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the guy

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Everything posted by the guy

  1. ok thankyou, and don't worry i do not intend to try this, it's bad enough sticking your finger in 0 degrees water!
  2. for a short story i'm writing; what would happen if someone's finger was submerged in -25 degrees C liquid? would it freeze enough to smash it or would it just kill it or what?
  3. ok thank you kindly
  4. if there is a canister of CO2 at 1200 Ibf/in2 (8MPa) and the liquid CO2 is released into standard atmosphere pressure and temperature conditions, how much energy would it take for the CO2 to evaporate?
  5. it would build more on longer, sorry i got my typing all muddled
  6. does a railgun not use DC....?
  7. but your brain would have to be able to produce the 'waves' you speak of, and then direct them, which does break a few laws. amongst other things...
  8. if the air is dry then yes. a lot of planes have static dischargers on them to stop the charge from building too much in flight. although if it was an arrow the chances are it's flight would be short so it would build considerable charge, but on a prolongued flight it would *wouldn't build
  9. i thought CO2 didn't have a liquid phase.... oh, never mind, ignore that
  10. so would it work with just compressed air (by air i mean normal atmosphere - nitrogen, oxygen etc.) also, does it have to be liquified in the canister? or can it just be under pressure?
  11. would the 'cooling' section of this page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canned_air work with carbon dioxide as the propellant? (i know carbon dioxide is used as an aerosol propellant in cooking spray cans) or does it only work with the chemicals they use?
  12. would it be possible to induce pyrolysis of plant material in my microwave oven?
  13. thankyou, could you give an example of a simple circuit design? and haha ophiolite also, what happens if alternating current is used?
  14. if you take an ordinary quartz crystal and apply a voltage to it, will it vibrate? if not, how do you make it oscillate? and will it be enough that you can feel it?
  15. when polystyrene is dissolved in acetone, is it safe to mould it with your hands without protection? or should rubber gloves or something be worn? i know acetone is used as nail varnish remover and polystyrene is, well, polystyrene, but some people say it's not safe and others say it is so i'm just checking
  16. oh ok thankyou very much that helps
  17. if you stopped it, and then reversed the current...?
  18. in a railgun set-up, if the projectile got to the end of the rails and you reversed the current, would it go back again?
  19. is it damaging in anyway to use a 9V battery on a 1.5V - 4.5V 13100rpm electric motor? i tried it with a 9V battery and it spins very fast and powerfully, which is what i need it to do for my application, but is it bad in any way? would this be allowed in a commercial product for example?
  20. ah thank you kindly also, if you used a faraday cage instead of a vase, would it also contain the ball, or would the ball pass through?
  21. about the experiment in which a 'plasma ball' or 'ball lightning' or 'plasma cloud', or whatever you wish to call it, is produced in a microwave oven by sticking a rod of carbon vertically inside the oven. (which, i would like you to know, i am not about to repeat for the sake of my microwave oven and myself) i have a few questions 1. is the 'cloud' of plasma negatively or positively charged, or neither? 2. why does it go upwards? if you stuck it to the wall of the oven sticking horizontally inwards would it still go up or would it shoot across? 3. is it hot? if so how hot? 4. also, does it have to be a rod?
  22. never mind i looked it up
  23. in the saponification process, does sodium hydroxide always give a 'hard' soap, and potassium hydroxide a 'soft' or 'liquid soap'? or are there exceptions?
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