That's wrong! Brains masculinisation, mostly the masculinisation of the hypothalamus, runs by estradiol, coverted from testosteron by CYP19A1(aromatase)! The estradiol activated the ESR1 and ESR2. These recepors activate COX 2 and COX3. These genes produce PEG2. PEG2 anway make faster the chlorid flow in the nerv cells.
Brain masculinisation means MORE detritic spins than a female brain.
Trust me I am right and you are wrong!
Because was you right, when I see tits I should get a hard dick. Or evenwhen I see a beautiful women, I should get nervous and/or get a hard dick! This is not normal that my brain do not react at this way. That's why I believe there must be a gentic mutation, which changes the biology in my body.
BTW: I was nerver sexual abused, I had a normal chidlhood, I grew up by a normal familiy, I never wanted to be gay, I never had bad experience with women, in my freetime I played soccer or ot sport games, I never wanted to be a hairdresser,
I will prove you, that I am right, and that I have INDEED a unfuctional gene, because of a mutation!
I have founed this: http://www.otogeneti..._seq_010812.htm
I wrote them, if it is possible for me to seqeunce all my exomes, so that I am able to research.
I am a affected person, I konw what I am speaking of. You are not gayy, so you have no clue. IT is bold of you. Because I don't have it so easy as a heterosexual man.
I have enogh suffered under this, and then I must read by that ''there is not genetic determsime for homosexuality''. That is very bold.