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Everything posted by 1veedo

  1. I dont have the link right now but firefox is faster rendering. In other words you click a link and the page will be loaded faster. They're argumetn that IE is faster is that IE takes less time to load on startup. This is true but the claim that fiefox started faster has never been made.* IE is part of the Windows OS and taking up memory even when you're not using it. And I don't know where they got this from but firefox is definitely much better at web standards than IE. MS has done nothing but change and purposfully melign web standards. That myth shoudl be titled "Firefox displays IE standards better;" which it doesn't. The same goes for the next one, "web page rendering," because some websites are designed specifically for IE compatible standards and not W3C. Although what it points out is true what it concludes doesn't follow. Like saying "gravity makes you fall so buildings are unsafe." Firefox isn't perfect of course but that website is arguing the straw man The "myth" around tabbed browsing isn't that firefox was the first and thus "IE's behind firefox" (as herme3 said) but that IE simply doesn't have tabbed browsing. Nobody argues that firefox displays internet explorer coded websites better than IE. And nobody ever argued that firefox started faster than IE. Personally I like konqueror *A little history fact: MS was sued for shipping IE with Windows because other browsers, netscape, would't get buissness. MS sollution to this was to make IE vital to the Windows OS thus avoided the lawsuit.
  2. Nah... An atom walked into a bar and said, "I think I lost my electron." The bar tender says, "Are you sure?" The atom says, "Yeah, I'm positive!"
  3. What's the file name?
  4. Have it in the main ayout of the site. I hate places that have shoutboxes but outside of their site. Click here to shout!!
  5. I read in scientific american that global temperatures also rise as a result of farming. Early civilizations clearing land started the trend. Havn't you ever heard a vegitarian twll you about how bad cows are for the evironment? Same reason. Aside from that I cant really think of any other factors though. What I really dont get is why people deny global warming. The arguments made by these people have changed over time. "There is no global warming" "There is global warming but we aren't causing it" "Earth is going through a phase" "Maybe we're causing global warming but not by much" "Volcanoes emit more C02 than us" "Ok it's a big deal but we still cant do anything about it" Why do people deny it?
  6. I thought they would fall the same speed. Unless one has alot of air resistance or something.
  7. 1veedo

    Random Numbers

    I'm still not getting it. If you make a program for (n=0; n < 11; n++) out 10 * (sin(x)); then the output would vary each time?
  8. The bill is designed to stop people from writting software like p2p. It will allows companies (I guess SNEP and SCPP) to sue the developers of their software, ie, they'd have to charge people to use it. They think that if other people cant get the source then the problem wouldn't be as bad. For instance if somebody took firefox and gave it a built in whatever, the developers of firefox (in France) would be sued, along with whoever modified it. And possible anybody hosting a server in france with it. France doesn't have a very big juristiction though.
  9. http://www.fsffrance.org/news/article2005-11-25.en.html Are they actually suggesting to get rid of open source? What about companies like Novell or IBM? Wouldn't the bill be specifically designed to remove these companies from France? This truly amazes me. How can anybody be so stupid? And wouldn't this be unenforceable? Frech developers could just distribute their software on servers outside of France.
  10. 1veedo

    Random Numbers

    So you're saying no matter how many times I run 10 * (sin(1)) I will always get a diferent number? Don't blame me for being skeptical but I dobt it.
  11. This is the last. If you want "five minuits" we will give you five minuits. When five minuits turns to fouty five you've probably made us late for something important. To us, nothing means nothing. Men don't read body language and we cant read your mind. Yes, the plants got plenty of water. They died anyway. No, we do not want to take the quize with you.
  12. Is this his address and phone or the ISP? deep@multilinks.com?
  13. Either we can do it, or you can do it. If you know of a better way than us to do something, do it yourself. When there's no food left in the kitchen we will eventually find some someware else. We don't need to dress up to get the mail. If voyours want to watch us walking half naked to the mail box, then that's their own issue. Our cloths need cleaned, on average, once a month. We will eventually wash our own cloths when everything is dirty. Don't ask us if we think you're fat. We've been tricked before. If something itches, it will be scratched. more: You dont need to hate all men just because your recent relationship ended. Get on with your life. We're not always thinking about you. Don't think we don't care if we dont bring back a sweatshirt from Chicago. We cant read your mind. We dont consider birthdays and holidays as opertunities to buy gifts. Be glad if we even remember when you're birthday is. And no, we neither know nor care how many days it is till Christmas. Subtle hints don't work. Obvious hints dont work. If you want somethign, tell us; We cant read your mind. The letter "i" has a dot above it. There is no heart nor circle. And there is no need to make rediculously large loops for the p and g. If we cant make out your notes don't expect us to be able to read your mind.
  14. I'm about to do that. After I eat.
  15. 1veedo

    Random Numbers

    Just a question, softdragnoz, what does f(x) = ?
  16. This time w/ an ironic twist.
  17. Not to be sardonic, but has anybody ever noticed that new features in Windows are never actually new? I'd like to see something revolution from Microsoft, just once. Btw, isn't the "boot back to current state" already possible in XP with an add-on program? I read something about it on slashdot once, it starts back all the current user processes so your programs start up automatically.
  18. 1veedo

    Random Numbers

    I found a couple diferent flukes in C++ a long time ago that gave random numbers. They had something to do with creating a variable, or pulling something from memory. I don't really remember. You can look at specific languages to find functions that'll give you random numbers. Most rely on the current output of something, like time.
  19. Uh.. I have no idea. Try this website: http://linuxquestions.org You can try installing the video drivers first. If it's nvidia than just type sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx ... apt-get install nvidia-settings ATI: apt-get install xfree86-driver-fglrx If it asks to uninstall X windows you might want to hold off. It'd be better to get it working before installing a brand new X.org / dri. But then again nvidia has it's own "wizard" and it might figure things out for you. If it does take off x-windows install xfree86-common. Alternatively type apt-get install xwindows and it'll list all the diferent xwindows to chose from. edit: Btw you don't need to reboot or anything. After you run a wizard or edit the file just type startx (or if permission's denied startx -- :1/2/3) You might find it useful to hold down ctrl-alt-F1/2/3/4 etc to move between terminals.
  20. It depends on what you're doing. Windows is usually more time consuming than Linux when it comes to installing software. You can spend a long time configuring Linux but that's just because you can configure Linux much more extenssively than Windows. It's perfectally head of to install a distro and never mess with the system ever again. With Windows you're bound to eventually run into problems. Updates are horrible. Windows takes more time rebooting than it takes to fix an issue with Linux.
  21. You'll have to go through initiation though...and all kinds of horrible, horrible things.
  22. Uh, yeah. It's not configured right. To configure it you have two options. A) Try plugging in your screen syncs in the xorg config B) run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg That will inevitably ask you for the numbers as well. Try A first because everything may be configured properly except the sync ranges. If that doesn't work go to B. Shouldn't take but ten minuits tops. Have fun
  23. Superkaramba is a neat little thing I recently came across. I think it does themes but it can put cool wigits like the weather (with all the maps) and bandwidth meaters. I would post some screenshots but I'm having a hell of a time with my website right now... http://liquidweather.net/screenshots.html There are all kinds of things you can do with Linux it's just a matter of using it long enough to discover it. Try this, for example: ctrl + alt +F1 log in type startx -- :1 Neat, hu? Now you can scwitch bettwen F7 and the new F9. Play a game on one and feign your homework on another
  24. I installed the lattest KUbuntu and the only browser I got was konquorer (not even Lynx!) I know that you can install everything you'd want very easily, in fact the apt-get is much better than yum IMO. But the default install provides nothing, no development files, hardly any compilers, no gift, no k3b, gimp, XMMS... Try installing Fedora and you'd see what I mean. After installing Ubuntu (and synaptic) I spent another hour or so installing software, most of which come installed in Fedora. This isn't a downside in Linux because one can sped several hours getting and installing software for Windows, which doesn't come with much more than notepad. You can install bundles of software like kde-guidance, build essencials etc but I think they should come installed. The xine thing is that it doesn't support all the codecs. I've never had problems with DVD support but I did with supporting different media forms. Even still some of the codecs (certain AVI audio and wmv video for instance) don't work under 64 but xine supports many more video types when you build it from source than installing it from the repository. Kaffine played literally nothing.
  25. OpenOffice isn't my favorite. I'm assuming this is for Windows but KOffice is just as good is OO and is "lighter". For some reason there's an annoying crash problem with OO though I'm probably only one of the few that have it: Never post text from science forums that go over a
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