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the guy

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Everything posted by the guy

  1. the guy


    senegal bushbabies weigh around 250g and are around 16cm long (excluding the tail) but they can jump around 5m. :confused:does anyone know how they manage this or can provide a site showing the anatomy of their legs and describing how its done because that is pretty amazing. also, if you know of any mammal which is a better jumper please say so:-)
  2. the guy


    if sodium and potassium ions form the cations in our body what forms the anions?
  3. can anyone explain what is going on here? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6UTGkC73GE is he using an exothermic reaction or something? the only thing i can think of is that the water contains a slight sodium hydroxide solution which reacts with the aluminium foil.
  4. the guy


    ahh i see. thanks.
  5. the guy


    in blackpowder, why isn't ammonium nitrate used instead of potassium nitrate?
  6. if you did then if you where in the city you would spend your time walking into things because you wouldn't be able to see past them
  7. haha thats very good
  8. Is an induction heater basically an electromagnet with an alternating current instead of direct current? i'm finding descriptions a little vague
  9. lol i was wondering when someone would notice im just checkin up on stuff because a lot of these are available at home and i wondered if one could make money out of them
  10. could anyone tell me the value of solid sodium hydroxide per kg (or any other measurement if it's easier)?
  11. thanks very much that was very helpful btw thats not meant to sound sarcastic i just cant find a way of sayin it which doesn't lol.
  12. can anyone tell me the value per kg of iron oxide powder? if yuo would like to give it in any other measurement that would be fine. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedbtw its red iron oxide powder that i would like to know
  13. ahh yes thanks i was wonderin why you put that lol. thanx for the info
  14. wow thanx for that it was really helpful
  15. can anyone tell me the price per kg of PETE plastic? if it would be easier to put it in another measurement then feel free to do so. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedbtw this plastic is also known as PET probably better known that way
  16. thanx for pointin that out insane_alien i wasnt payin attention and went away with th wrong answer. don't worry tomgwyther we all make mistakes:D
  17. the guy


    just wondering what the 'quark' next to my name means. can anyone enlighten me?
  18. ok thanks for your help
  19. ok thank you very much for clearing that up. i am a student too im am starting A level chemistry next school year
  20. what is the value of aluminium per kg? feel free to say the price per any other measurement if its easier
  21. would it be possible to react NO2 and CH4 together to form NOC and H20? would you be able to ignite this mixture to give the said products or would this not work?
  22. could you grow keratin in a lab? if so how? could you grow it in a mould or somehow get it to grow in a certain shape? btw when i say grow its just a generalisation if theres another method please speak up.
  23. it doen't really say that at all could you explain, it doesnt say anything about foreign tissue.
  24. wouldn't helium be a better atmosphere than nitrogen since it's less reactive?
  25. would it work if you melted it in a vacuum?
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