(sorry if this is in the wrong board)
I have a question about my force field...or I am just guessing that this is what it is.
I've done things that I can NOT explain to myself. I wonder about them a lot. For example: today, I walked into my English class and no one was in there. The lights were off. But right when I stepped in the lights all came on. The lights closest to me flashed on and the lights came on in rows. The furthest came on last. Like a wave.
It was very eerie to me (just not knowing what was happening.) And the switch for turning the lights on were DOWN!
This has happpened before.
ANd also, I got into a very heated argument years ago with my younger sister. This time was like no other time...it was just about the most frustrated Ive ever been. I screamed and clenched my fists and all the ligts in the house turned off.
We stood there for a second...and clicked at the light switch a few times...but the lights stayed off. Only when I left the house, the lights were able to be switched on.
Is this what a "human force field" does? How does this work? Is it controllable?
For me, these events just happen. I feel like I cant control it or know when itll happen. It just does, like suprise!
I would like a SCIENTIFIC explanation of this...not religious (because I'm not...hint hint, thus the username.)
has this happened to anyone else here? Im sure it has. I just havent gotten any stories from others.
Im all ears