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Everything posted by 1veedo

  1. OMG STOP! Your all makign the universe even more complex!
  2. For some reason I'm thinking asperger's syndrom when I think of you. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asperger_syndrome It's not so much of a mental disorder as a personality trait, but in severe cases it can be classified as one. Poor social skills Above average intelligence, especailly math, science, language Better at writing than speaking Intense areas of interest (I remember a bunch of "computer" threads by you, and oyu seem to make a lot of websites...) ... And I'm thinking autism..."to yourself."
  3. At least we dont break their commandment: Though shalt have no other gods besides me. Other religions do, is that commandment not important or something?
  4. Yeah, she said the calcium "worked with" something else to boost the immune system. She recommended melatonin and selenium, one of which supposedly needs calcium. And as a senior class nobody is really going to be growing bones. After 16 you pretty much stop growing. It turns out my multivitamine has selenium so I guess there's no harm there. It also has a "sports blend" with green tea leaf extract, some BCAAs, and whatnot. (honestly I think it's more of a marketing ploy. GNC just wants to sell expensive vitamins)
  5. I dont know about the UK but in the US it's available w/o restrictions. The FDA doesn't regulate things like supplements though. Melatonin and any other supplement has to carry a disclaimer: *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Our government does do quality checks though. Bodybuilding.com's special line of products got in trouble recently about marketing and again about claiming certain things were in one of their higher power products (they claimed so much % of egcg in their green tea and came up short). [haha, rant] I think I'd trust the UK before the US though. A lot of people that dont need their molars removed in the US go ahead and do it, even if they're at risk of damaging that nerve or getting into other complications. I read an official letter from the UK government that was telling dentists to only remove molars if absolutely necessary (ie, the patient complains about pain). In the US we do it just because it makes some people money. [/rant] Yeah but green tea is another thing. I was just reading about green tea/egcg, which is how I came across that FDA letter. It's supposedly good for your immune system. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EGCG http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_tea#Health_benefits
  6. Sorry to bump an old thread... One of my teachers was telling us to take 1200mg calcium, so much vitamine C (500mg I think), melatonin, and something else, to boost the immune system. Melatonin looks kind of interesting cause it'll (suposedly) do a lot of things for you, the problem is there really isn't any non-biassed info on the web. It's funny somebody earlier mentioned echinacea and goldenseal because the body building immune system page, http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/imm.htm , has them both listed. Neither sounds like they're that great though (they're both herbs after all...), bodybuilding.com is quick to tell you how great different things are. My biology teacher though, last year, told us that bacteria / viruses can only infect acidic blood. Blood can be between 6.8 - 7.4 and the people with 7.4 get sick more often. The moral was to not drink soda and to drink things like milk or coffee. There might be another factor that just causes low blood ph and also boosts the immune system. It's not like you can really change it anyhow. If it goes bellow 6.8 you'd probably die. Some people get sick a lot and others dont so there has to be a reason, if only genetics.
  7. Jesus I wasn't being serious. It was alluding to GutZ's and a couple other peoples' posts earlier in the thread.
  8. George W. Bush is Christian, and he's much worse than Hitler. Ergo, Christians are stupid but maybe not fascist?
  9. I always liked CDBurnerXpPro for Windows cause it could burn ISO files (unlike several others). Plain old dumb windows would burn the file "CD.ISO" to the CD just like that.
  10. A lot of quotes get made up. The same happened to Einstein and Darwin. Like that Nietsche thing. Hitler definitely was Christian though. There are no ifs ands or buts about it. A lot of people dont like the fact that the Catholic church had such a large role in the Holocaust. (many people choose to deny it completely) There is a lot of information out there about this. For instance Christianity's Role in the Rise of the Nazis http://www.nobeliefs.com/Hitler1.htm btw Anybody who has had high school history should know that there aren't any big mysteries. Hitler never "lied to the public to make them follow him." Hitler was inately popular with the public. It's hard to believe but Germany had quite a few people like Hitler. Hitler just lead them all. If anybody's to blaim for WWII it's France and England for getting back at Germany after WW1. Or possibly Martin Luther for creating the foundation for Nazism in the first place (look up "on the jews and their lies," Hitler was more influenced by Martin Luther than he was by Nietsche. If we follow gcol's logic Hitler was partially sympathetic with Christianity/Lutheranism).
  11. mencoder uses mplayer if I remember correctly. It takes things mplayer can play and turns them into other formats mplayer can play. It works better in 32bit. Some wmv files will play now but around half are unreadable and thus unconvertable with 64bit mplayer.
  12. There's a big difference between a lump of cells and living, breathing human being. And you cant say you're killing the potential for life because technically speaking a number of things can kill the potential for life. For example you're not out there ****ing some girl right now. You baby murderer, you.
  13. Thanks for the info. I was joking more than anything else. I think the real reason we use these "random" measurements, like imperial and examples you gave, is more or less social proof. "Metric is better than imperial" isn't going to get that far in a country were everybody uses imperial. Comulatively, we base what we think is correct on what we think everybody else thinks is corrent. Something I've always found realy interesting is what I like to call "cumulative ignorance." It's where nobody really knows what to do, or people may have an idea of what to do but they dont want to take action without somebody else doing it first. What happens is everybody stands around looking at everybody else to find out what's going to happen next. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. There are stories of people in cities with medical emergencies who never get help. People might see somebody laying on the street -- is he homeless, or is something wrong? People hesitate and dont do anything. Everybody notices that nobody's doing anything so they assume nothing's wrong. Yeah, metric might be great, but nobodys really going to do it for one reason: Everybody (Americans) are going to assume that sense nobody else is doing it, they shouldn't be either. Nothing gets done and we're stuck using imperial. Quite frankly it makes me mad that most people do this. We all think alike but nobody really thinks that much. That's why there are many followers and few leaders.
  14. Metric is so much easier than imperial. 12 inces in a foot? 3 feet in a yard? Makes no sense at all. The only thing that makes sense is 100 yards in a football field. I'm not sure how many football fields are in a mile though. (actually, 4 laps around a football field... that's 3 football fields in a lap, times 4, is 12?)
  15. Maybe cause abortion isn't the same thing as murdering a baby?
  16. Play on a different server.
  17. What I'm talking about is physically putting a dvd in your computer and watching it. Not copying the dvd. Not making a tracker. Just watching it. They cant stop people from copying/sharing dvds. It's never going to happen. The industry needs to adapt not invent crazy shit like css encoding. It's a wast of their money and of consumer time. And like Cap'n Refsmmat said they'd be breaking anti-trust laws. Yeah, it's a shame. But what can they conceivably do about it? Apparently they (the tcpa) think they can control it all.
  18. He's not doing anything for him to "stop" in the first place. It's not a "port or ping attact," he just happens to be on a bad connection. Honestly, this is laughable. You think he's trying to DoS Quantoman or something?
  19. I think they should start using both, like the road sign (the weather channel shows celsius...). Eventually they can get rid of the old one all together.
  20. Heh lol recording industry of america. Should've known.
  21. Lol "I'm a Windows guy myself," no offense but I could tell long before you said that. At the very best I consider it to be a worst case scenario. That's what I said earlier but the tcpa could become a big nuisance even if it's smaller things. The problem is that companies see technology changing and instead of adapting to it they want to be able to control it. A good example of this is how the RIAA reacted to sharing music over IRC and latter p2p. in the United States, monopolies have certain power over the government. If they go whining about something they can get bills passed specifically for their corporation. The RIAA got a nasty bill called H.R. 5211 which basically allows them to hack any computer they feel might have a digital form of their intellectual property. They havn't used this power yet, but it's there. All these pieces of legislation are in place. It's just a matter of time before they start getting abused. The problem isn't so much computers as it is our poor excuse for a government. Americans are really the only people who have to fear the tcpa. It's illegal to put a CD your bought in your computer and listen to it. It's illegal to convert your CDs to mp3. It's illegal to back up CDs or DVDs. You break it, you have to buy another one. It's illegal to watch CSS encoded DVDs. You can descrambe CSS with Xine but there's a nice little notice on their website, "The xine developers do not support CSS descrambling. The use of this software for watching your legally purchased DVDs may be illegal in your country." The United States is one of the only countries where this is a crime. I'm always glad when I hear that the European Union isn't giving in to Microsoft's demands. In Europe, Microsoft and the RIAA have to play fair. People want to be able to fairly use and digitalized their media. But companies apparently dont want to listen to their customers. It'll eventually piss enough people off that they'll have to change what they're doing. I ask you: What's so wrong with playing a DVD in your computer?
  22. BZFlag is an online open source computer game. Making a hotkey is (if I remember) as easy as adding another switch statement for whatever key you want. It would be different depending on the game. (it's not some sort of magic abrakadaba thing) Your question was already answered Sayonara³. Laggy people slow down speed for everyone, chances are people you've seen slow down a server just live a good bit aways or have a slow connection. This is just something that a lot of bzflag players know cause most bzflag servers are run on home computers. One guy gets on from Europe on an American server w/ 500ms lag and everybody drops from 120~170 to 200~250. The easiest way to decrease lag is to kick the two biggest laggers.
  23. They can do this without "Corporate Suicide" for two reasons. 1) Most people don't know about it 2) They're a bunch of companies that together are practically unavoldable in computing. Even if you dont run Windows, some of your hardware was probably made by a company in the tcpa.
  24. I think I know what you're talking about without even looking at the site. It's called like tcpa or something, and although the bills are there and technically could be abused by microsoft or whoever, I think everybody's turning it into a bigger deal than it actually is.
  25. BZFlag sometimes has that problem on slower (ie, home) servers. You can purposefully slow down an entire server just by not responding to ping (you make a new hotkey and put the reply in an if).
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