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Everything posted by 1veedo

  1. Half of these posts need deleted. Whoever started this thread, I think you're best bet is Ubuntu. Somebody mentioned the wiki and the unoficial guide for it. And everythign is pretty much automatic, even more so then Windows. http://ubuntuguide.org/
  2. You can check out my linux article. http://1veedo.homelinux.com/index.php?1veedo=linux I'm writing another one for Linux newbies. Basics, like how to install software, MP3 in Fedora, java, USB, things I remember having troubles or concerns about when I first started using Linux. I do have a short article I wrote about a month after switching but I'm going to try to explain things like tarballs, kernel upgrades, etc. http://1veedo.homelinux.com/misc/fedoraconfig.html Not to make Callipygous made but I think people that say stuff like that really havn't tried to learn Linux; they just get frustrated for one reason or another and decide to return to Windows. The distro can be a big factor. In Ubuntu, for example, there is a little sound / media thing that most people have problems with. Fedora doesnt coem w/ MP3 support. Some distros are text installs... A small thing like that and the halo factor kicks in. Linux is not perfect. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halo_effect
  3. He'd probably like Linux better then Windows. Speed, reliability, software... I recomend Ubuntu, FC4, and I've head that ArchLinux is a very easy distro. I tried installign it once and it didnt give me the option to partition, needless to say, I didn't erase my HD. You can probably shrink the partition after you've installed it if you want to put Windows on as well. There are plenty of people that'll help you if something ever happens. Much better then tech support, IMO.
  4. A lot of the more popular games will run on Linux but XP'd be easier. Linux would be better if you're doing a lot of online stuff. Don't have to worry about security and it's faster. As for word processors, you can install everything that has the "better then ms word" hype on Windows.
  5. You seem like a boring person to talk to. Be friendly and open, smile, laugh, whatever. But dont run everybody off! Besides, how do you know somebody isnt just driving through? Be nice and people'll like you more! Some just need to relax and enjoy life. If you act cold to everybody who hits on you you're never going to find somebody. This, in itself, is a "reason you're single." Be open to the posibilities life brings you. Think of this. A butterfly changes direction of a storm that goes through Detroit. Mr. Perfect's flight is dellayed 3 hours and arives at New York. The first thing he does is look for a coffee shop. He sees one but a bus inhibits him from crosing the road, but, he notices one a block up. So far all the forces of nature, luck, and karma are on your side. He notices you 15 feet away and makes eye contact. Just like every other looser you've met, he says HI and that he's out of town. He refuses to buy more hot chocholate. You will never get another chance to meet him.
  6. And if it's like reyam200 said, gay people could still have sex with women.
  7. Flirting is like role-playing. People do it to protect their ego.
  8. Disk space is so cheep they probably could make a profit with $.07 / month. As long as that 7 cents gets 10 mb. There are lots of people who would fall into that market. My first server was 10 mb, I think it was about 96 cents. I learned PHP and a bit about Linux. That was a couple years ago. I remember that I ran out of space and had to start deleting stuff, though. My current website is 114.8 but a lot of that is files in /misc, most of which I probably wouldn't be hosting in the first place if I did buy a server.
  9. Computers were around before the Internet and they used bytes. It would just seem natural for ISPs to talk about sending bytes instead of bits, unless they are trying to make it seem more.
  10. Plus, that 3"MG" is actually megabits. Why they do this? I dont know, but you always have to calculate 8 in whenever doing something. For BZFlag, that's 8 * 5 * users instead of just 5 * users...P2P requires some knowlege of your upload, which you normally have to devide by 8 to give in kilabytes...A big pain. I actually get 3 down but it's never consistent because it's cable. Cable is actually faster, in most cases. But DSL is far better to run a server from. I forget specific reasons. My cable company doesnt even allow servers. Telephone lines dont have the capasity to go very fast, and the more DSL users, the more true that becomes. But with Cable, your capasity varies by second. You're on a street sharing bandwidth w/ everybody else where DSL dials directly to the ISP. This is why Cable theft is possible...Also, data travles faster w/ DSL (ie, ping time) compared to Cable because it has to be shifted through and cramped with everybody else. Cable gets bogged down, esp if it doesnt have enough epstream bandwidth. Which is why Cable doesnt like servers. DSL = Dedicated Cable = Bogged Down
  11. That reminds me... http://www.findmyhosting.com/ Just tell it waht you need, and it'll arange it by price.
  12. It's called virtual servers. What you have to do is get your internal IP address and tell the router to foward all trafic on port 80 to your computer.
  13. Move to Europe.
  14. Actually, in Greek sosciety homosexuality was accepted and actually encouraged. Most athletes were gay, at least. Although I think it's more genetical then you're making it out to be. It's because of the religious right; conservative Christianity. These Christians try to say that being gay is a sin; in the Bible, it's a punishment. So they tried to prove that it's not a choise, at which point these fundies were like "No it isn't." "Yeah, it's genetical." "No it's not..." I had a fundy just yesterday tell me that homosexuality is a choise. To which I replied, "So what!" I mean, if it is a choise, and they want to be gay, why should you have to stop them? If I decided to take up football, would you retort with pig scin is uncleane? ...These people really piss me off. Even if it has nothing to do with genetics, though, it's still not a choise. You cant chose if you like vinilla or strabery ice cream; genetic or not.
  15. Over a network would work because the computer with that hidden file automatically does not serve it. If it were on a USB, other computers would see it. Unless there's a new feature where Windows slaps a little file on it. In which case only other Windows computer would see it as hidden; everybody else would see the file defaultly. But yeah, it's just common sense that windows networking wouldnt serve a file that hidden; Remember these hidden files are supposed to be system or sinsitive information. Open up CMD and type DIR. Now look in your documents folder and try to find files with dots in front of them.
  16. I've met so many bisexual women that I have done research. It turns out that women are very likely to be bisexual. Guys are either gay or strait. But with women, the mode is just to the right of being completely bisexual. There's actually a lot of psycology and evolutionary musings about this. There was an expiriment done with sex videos: Guys: Most guys like regular sex vids and lesbians. Women: Most women like regular sex and lesbians. Only a few liked gay videos. You can actually ask most women this question and assume it's yes: Have you ever felt attraction or held sexual desires for another woman? While a lot will say yes, only a few will call themselves lesbose.
  17. That's interesting, I have a Windows XP computer right over there. It does actually say that, but there are folders named with a leading dot. It's probably Windows again, try renaming under cmd. In documents and settings/me even, there is a .Java/ and .gtkbookmarks. I used to add dots in front of my folders on XP, but I remember that there was another way you had to do it. It's been a while sense I used XP. I think I did it in the program called WinRAR (or something). Windows is wierd like that, it probably doesn't want you to name something like that. If all else fails, write a short program to do it.
  18. That's a diferent thing windows does. A dot in front of the file name means it's hidden (ie, .hiddenfolder/). System 32 and other "synsitive" folders are stored in a random file someware in the depths of Windows to be excluded in dir listings. If you go into system settings and other places you'll find folders that arent called hidden under properties but carry a dot, thus hiding them from view. If you go to properties and make it hidden, it will only be hidden on YOUR computer. Just put a dot in front of the file. When you want to access it, all you have to do is type the address (dot and all). IE, USB/.hiddenfile (in address bar) or turn on hidden folders and click it.
  19. You can always put a . in front of the file. But some computers, especially older ones, still display hidden files. It's a good way to hide a folder on your computer that you don't want anybody knowing about, though.
  20. I think it was a Joke, a very good one. At first I thought he was being serious but when I got to the AMD part and next Linux, I started to realize it was. My favorite part was Linux. Can I reproduce it elseware, pleease?
  21. I have a JumpDrive secure, http://www.digitalfilm.com/jumpdrive/jd_secure.html . I cant actually find my USB but I remember there was a folder that contained a PDF and an EXE right on the device. I do not think Windows will automatically encrypt an archive; but, there is software that'll do that. I did some research and I think the software is called Safe Guard, http://www.digitalfilm.com/drivers/#software http://www.freedownloadscenter.com/Best/safe-guard-free.html http://www.magic2003.net/scrypt/download.htm?tag=left This does encypt data, and with the correct password, will unencrypt it. Or you cna go with the archive idea, like I said, I think there is software that'll encrypt zips. However, just putting a password in it isn't very secure. Plug it into a computer that doesn't recognize it and you'll find it's pretty naked.
  22. Pangloss, how'd you get your tabs at the bottom? That's really cool. I think it's a Linux thing, or maybe a 64bit firefox thing. I am running Fedora (good guess w/ RH) but if it's the same on Ubuntu...if Klaynos is running 64 bit, or it could be something else. There are other, more efficient ways of doing that. Even as somebody who does next to no web design, I know this. Same goes with your form boxes. Easier for one, and a smaller document for two.
  23. I have a JumpDrive that came with software that did this. I'm kind of buisy right now but I'll look into it for you.
  24. FYI, something is wierd w/ this page: http://www.bluealan.com/signup.html The fields are covering up text and arent aligned. (ie, Your Name, Email, etc) I've never seen a website do that before; it almost looks like there are two layers; the text/site layer, and then the forms layer.. http://1veedo.homelinux.com/misc/alansignup.png Other then that page, everything seems to be displaying properly. (and may I add that it looks like your coding javascript for the forms) Btw, a question, does gplflash work on 64 bit IE? I'm having a pain installing it for firefox. I'm about ready to install the 32 bit version to watch flash again
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