stars to zero volume. Socrates model of vacuum also assumes halt the collapse of the star at drop her radius below Rs = Rg/2 or less than half the gravitational radius Rg. When the gravitational interaction is saturated and star lost (giant flare unleashed) almost its entire mass. There is no reason for the continuation of collapse. For more information please on url removed by mod The course of potential between nucleons Ullmanns graph is in attachement Ullmanns graph powers between nucleons.doc
  5. Unfortunately, I have to disappoint you. Socrates on whose ideas I refer was a wise monk. He lived in a monastery on the island of Corfu in the last century. From him comes the idea of four unchanging, stable protoelements, (protoels). Their flexibility arrangement (vakants) is the basis of all elementary particles. Basis of the Socrates ideas structure of vacuum is a 'building block' created with the triple antipodean bond of these 4 protoelements - kvarton. Can I, with some simplification, to say that monk Socrates deepened Demokritis idea of atoms.
  6. It would be worth professional psychological study. The physics community distinguished for over two hundred so called elementary particles and still not clear essence of a unit of electrical charge. Or not seeks determine why this almost chaotic set of particles have one thing in common: their unit charge. This is not a coincidence, or irrelevance! This is still the most important external common feature of all the, elementary "particles as defined by physicists. What may be more important for subnuclear physics than debunk perfect uniformity charge of particles?! So what science knows and submit: An important common feature of all "elementary" particles is their electrical charge. All of these particles has only two charge states of exactly the same size: 1,602 .10-19 C, and -1,602 .10-19 C and one is zero. And that's all about it. And yet it is the most significantly mark for the classification of all elem. particles indicative of their common ground. In their base a kind of "core" (vakant) there are only 3 possible variants of eletrical charge. If it is not zero, has only two antipodean, but absolutely equal value. Socrates' Kvarton model of vacuum and elementary particles have to clear this reality and causal explanation: carriers of electrical charge are only two(from four) antipodean protoelements with numerically the same but antipodean electrical charges |1,602 .10-19 C|. If in the base of particle (vakant) is only one of this pair, cannot be his charge different from the above two values. The fact therefore confirms the validity of Socrates' model. Yes, it's that simple! Imagine that a similar model of vacuum announce an well renowned physicist. Then It will, an epochal discovery which caused, according all the rave commentators, an revolution in subnuclear physics. But If comes from a Socrates he reaps just a scornful smile: what he knows about physics? As I say, It would be worth psychological study.
  7. I would point out only the fact that without the existence of neutron (antineutron) would not exist nor electron, hence nor hydrogen atom. In the universe, there would be only protonium, ie tight combination of proton and antiproton.
  8. Here it is: Schema of the experiment is quite low-tech (do not see why not use the P+R similar way to verify the dogma of the variability of the weight of photons in a gravitational field.)The experimental group is sufficient, a highly stable frequency source technical, (generally MHz), two waveguides of equal length and two half-wave counter at the ends. Arrangement: frequency source is placed on the surface (on the floor), a waveguide with end-census to establish on elevated terrain (mountain, high construction), another waveguide placed at the same level as the source, or, if possible, run into the mine shaft that between these census was a great difference in height; hundreds of meters. After saving and linking all parts start the supply of technical waves. The experiment can continue (in contrast to exp. P+R) arbitrarily long (of the order of years). At the end, turning off sources of waves, it is necessary condition of both counters halfwave confront. If they are not among their resulting values significant differences tens half cycle, it can be said that the stability of the frequency of electromagnetic waves is independent of the direction of propagation and is therefore constant in a gravitational field. Still to the experiment P+R: In reality, the situation since the time of Newton is this: suppose that even the emitter and absorber are at the same potential-level gravitional field . Nucleons in absorbent and in the emitter have exactly the same weight and nothing prevents resonance capture of photons arising from the disintegration of the nucleus 57Cu nuclei 57Fe in absorbent. P+R put the emitter down and the absorbent up to the top of tower. They increase a little more mass of nucleons by its plotting up the top (the reduced gravitational binding ) than mass of nucleons in emitter below. If they brought the emitter up, it is now slightly heavier than nucleons in absorbent on bottom of tower, ie, at its greater gravitational binding. These facts are well known in the Middle Ages; gentlemen P+R ignored it. Why? It is hard to speculate. Probably just wanted to serve to his GTR dream. In a stronger gravitational field (below) are the nucleons in emitter's nuclei slightly lighter and therefore they emit up "lighter" gamafotons. than if emitter is at the top, where the nucleons are slightly heavier (than at the surface) and of course sending down " heavier "photons. And that was the difference in mass of the photons and the mass of nucleons in apparatus, measured by P+R. First of all, should know that all the free (ie, if they are in free motion) material objects in the gravitational field does not change its overall weight! Why should it be changed the free photons?!They do also regarded as material objects. Unfortunately, P+R prefer serving to GTR. For them is the gravitational field some mysterious deceleration of time. Resume: P+R in their calculations neglected completely change rest mass of measuring apparatus with a height in a gravitational field. By measurements they found only a relative change the mass of photon ratio to the mass of nucleons in measuring device. More specifically: mass of neutrons in the iron atoms in the target. Interpretation of the two opposing variants: a/ with increasing height in the gravitational field realistically reduce mass of photon, while mass of neutrons in the target has not changed, or b/ with height in gravitational field, with diminished gravitational binding increased mass of their apparatus, (nucleons in the target) ) while the mass of the photon with the height remains constant! In both variants, changes the ratio mn / mf. And just this change relative ratio mass of neutrons to mass of photons with the height have gentlemen P + R measured! Who knows the laws of physical binding, including binding of bodies in a gravitational field, he knows that the decline in the direction of the gravitational potential, ie to the center of the earth, there is growing size of the gravitational binding of elements which is necessarily accompanied by shrinkage (emitting) their resting energy/mass. Conversely, for distant objects out of gravitational field need them binding energy / mass to deliver. This "service" done him the gentlemens P+R when measuring apparatus carry up on the top of water tower. The apparatus thus has a slightly larger rest mass at the top than at the bottom The relative increase in mass of systems (nucleons) above has exactly the same value (2,15 .10-15), exactly the same as the calculated relative reduction in frequency/mass of the photon. The conclusion is that the experiment P+R showed the invariance mass/frequency of photons as they travel in gravitational field. What has been changed during the experiment? The mass of the nucleons apparatus! Of course, if the atoms are closer to the center of gravity, it is due to the gravitational binding "lighter," and their electrons emit "light" photons, ie, photons with lower frequencies. Cesium clocks, which are controlled by frequency radiation of cesium atoms, go at bottom slower than the clock located above. Naturally. Einstein concluded from this that the time in gravitational field, thanks to his equations is slowing. However, if he would use a pendulum clock he would have found that they would go at bottom faster than at the top!! Isn't clocks as a clocks!
  9. Maximilian Schlosshauer, Johannes Kofler, Anton Zeilinger: Conference on Quantum Physics and the Nature of Reality: It turned out that quantum physics is not only incomprehensible to ordinary people, but by far there is little consensus even among experts. According to 27% of the respondents are mistaken interpretation of Bohr, 30% believe that there is still need to wait and response time can be up to new experiments. Classical Copenhagen interpretation of quantum physics with its uncertainty principle receives only 42% of the survey participants. Competition of quantum mechanics in the form of opinions based on Einstein's belief there received even less support. By 64% of respondents were Einstein's view of the universe simply "wrong" (though, of course, raises the question of what exactly that meant). It is interesting that, on the contrary, respondents were optimistic regarding construction of quantum computers. The greatest proportion, 42%, estimated that a quantum computer appears in practice for 10-25 years. Feynman was probably right when he said that quantum physics no one does not understand, and no one who says yes, then either lying or a fool. This survey among physicists confirms the Lee Smolin's words about the need for any other interpretation QED, or its revision. Socrates agrees only
  10. Photons in a gravitational field. (Experiment of R.V. Pound and G.A. Rebka) P + R have devised very sophisticated experiment which wanted verified one of theses GTR. The Theses talking about changing the flow of time in a gravitational field according to its gravitational potential. They used very accurate Mössbauer method, so called resonant photon absorption. The principle of resonance absorption asserted Pound and Rebka is as follows: heavy photon emitted by radioactive 57Co at the core after its decay to 57Fe can be resonantly captured by other nuclei 57Fe, when the energy difference emission and absorption is zero. In other words, a photon is resonantly captured by the kernel if and only if it corresponds to the mass / energy / frequency difference of energy levels exactly to absorbent core. If it is slightly different absorption does not. In the old water tower in Harvard Institute of Physics they aired once a bottom-up, than top-down gamafotons (14.4 keV) emitted from the nuclei of radioactive 57Co element and let them fall on the Fe target. Detector placed behind the target records the intensity dependence of the absorption of photons in the target on the gravitational potential . The performed measurements leads to concluded that the intensity of absorption depends on the gravitational potential. They concluded that the photons in gravipoli changes its frequency. But they haven't measured the actual total energy of the photons! They only find out that it had changed ratio absorption energy of gamafotons towards the level energy of atomic nuclei. Dr. V. Ullmann specifies that: If the gamma quanta energy precisely equal to a nuclear energy levels, can be such a g-photon absorbed by the core. If these two values of energy emission and absorption together very, very close to the resonant absorption come . Pound and Rebka thus found that where the emitter and the absorber layer in the same gravitational potential, are the conditions for resonant absorption. Nothing more! Both scientists concluded that it caused the change in the energy of the emitted photon, so if gamafotons flies up, they are "ore" if they flies down, "turning blue." But the same differential of photon's mass to energy levels of nuclei, could occur when is changing the mass of atomic nuclei in the absorber, thereby changing its absorption level. And this is the pitfalls of interpretation the P + R experiment. They did not take into account the change in the rest mass of measuring devices, depending on their location in a gravitational field! I calculated it: The relative change in rest mass of measuring devices of Gentleman P + R in gravitational field was almost the same as the relative change in mass of the photons. The difference is up on 15. point on floating line. Is that enough? Change relative rest mass of nucleons in the earth's gravitational field by diferent of height 22.5 meters, is on the 14 decimal places equal to the value of weight change calculated mass gamafotons of P + R. So who is right? Gentlemen P+ R find out only this: with height in the gravitational field one another changes the ratio of the mass of the photon and the mass of their measuring instruments. Nothing more! Gentlemen P + R argues that changing the mass of photons, I contend that it changes the mass of their devices. Change of the rest mass of bodies stored in the gravitational field is known since Newton. The closer to the center of gravity the body is stored, the greater its gravitational binding, and the lower is its potential energy, and also, the potential mass. Formula for potential energy Wp = mo. G. Mz. Ro-1. I handpicked rest mass of neutron mn = 1,67482. 10-27 kg, G = 6,67. 10-11 and the Earth mass Mz = 5,9736. 1024 kg, Ro = 6,36275.106 m. Resulting figure for Wp with given Ro, Wp= 1, 047 136 334.10-19 Joule. For R1 = Ro + 22,5 m I have got Wp = 1,047132719.10-19 Joule. Differential value of these two numbers is Wp dif = 0,000003615.10-19 Joule. Transfer of Joule to eV gives value Wp dif = 2, 26.10-6 eV. Diff ratio Wp / neutron W0 = 2,26.10-6 eV / 9,396,108 eV = 2,40.10-15. Value changes in energy photons detected Pound and Rebka is 2, 15.10-15. Me calculated value of changing mass of neutron to its position in a gravitational field is loaded with inaccuracies knowledge of radius Ro from centre of gravity for the city of Cambridge and especially incomplete (truncated) value mass of the planet Mz. In any case, the difference between the result of P + R and of my result is on the 15. place after the decimal point. Next time I will here demonstrate the schematic of the experiment, which will be able to prove opinion of mine
  11. Socrates KMV is testable! I do not know if I have presented it here. I do not search them. But in Socrates Kvarton's Model of Vacuum (KMV) has built one specific feature, which can serve as an experimental test of its credibility. Standard Model of elementary particles (SM) identifies two types of charged mesons π±, so called pions. Experiments confirm the pions decays into two muon' leptons. But, KMV says variants of pions with charge can be 4. And all these pions decay into two leptons. These four variants arise from interchange protoels of group P ↔ N between two adjacent kvartons. or: two closely excited adjacent kvartons (pp'nn') + (pp'nn') together creates a transient resonance okton (pp'nn' + pp'nn'), which then decays back to two kvartons. But sometimes (infrequently) occurs between the two kvartons confusion protoels (p) ↔ (n) or antiprotoels (p') ↔ (n'). This gives four possible variations of substitution: (pp'pn'), (np'nn') which are known variants of SM π+ and π-. But also when replacing antiprotoels (p') ↔ (n') has two varieties of pions: (p'pp'n) and (pn'nn'), hence also π- and π+. Also, these two varieties of the pion decay into two leptons, but with the opposite types of neutrinos than the above two varieties! So positive pion (pp'pn'): π+ → μ+ + neutrinoP, while the second and also positive pion (pn'nn'): π+ → μ+ + neutrinoN. Absolutely it's the same with both negatively charged pions π-. Negative pion (p'pp'n): π- → μ- + neutrinoP and also other negative pion (np'nn '): π- → μ- + neutrinoN. The four variants of pions and their decay: π+ → μ+ + η (pp'pn') → (pn') + (pp') π+ → μ+ + ή (pn'nn') → (pn') + (nn') π- → μ- + η (p'pp'n) → (np') + (pp') π- → μ- + ή (np'nn') → (np') + (nn') This circumstance will be at future used to test Socrates kvarton model. However, it will need to build a strong enough source of pions producing neutrinos, but more powerful than the intensity of solar antineutrinos in order to eliminate the influence of this background. The detector will consist of liquid hydrogen into which will be focused beam of neutrinos from the decay of muons π+. According to SM from decay of pions, π+ arise neutrinos and those, as it known, not interact with protons. Thus, strictly speaking: they do not cause conversion of p → n . KMV assumes that by the production of pions formed all 4 types of pions. In the experiment will on the track in magnetic field soon diverted all negatively charged pions. On the longer a straightforward path to the detector will decay positive pions and after their break-up from this track will magnetically deflected positive muons. After decay neutrinos enters directly into liquid hydrogen detector. If is true double pions π± SM scheme, then there is no conversion between these decay neutrinos and protons in the detector. They observed only a conversion of solar antineutrinos. If is true schema KMV, four variants of the π± mesons, then in the decay of π+ mesons are formed both types of neutrinos, including so called ή antineutrinos, which increases the number of neutrons released (and positrons) as schema ή + p → n + e+ above the level of detection of solar antineutrinos; record according to KMV: (nn') + (p) → (n) + (pn'). From conversions arise neutrons combined with protons of detector create together the deuterons. The emission of gamaphoton will be observable. Same will be observable the light accompanying the "annihilation" of positrons with electrons from orbit of the hydrogen atom. Good news for Dr Swansont: KMV will be testable on contemporary attainable technical devices!
  12. Yes, You read it right, but your interpretation is not accurate. Electron isn't composed from elementary particle antiproton and neutron, but the material basis of the electron (vakant) consists of a pair protoels (p') and (n), which, if they are in area separate (single), create their own vakant of particle neutron and antiproton. That's accurate, interpretation, Przemyslawe. But when both protoels are together in a tight, antipodean mass and P-N bond together they form the basis - vakant - of electron. Similar is the case with vakant positron, where are in close mass and group custody protoel (p) and protoel (n'). Both duons - vakants - operates in the external environment with differential mass: M(electron) = (m(n) - m(p')), M(positron) = (m(n') - m(p)). Protoels of group P have about 1/1838 reduced material mass effect on the external environment than protoels of group N. During their tightest binding inside vakant their external mass function on environment reflected only differential value of their antipodean mass. Therefore, the electron is particle with positive (residual) mass and positron is the antiparticle with a negative (residual) mass. .External mass of both neutrinos is zero, because their vakants are formed of two perfect antipodes, (pp') and (nn'). Przemyslawe, I recommend you open an attachment, where is the whole third part in the original colored and more structured form. .
  13. .. With modifications taken from websites on: url removed Precision original version with drawings is stored in the attachment ............................................................................................... Part III. ................................................Types of elementary particles, their decay and transmutation. ......................................................... Kvarton = basic element structure of the space: ...........................................................(pp’nn‘) = two pairs of antipodes group P and N .........................................Fragments of kvarton = vakants = activators of all elementary particles ........................................................................................n u k l e o n s .............................................proton ............... …………antiproton…… ........ neutron ……..............antineutron ................................................(p) …………........................(p‘) ………..............(n)…………..................(n‘) ........................................................................................ l e p t o n s(e) ........................................ .. positron........................ elektron..................... .. neutrinoP................... neutrino N .............................................. (pn‘)............................ (np‘)............................. (pp‘)............................. (nn‘) ......................................................................................... l e p t o n s(mí) ........................................... mion-............................. .mion+................... mí-neutrinoP .................. mí-neutrinoN ........................................... (pn‘) ................................(np‘)...........................(pp‘)..................................(nn‘) ............................................... ........................................... p i o n s .......................................meson pí- ...................................meson pí+................................................meson pí° ........................................(np‘nn‘)....................................... (pn'pp‘) .................................................. (pp‘nn‘) Protoels with a thin black limits are in the basic mass state, protoels with a bold edge are in a higher mass condition. Vakants with them are agents of muons, pions, kaons and all higher types of mesons and hyperons. Pion pi ° is actually a very excited kvarton with two protoels with higher mass level. Therefore, his "breakdown" is about 100 million times faster than pions with electric charge. Generally is the vakant each structural anomaly in a homogeneous structure of kvarton‘s "ocean", which shows a certain degree of cartridge and uncompensated physical activity (excitation) of the surrounding null and void, i.e. fully compensated kvartons. Simplest types of such structural anomalies are vakants with only ones protoels. For it is the loneliness I called them singlons (p), (p'), (n), (n'). (Symbols with a comma are antipodes). These singlons "wrapped" with an excitated massfield consists of 4 elementary particles: proton, antiproton, neutron and antineutron. Protoels of group N (n), (n'), generating particle neutron and antineutron and have a "slap" more tangible effects quantum, than protoels of group P (p), (p'), which generate protons and antiprotons. Strictly by 1.3 MeV/c2. Why this is so, I do not know. (But this is certainly one of the reasons why neutrons spontaneously "disintegrate" while protons not). Another very stable type of vakants are duons. It consists of two protoels of mass antipodity, and the charge antipodity, so these variants are possible: (pp'), (nn'), (np‘) and (pn') The first two pairs are vakants of elementary particles neutrinos by type P and N. Because they are composed of the ideal itself antipodes their outer rest mass is zero, but both pairs of vakants, (pp') and (nn'), have towards each other residual P-N antipodity, which troubles many theorists, whether it is mass or not. Mass in literally washed it is not: it is a grupe antipodity. (Just as there is no tangible charge antipodity) Another two duons - vakants, (np) and (pn') form, together with their massfield antipodity known as the lower mass leptons in the ground state, the electron and positron. In addition to the two differential mass antipodes (mass particle of group N is greater than the mass of the particle group P) is also here applied grupe antipodity P-N. Therefore, the stability of these elementary particles is very high, proporcionaly to mass deficit internal links between both protoels in vakant. It is the second largest binding strukture in the universe after binding protoels in kvarton. Singlons and duons as vakants of nucleons and leptons were for many years only known the basic building blocks of our "floor" of the world. With the development of experimental high-energy physics, were gradually discovered other, more complex forms of vakants. But their "life", was very low and thus their high instability. And so the experimenters were gradually identified unstable "elementary particles“ which I classify according to the arrangement of their vakants as trion, tetron, kvinton, sexton, perhaps septon. Trions, and kvintons and the others exist only as ultrashorttime, transient (resonant) states of noncompensate protoels formations. Are somewhat more durable tetron when a substitution protoels of two equal groups podity (p→n, n→p). This substitution creates a short formation of vakants: (np'nn'), (pp'pn'). Theirs particle are known as pions. (Types tetron (pn'nn') or (pp'np') formed by replacing antipodean protoels (n‘→p‘, p‘→n‘)"apply" in antiworld.) Trions are vakants arise only as unstable, resonant, intermediate states with ultrashorttime life (generally <10-24 sec) in contact duons - singlons interactions, which can lead to replacement protons to neutrons and reverse, of course, with the current substitution of leptons. The Promiscuity dominates the world Transmutation vakants of nucleons p, n, in contact with vakants of positron and vakants of neutrinaN (antineutrino) schematically as follows: ........................................ (p) + (nn') → (pnn') → (pn') + (n) classically: .............................proton + antineutrino → → → positron + neutron (classical physics does not know the transformation intermediate state) ........................................... (n) + (pn') → (npn') → (nn') + (p) .classically: ...................................neutron + positron →...→ ....→.antineutrino + proton It's obvious that both of these transmutation can be schematically written to a "mirror" series, which can be read from left to right along the lines of the upper arrow, or from right to left by the lower arrows. The following procedure: in tight contact proton‘s vakant (p with vakant of neutrinoN¨, (nn‘) arises on ultrashorttime strongly unstable trione (pnn‘), whose anomalous decay occurs vakant of neutron (n) and vakant of positron (pn‘). And we may so read from right to left: in contact vakant of neutron (n) with vakant of positron (pn‘) unstable resonance occurs trion (pnn‘),that immediate disintegrated to proton (p) a neutrinoN (nn‘). It should be emphasized t18hat these close contacts of vakants not necessarily be confused protoels and thus the emergence of "new" particles. I think more often the trione resonance decay back to the original vakants. So, for example: (p) + (nn') → (pnn') → (p) + (nn') ........................................................Mirror changes of nucleons with leptons participation ........................................................... (p) + (nn‘) → (pnn‘) → (pn‘) + (n) .......................................................................................................←.....................← ..................................................... .proton...neutrinoN........ rezonance.,,,,,,,,,,.positron + neutron Another pair of mirrored transmutation vakants of nucleons p (p), n(n), this time over vakants of neutrinoP (pp‘) and electron (np‘). Transmutation consists of two series: .......................................(n) + (pp') → (npp') → (np‘) + (p) classically: ...............................neutron + neutrinoP → → → electron + proton (again, it should be noted that classical physics does not know .. intermediate state resonance (npp‘)) .....................................(p) + (np‘) → (pnp') → (pp') + (n) classically:................................ proton+ electron → → → →neutrinoP + neutron These two transmutation can be repeat schematically written in the same series as the mirror transmutation. ................................ Mirror changes of nucleons with leptons participation II ........................................ (n) + (pp‘) → (np‘p) → (np‘) + (p) ← ← ......................................neutron..+..neutrinoP.........rezonance.........electron + proton Similarly, there seem to be at antiworld equally unstable resonance antitrions confusion that accompanies antivakants with protoels (p') and (n '), according to schedule: .........................................(p') + (nn') → (p'nn') → (n') + (p'n) ..........classically: ............................antiproton + antineutrino → → → electron + antineutron ...........................................(n') + (pp') → (n'pp') → (p') + (n'p) .......classically: ...........................antineutron + neutrino → → → antiproton + positron ...........................................(p') + (n‘p) → (n'p'p) → (n ') + (pp') .....classically: ...........................antiproton + positron → → → antineutron + neutrinoP ........................................(n') + (np‘) → (n'np') → (p') + (nn') .......classically: .................................antineutron + electron → → → antineutrino + antiproton All of the above contacted interactions singlons with duons (classically: nucleons and leptons), have been observed in many experiments in direct frontal collisions of nucleons and leptons. Matter of principle, the trion resonance can‘t decay other than duon and singlon, so called baryon’, lepton’ and charge‘ numbers as their rules of preservation devised physicists are redundant! Here it is necessary to draw attention to a phenomenon that is in kvarton‘s physics general: In all interactions involved vakants there is no birth or death of protoels. The so-called "birth" and "extinction" of elementary particles, which is literally weedy academic physics, have no place in kvarton‘s model! All four basic protoels entering in interactions are changeless and stable. Changes only inner strukture protoels in vakants. Each vakant is build from protoels. The only change is in the new configuration of protoels in vakants from interactions outgoing. It's just such a submicroscopic: caskets chairs! Of course, with varying degrees of ties of vakants. Invariant and thus "eternal" are only, and only theirs primary protoels "tied" in vakants! As is also clear from both schemes: there is never any confusion in interactions with nucleons e.g. (p) +(pp') or (n) + (nn'), ie, classically: proton with neutrino and neutron with antineutrinos. ..................Similarly (p) + (pn'), or..(n) + (np‘), which are classical: proton + positron or neutron + electron. Notwithstanding the principle conservation of charge and podityes in these contact interactions, if they occur randomly, never lead to confusion involved vakants; always the actors' decay back to its original of vakant-particle. caskets, caskets chairs .........................................................................The decays of elementary particles. The most famous "disintegration" and literally pearl of physics elementary particles is classical "decay" of neutron: neutron → proton + electron + antineutrino. In the kvarton’s model, however not decay himself single vakant of neutron, thus protoel (n), it is nonsense of classical physics! I wrote that themselves protoels, are unbreakable and invariant. But in anormal (see above normal transition) transition of vakant of neutron over the excited kvarton in first shell of excitation, when in the moment arises resonance, ie unstable kvinton (npp'nn'), then from internal causes (non-standard position of protoels inside the kvinton?) do not come normal detachment protoelu (n), but quite anomalously on the opposite side of kvinton is detached protoel (p), ie vakant of proton. (Energy this substitution is possible). This anomalous decay of resonant kvinton (npp'nn') in (p) + (np'nn') instead of the complete kvarton and singlon is "lifeless". Tetron (np'nn') have insufficient mass so that very quickly (<10-24 sec) splits into two already stable duons, since they have lower mass, (np) + (nn') which are, as we know vakants of electron and antineutrinos. Such „self decay" of neutron is possible only for its greater mass than proton. Kvarton's "decay" of classical neutron give the following two lines: ........................................................ (n) + (pp'nn') →(npp'nn') → (p) + (np'nn') → (p) + (np') + (nn') ..........................................................classical notation: ......neutron → → → ...→ ....rezonance ...→ proton ..+ ..tetron .→. →...proton + electron + antineutrinoN ...........................................Phased diagram anomalous crossing the vacant of neutron through the kvarton ..........................................................................Substitute scheme decay of neutron ..............................neutron + kvarton .→........ konjuction . → → ...........disjunction...→ →..........decay 1. fase ....→..................decay 2.fase ..........................n + (p’p n’n) → .....(n p’pn’n) ........→ (np‘nn‘+p) ..→.... (np’+nn‘) +(p) → → (np‘) + (nn’) + (p) ......................................................................................................................................................electron neutrinoN proton The essence of the cause and mechanism of this "decay" of neutron was long a mystery of classical physics. They were invented various theories and reasoning patterns of conservation, such as conservation of nucleons, charge conservation, conservation of parity, lepton number conservation, momentum, and many others. Only the mechanism of "decay" somehow defies detection. It was clear to all that the neutron in themselves not "wearing" proton, an electron and an antineutrino or their fetuses. From "disintegration" arise from all beginning full elementary particles. Finally, the physicists decided that it "fits" into smaller components inside a neutron, to the quark Place of the whole neutron it decays apparently just part of it. But the dilemma remained: why and how the quark decays? They threw it to the existence of invisible virtual meson Z. Why from litlemassing quark "jumps" heavy-load mass (90 times heavier than himself neutron) meson? The answer still missing! Sokrates’s answer is: neutron‘s decay is an accident on his motion. What is certain is this: at some point of space with no obvious cause, neutron disappears and at the same point emerge particles: proton, an electron and a neutrino. In doing so, from this execution of 'neutrons hog' they break off for himself his mass. KMV says this: neutron haven’t an electrically polarized massfield. Kvartons through which the neutron‘s vakant passes haven't consistently oriented electrically only by its group's afinity (acting at a very short distance), and thus the resonant decay of kvinton not necessarily always lead to separation protoel (n), as well as transitions protoels with electric charge (eg proton, electron, muon, etc.). When such an anomalous separation occurs, instead of the normal kvarton all of a sudden arise an lifeless and lightmass vakant-tetron with three protoels group N, but only one of the group P, which is due to this configuration highly unstable and therefore immediately splits into two lightmass duons. Similarly, as a neutron , according to the standard model, should be "crumble" in this way a proton, but would have to be obtained from outside environment sufficient differential above rest mass (n - p). This deficit in mass, but also electrically polarized massfield of proton keeps him from spontaneous decay as it is possible for the neutron. Although proton‘s decay classical physicists of the Standard Model have long promised, and planted on its decay different ,trap', the above descript conditions prevents it. If the gain the protoel of proton (p) and its massfield by outside intervention enough mass so that arises when the short fusion with kvarton harder excited kvinton- resonance (ppp'nn') may be, like the neutron, the anomalous decay to (n) + (pp'pn'), and this 'undermass' lifeless tetron then also disintegrates into two stable duons (pn') + (pp'). ....................................................(p) + (pp'nn') → (n)+(pp'pn') → (n) + (pp') + (pn') Standard record: ........................proton + kvarton → .............n+ ........pion+..... → ....neutron + neutrinoP + positron However, this anomalous "decay" proton occurs only under specific conditions: when vakant of proton interacts with kvarton especially in highly excited massfield, for example near the heavy nuclei. Where is strongly disrupted the longitudinal electric polarization of kvartons massfield, (kvartons are polarized along the direction of proton' motion), which normally guarantees its normal transition. But not for free proton with albeit great kinetic mass it is not moving in very close proximity to heavy atomic nuclei spontaneously don’t decay. Its free decay prevents longitudinal polarization of mentioned his massfield. Classical physicists for decades, sitting at their tanks with chloride and despair scan the horizon something that could be called a spontaneous proton decay. Futile! Lee Smolin to them wrote: No proton decay was observed. We've waited long enough, we can honestly say that the grand unification SU (5) is incorrect. It was a beautiful idea, but her nature seemed not to adopt SU(5) provides two variants of proton decay: proton → positron + pion or proton → antineutrino + pion. Both variants are by KMV impossible of the simple reason: of resonant kvinton (which contains 5 protoels), nor a miracle, can not arise duon and tetron! Since 2 + 4 = 6, gentlemen! And nature it really knows not? The same is with respect for kvarton‘s model, which excluded interchangeable interaction of neutron with antineutrino and the proton with neutrino. If these particles meet together confusion no occurs , always departing the same actors. In contrast, the direct interaction antineutrino with the proton and neutron with neutrino can leads with certain probability to confusion as I described above. Decays of muons, pions and mesons generally It should first be noted that all four protoels may on very shortly of time exist in variety of higher mass . It is obviously possible the protoels with own internal structure, on which I still only speculate. The existence of two higher levels of protoels mass strongly suggests the existence of families of elementary particles. However, it is not in leptons whose three modifications have essentially the same physical characteristics and differs only different of mass Because all types of leptons are duons, or 2 protoels in vakant, it is possible to speculate that the electron, positron and two neutrinos have in their vakants two protoels with its base mass. For the muons of both polarities and both of mí-neutrinos is obvious that in their vakant is one protoel with the basic mass and the one with a higher mass. In contrast, tau lepton and tau neutrinos have in the vakant both protoels with higher mass level. In my record of these modifications I differentiate them with fat symbols of protoels in vakant. So are 3 families of leptons. Writing as follows: electron (np‘), muon (np‘) and the tau lepton (np‘). A similar distinction I used for positron, muon a taoun+ and so for both electron', muon' and tauon‘ neutrinos. By anomalous muon'-transition whose vakant is duon in a higher state (np') through kvarton arises shortly very unstable resonance sexton (np'pp'nn‘) . Anomality of this transition is that the decay sexton don‘t replicate muon (np), but protoel (n) in the time of separation has combined with antiprotoel (n') to form together vakant of muon‘ antineutrinosN (nn'). Residual Tetron (p'p n p'), which is sharply unstable (10-24 sec) (3p + 1 n), is then split into two longer stable duons (p'n) and (pp'), ie classic: an electron and a neutrino. If gets however, the residual tetron by fission of sexton sufficient mass (introduced by fast muon) increases its life on the order of 10-8 sec and arise meson pi and they then of course also splits into two the same stable duons. What has been written about the negative muon-, is similarly true of the positive muon+ with decay to positron and antineutrinoN. Kvarton‘s write of "decay" muon- during his anomalous crossing the excitates kvarton: .....................................................(np‘) + (pp'nn') → (np'pp'nn') → (nn') + (pp'np') → (nn') + (pp') + (np) ......................................Progressive scheme muon decay crossing with abnormal excited kvarton .......................... .mion- ..kvarton .........,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. konjuction .....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..disjunction ........................... decay ............................np‘+ ...(pp‘nn‘) → .....(np‘pp’nn‘) → (np‘+pp’+nn‘) → (np‘) + (pp‘) + (nn‘) .............. ...............................................................................................electron .....neutrino P ...mí neutrinoN Thus, in the 1st phase, by tight conjunction, protoel (n) of muon will bind with closest kvarton‘s protoel (n') and thus to bind highly stable vakant of muon' neutrinos (nn'). After their subsequent separation from the rest protoels of sexton then tetron are disjointed and "lifeless" tetron (pp'np'), which in the second phase immediately splits into two stable duons: electron and neutrinoP. Of course, that is similar on "decay" the muon+: After his anomalous conjuction with excited kvarton arises vakant mion‘s neutrinaP and then the remaining protoels (pn'nn') goes to pairing of two highly stable duons and arise vakants positron and neutrinoN. (How simple my dear Watson!) For example, in the anomalous decay of mesons K and Eta also arises tetron (pp'np'), but this meson have unlike mion much greater mass in its massfield and thus their decays particle obtain during "parceling" a resonant' okton have sufficient mass than the tetron (pp'np') that extended significantly his life. than they falls to the same two duons as the decay of muon. The tetron with hypetrofic mass and short „life“ (about 10-8 sec) is called a pion decays mostly to muon and neutrino muon‘s, for example (pp'np') → (np‘) + (pp'). For example, in the anomalous decay of mesons K and Eta also arises tetron (pp'np'), but this meson have unlike mion much greater mass in its massfield and thus their decays particle obtain during "parceling" a resonant' okton have sufficient mass than the tetron (pp'np') that extended significantly his life. than they falls to the same two duons as the decay of muon. The tetron with hypetrofic mass and short „life“ (about 10-8 sec) is called a pion decays mostly to muon and neutrino muon‘s, for example: (pp'np') →(np‘) + (pp'). Decays of pi mesons, or pions are schematically shown in the following two decay series. Pi meson is actually the same unstable conglomerate of protoels. Pions, as unstable tetron are actually products of decays of particles with significantly greater mass, for example: mesons K, D, or hyperons. Therefore, to their „life“ do not need assistance of kvartons. Scheme of real decay tetron‘s pi- pi +, as unstable vakants charged pions. ............................................................................Náhradní schema rozpadu pionů ............................... .........................(nn‘np’) → (nn') + (np‘).... │ (pn‘pp‘) → (pn‘) + (pp‘). .............................................................................pion- → mí-neutrinoN + mion- ......... pion+ ....... mion- .....mí-neutrinP From that picture you can see that the pions have two protoels with higher mass level (marked with more fat ring). From decay gets every fragment one protoel with greater mass. Decay of pion creates more massive duons ie muon's variety. This interchangeability of mion and electron is also confirmed by the realized experiments. Of course, the true mirror process: n + mion- → p + mí-neutrinoN ← ..................................................................Miror changes nukleons with mí-leptons ...............................................................proton mí-neutrinoN rezonance mí-positron neutron ..................................................................p + ..(nn‘).. → pn’n → (pn‘)...+ ..n ....................................................................................← ........ ← Heavy mesons K, D and Eta are actually modifications of the basic pi mesons, but with protoely at higher mass levels. (As evidenced by the decay of K mesons in muon + muon neutrino, or eta meson into two leptons + photon). This creates a large spectrum of mesons at different of mass levels. Because they are basically the vakants of unstable tetrons, and during their passage through the first kvarton their husks of massfield arises resonance okton, eg (pp'np'+pp'nn'). This 8 protoels conglomerate with large mass already offers great opportunities for its anomalous decay into "components" such as pi mesons, muons, leptons e-, e +, neutrinos and gamafotons. Those decays are often cascade' process in which the mass of decay "components" such as pi mesons, in its passage through the nearest kvarton recreates decay of okton and it immediately breaks down, to the well-known scheme for leptons. All types of mesons can exist in all possible variations and therefore, their breakdown products can be in three states of cartridge. However, a wonderful example of the decay of variability of high excitated tetron with higher mass are its protoels modifications o f decay Eta mesons, K and D. All of these modifications exhibit, due its superhypertrofic mass diverse in range of opportunities they decays into "basic components" of leptons. I mention here only the typical decays of mesons with classic and kvarton‘s writing are all consequences of anomalous transition tetron with a high degree of excitation protoels (mass), through strongly excited kvarton. ...........................Standard of kvarton‘s writing of decay eta → e +, e-,+ y ..............(pp'nn') + (pp'nn') → (pn') + (p'n) + (pp'nn') K → mí, ný + y .................(pp'pn ') + (pp'nn') → (pn ') + (pp') + (pp'nn') K-→ pí0 + mí-+ ný............(p'nn'n) + (pp'nn ') → (pp'nn') + (np') + (nn') K+ → pío+ e+ + ný............(pp'pn ') + (pp'nn') → (pp'nn ') (pn') + pp') Ko→ pi+ + mí-+ ný .... .. ...(pp'nn ') + (pp'nn') → (pn'nn') + (np') +(pp') Ko → pi-, e++ ný ..............(pp'nn') + (pp'nn') → (np'nn') + (pn') + (pp') Ko → pi+ + pi- ............ .....(pp'nn') + (pp‘nn') → pp'pn') + (np'nn') .............................................................................Hyperons. Like duons and tetrons may be exists in short life with higher mass also singlons mainly vakants (p) and (n). With most excited kvarton they created ultrashortlife kvinton‘s resonances with several of mass levels - hyperons. Like a hypertrophied duons and hypertrophied tetrons also hyperons ultrafastly decay either to hyperons with lower mass levels, or directly back to singlons (p) and (n), always with due accompaniment of excited tetronos pions. Also hypertrophied tetron ultrashortly may exist in multiple mass levels as K mesons, and any other types of mesons, with the amount of mass. All these types of excitated tetrons quickly decay into single nucleons and leptons. . ....................................................Some creations hyperons: without bolding ................Standard records................................ kvarton’ records .............. pí- + p → lambda0 + K0 ...... ..(np’nn‘) + (p) + (pp’nn‘)→ (npp’nn‘) + (pp’nn‘) ..............pí- + p → Sigma- + K0 ........... (np’nn‘) +(p) + (pp’nn‘) → (pn’nn‘)+(pp’nn‘) +(pp’nn‘) ..............pí- + p → n + K+ + K- ....... .....(np’nn‘) + (p) + (pp’nn‘) → (n) + (pp’pn‘) + (np’nn‘) ..............p + p → p + lambda0 + K+..... (p) +(p) + 2x(pp’nn‘) → (p) + (ppp’nn‘) + (pp’pn‘) .............................................Several types of decay of hyperons: without bolding ..............Standard record ................................kvarton’ record ............. Lambda0 → n + pí0 ..................(npp’nn‘) → (n) + (pp’nn‘) ..............Lambda0 → p + e- + ný............(npp’nn‘) +(pp'nnˇ) → (p) + (np‘) +(nn‘) + (p p'n n') ..............antiLam0 → p- + pí+ ................(n’pp’nn‘) → (p‘) + (pn'nn') To do this, is only need to add that all intermediate pi mesons and continued mí duons they decays into form e-, e+, ný, antiný. These meson’s decay suggests that these material bodies are formed by collisions the singlons with very high uprest mass , when they suddenly released highly excited massfields of kvartons and singlons together form a conglomerate several kvartons bound state, which, however, due the high instability quickly decays to tetrons and duons. All shoots with same bullets The origin of the electrical charge unit across whole physics KMV elegantly solves an ancient of elementary mystery physics: why have all types elemementary particles exactly the same particle, unit, electric charge. This is due to the fact that in all types of vakants with electrical hub is one protoel g The origin of the unit electrical charge across whole physics KMV elegantly solves an ancient mystery of elementary physics: why have all types elemementary particles exactly the same unit of electric charge. This is due to the fact that in all types of vakants with electrical charge is one protoel from group P, with the uncompensated charge. Make it singlon (p) as vakant of proton, duons (pn') and (p'n) as vakants of leptons e-, e+, mu-, mu+, or pi+ or p- pions, kaons K- K+, hyperons , and many other elementary charged particles. It is always due that their charge is induced by the presence of one charged uncompensated protoel from group P with electric unit in their vakant. One protoel of group P with uncompensated charge. Make it singlon (p) as vakant of proton, duons (pn') and (p'n) as vakants of leptons e-, e+, mu-, mu+, or pi+ or pí- , pions, kaons K- K+, hyperons or S+, S-, and many other elementary charged particles. It is always due that their charge is induced by the presence of one charged uncompensated protoel of group P with electric unit in vakant. For KMV are useless two types of fractional charge of quarks to create a multitude of so-called elementary particles. Grotesque is the case intermediálu W-emission. The quark d has charge only one-third. Since the W-meson has the whole unit electric charge, he should be the poor man quark "undress" a his vest,with one-third of charge minus and his trousers with two-thirds minus charge . So after the excommunication his W-meson remains him only the gym pants with a two-thirds positive charge. and became suddenly in proton. But what the devil did not want even later proton decided to decay back to neutron and by "born" W+ meson, during which sacrifices its two-thirds plus charge. The classics question is: how constantly the quark "produces" and transmits positive and negative fractional charge to decay mesons W with unit charge? These are incredible mysteries of quantum physics, which simply do not exist in the KMV! The classics physicists have this explanation: Mr. Heisenberg said that them mesons it on a fraction time allows. But, where takes the poor quark, for a fraction time, this the no limited mass for creations W meson, Mr. Heisenberg not says. He claims only that this mass the quark on the short time may have, but where it takes it, Mr. Heisenberg no longer says. Fortunately, KMV does not need these crutches! With modifications taken from websites on: url removed Precision original version with color drawings is stored in the attachment. Part III.doc
  14. Where is the 7th troop under a full moon? The French comedy eventually went well; found them. But worse is with the two quarks from pion decay: The official version says: pion consists two antipodean quarks, but each another "smell". In order to annihilate one of them has emited boson W and thus converted into quark of same fragrance each other. Yes, this is how it performs i R. Feynman in their diagrams : http://astronuklfyzika.cz/FeynmanDiagramy.gif, ( Fig. G.) But what happened to the mass of the two antiquarks after their annihilation? In the Feynmans diagrams missing path of heavy photon of anihilation point .In experiments and his interpretations the hard photon of annihilation also failed. In the descriptions of experiments is called just that energy/mass of pion's decay carry away two leptons from the decay of W boson. But the decay W boson can not get energy from the annihilation of quarks, because it could be held only after issuance boson W. Both leptons carry away energy, therefore only of the decay boson W. Where, is the mass/energy of these two quarks?! Socratův model it's simple: pi mesons vakants are of unstable kvartons, their vakants have reversed protoels (p) and (n). So vakant pion pi+ contains (pp'pn ') and pion pi- has vakant (np'nn') and they both quickly decay in two leptons: (np'nn ') → (np) + nn') (electron + neutrinoN +) and (pp'pn ') → (pp') + (nn ') (ie neutrinoP + positron). How simple my dear Watson. No mysterious of annihilation does take place here. Socrates' model quarks needn't!.
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