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Everything posted by 1veedo

  1. Somebody on these forums said it was about 30% faster. But only if you have programs that utilize the extra functionality. On Windows a 64bit processor will preform no faster than a 32 bit one and will suck just as much as it normally does.
  2. Some crazy Canadian scientists think that sneezing is a good form of exercise, equivalent to 300-some sit-ups. My girlfriend's mother (very big) was offered a shitload of money to take part in an experiment. $750, I think every month, plus $350 for my girlfriend to be part of it (who is, btw, very skinny and definitely does not need to loose any weight). They said that her mom will loose a bunch of weight, just like she would if she started working out, and my girlfriend is supposed to get "toned" muscles -- the equivalent of her working out. But sneezing? It'd be pretty cool if sneezing could be an easy alternative to lifting weights. I don't know, but I guess some university in Canada's tryign to find out. Giving $750 - $350 a person they must want to know pretty bad. I guess sneezing kind of works your abs a little. 300 or so situps is a bit far fetched though. That many situps is near impossible and I've never sneezed hard enough to be sore the next day.
  3. herme3, do a search on findmyhosting. About different country domains: Some countries give away their domains for free. I found one that claimed to be a small island community and they were giving away domain names with their extention to anybody (non-citizens) entirely free of charge.
  4. 1veedo


    We all share similar feelings and color perceptions because we all have very similar DNA. Odly enough, there are casses where people will hear "red" or see "happiness." This is usually the result of brain dammage. DNA just codes a complex enough brain for us to feel emotions. Emotions are actually chemicals produced by the brain. Laughing and being positive (ie, happy) is good for you. Stress can harm the body. Certain drugs like anti-depressents, depressents, whatever, work by altering the level of these different chemicals in the body.
  5. It's a link. It links to http://www-stu.cai.cam.ac.uk/~cjr43/errors/ and you should see your mouse change when you hover over it (btw I'm talking about the first immage I posted)
  6. Just so you know guys, my post was a joke. Whether or not this is a "real" message that sometimes pops up, I don't know. I just thought is was pretty funny. Put your mouse over the immage. I gave credits to the webpage, http://www-stu.cai.cam.ac.uk/~cjr43/errors/ My favorite is Forget about not using IE. How about not using Windows, period!
  7. Can you get the domain but not the hosting? Most sites that offer cheap domain registrations also want you to use their hosting. This really pisses me off because it's like they assume they're selling to idiots who don't know shit yet want a website. When I say "buy domain name," I mean I want to BUY a domain name! Not crappy hosting, no site building templates, no security protection, nothing! Why do they assume we're stupid! They make me want to pull my hair out! If they'd let you get a free domain name, no strings attached, this would be pretty cool.
  8. Have you guys ever seen these sites before? I run across them every now and then. It says like xxx.com and displays your website, exactally like it is. You can browse it and everything. http://www.cekaf.com ping http://www.cekaf.com ping: unknown host http://www.cekaf.co (if you dont have a website, try to ping it) I'm sure it's just a simple php thing but what's the point? I found one that was an entire forum with members and everythign! But not me, cause it was too busy displaying my website instead of the forum!
  9. I got this error yesterday, you think I should be worried? I think it was trying to take over my computer or something. I crtl+alt+deleted internet explorer so it wouldn't close my window.
  10. 1veedo


    Locally, at least for the US, we aren't having enough babbies. All the baby boomers are going to retire and sit on their lazy buts while everybody else has to work for them. This wasn't a problem when there were 8 people working for one retired person. Not that I'm against it (don't meen to sound rude), I just think it's a problem.
  11. How do you get the virus?
  12. C'mon herme3, you can do it! I have faith in you!
  13. If you use web bassed email, such as Yahoo, your IP isn't in the header. Instead the orig IP shows up as Yahoo. Cap'n Refsmmat, that link is what I was talking about before. The "location" is not the user of the IP. I calculated this yesterday but I was on my XP computer, which lost what I typed in the quick reply. My dad said it was off 3 miles north and 6 miles east. (each degree latitude is 60 - 70 miles???) Anyway, it says my lattitude and longitude are 38.3515 -81.6320 In reality, those are the coordinants of downtown Charleston, WV. http://www.topozone.com/map.asp?lat=38.3515&lon=-81.632&datum=NAD83&u=5 I live north east or Chaleston The difference was + .15 and -3. Something like 38.49, -81.34. I'll double check when I find the GPS edit: My IP, for referense:
  14. They're allowed to have multiple wives, right?
  15. It only tells where the ISP is located. You can install a program called whois that'll do it in a terminal; much faster then using a web service. http://www.die.net/doc/linux/man/man1/whois.1.html I'm not sure about the exact location of the user, though. I know I found a website once that would take an IP address and tell you where the person lived but I think it was just giving the address of the ISP. 5614 would probably know
  16. Dave, Internet has been hell for me ever sense I started using Gentoo. I finally figured everything out: You need the driver loaded Your config must, and I really mean must, look like this iface_eth0="dhcp" I do have the IPs of google and yahoo saved so I'll try it next time this happens. This is a security risk because?
  17. Wow, they're getting more original. This time they've got my last name wrapped into the message and a reason to actually contact me. The guy Christopher Purchace QC is a real person in Crown Office Chambers, some English company. is a Londer mirror for Yahoo. Google I don't know how he found me, "azevedo," because google / yahoo doesn't show my site with that querry in the first few pages. Google also doesn't seem to show any spam for it. I almost trashed it but for some reason it seems for real. I could give him my telephone number and find out but I don't think it's worth my time. I still think it's a scam. The guy could easily impersonate some English dude. What I want to know is why he doesn't just look up my phone number. And why me out of all the azevedos?
  18. You mean /etc/init.d/net.eth0 restart ?? Lol, jk. But I seriously dobt restarting the computer (or the network) would do anything for the simple reason that every computer on the network lose the Internet at the same time. I'll try anyway, though. If it does work, that still doesn't solve the problem. Better to restart the modem then the computer. (heh, net.eth0 doesn't take more than a second but for my Windows computers....) I've already tried that. If I log off AIM/Yahoo/IRC, it wont reconnect. It's just wierd like that, connections will stay open but I cant make any new ones. Even those websites that "keep reloading" will time out. What baffles me is that any service fowarded to my computer will work; like bit torrent, my web server, etc. Bit torrent will upload like nothings wrong but eventually stops downloading if (I assume) the peers disconnect. I'm going to reset the router eventually, when I get around to it. I have so many ports fowarded to this computer though, and I'd have to go back through, log all the ports, and reinput them. I'm entertaining the idea of just fowarding EVERY port to my computer. Anybody know what the range is? 0 to 6999? Or do ports go higher? If it doesn't stop after the full reset then I might as well buy another one.
  19. This is the wierdest thing. It seems like I'm not connected to the Interent because websites dont load and ping cant resove hosts. But when this happens I'm still connected to AIM/Yahoo, I can talk to people, and people can access my website. It's like I cant make new connections but old connections are still active. I don't know why. THere's not need to reset the cable modem, all I have to do is reset the router.
  20. 1veedo


    Well they may not "choke" the ports but if lots of people use the ports then they will be choked through no fault of the ISP. This is especially true for cable which is why most Cable ISPs dont like a lot of things -- servers, p2p, etc.
  21. Nigger
  22. It's just an emulator. The Linux kernel I know has had the ability to emulate 64bit, and a number of other things, for quite a while. I remember having to set some special thing on my old computer that emulated a pentium from a celoron (the special math functiosn that the celeron doesn't have). This doesn't make it faster, at all. Actually it'll slow it down some. For example of the math functions, instead of the processor being able to auto-run the special functions, there is an extra software level that uses the CPU to spit back the pentium specific responses. You might as well use 64bit though, because it's a lot easier to "emulate" 32 bit from 64. For instance, flash / shockwave will not run on 64 bit. But you can install 32 bit Firefox on 64 along side the 64 bit version. You just ./configure with the --libdir=/usr/lib32 option -- assuming you've installed all the 32 bit libs along side the 64. I've also heard of people chrootting an entire 32 bit install inside their normal install. http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_AMD_64#Macromedia_Flash_and_Java_Under_AMD64_with_firefox
  23. I dont really like CSS. Or at least not as a "replacement" for tables. It handles cool tricks well, like highligting (instead of Javascript), but it cant seem to format right. I leave the CSS version of my site up hopping that I'll fix it. So I guess I might as well ask. I want the site to look like this, more or less: http://1veedo.homelinux.com/index-2.php At the main site, the bottom gets pushed off. You can see it on the "short" page here, http://1veedo.homelinux.com/index.php?1veedo=articles . I found several sites telling me to make one big CSS table and then a bottom one to enclose things in but it never worked. I found a site that advertised exactally what I wanted to do yet for some reason firefox, konqueror, and IE show the same thing.
  24. I fiddled around w/ PHP's method of doing it. They have functions at php.net (I think it is). You used to need an extra package beyond PHP and apache. Like mod_php-gtkGD or something. I think after version 5 it comes default though. When you use a package manager for php (5) you see libjpg, libpng, etc in the dependencies list. Images work just like any other file. header("Content-type: image/png"); $signature = imagecreatefrompng("mybooringimage.png"); Do some text coloring and, imagepng($signature); Something like that. Look it up, it's really not as dificult as you may think.
  25. 1veedo


    That doesn't sound like a very good idea, IMO.
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