Didn't know where else to put it, so here it is.
Dark energy is transformed into dark matter by light holes created at the start of the Universe (the remnants of the Big Bang).
Every galaxy has at it's centre a light hole.
Black holes created by the death of a star don't take away light matter. They transform dark matter into light matter (hydrogen) and light energy (gamma rays and whatnot) as long as they can, until they are swallowed by the light holes left from the Big Bang, so that more dark energy would be transformed into dark matter and so on.
Redshift isn't caused by the expansion of the Universe, but by creation of light matter.
Light matter can be transformed into different kinds of light energy through applying different kinds of forces to it.
Universe's death comes when everything is just a big light hole.
That big light hole is transformed back into dark energy (and some light holes will be left behind also) by the Big Bang and the process starts all over again.
Time and space have always been there, they don't expand nor disappear. Only light matter has the power to bend them.
Our galaxy and other galaxies around us is our Universe (we also call it Observable Universe). It is constantly getting smaller because there is more and more light matter created.
It seems to us that it is expanding because speed of light is a false constant.
If you add (or remove) redshift from the speed of light, you get the real constant (but that constant can't be exactly calculated right now, because our systems aren't sensitive enough yet to do that).
Redshift is just caused by the adding of light matter. More light matter means more redshift. So farther away galaxies seem to be moving away from us because there is more and more light matter on the way to get here.
Our Universe is two-dimensional system, which is inhabited by dark/light matter and dark/light energy, all of which are built upon time and space.
Space and time make our Universe feel like three-dimensional.
So called Multiverse is what we call Unobservable Universe.
I know it's messy.
Not really debunking anything that our physics understands, just trying to explain it (which I think our model needs).
If you want to answer me why my theory is incorrect, try to do it in.. words.