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Everything posted by 1veedo

  1. If you look at the bottom of this page, you should see a copyright notice. I put it there just to link to some legal information (hosting off my current ISP is iffy) but it's still there. Because of a legislation contained in H.R. 5211, you, right now, have an unauthorized copy of my copyright material and therefore it is open for me to attack your computer. Most browsers make “cache” of pages viewed by the user to speed up the time it takes to load a webpage. However, sense 2002, this is now an illegal and unauthorized practice. With your IP address, I could send a note to the Department of Justice, and in a week, I would have a legal right to attack your system across the Internet. This is of course a joke because I don’t believe in the practice. But it is entirely true. The RIAA, Microsoft, and several other controlling monopolies would like to be able to hack a remote system containing material they hold copyright to, regardless of whether or not you actual own a license (bought the material) or not. Ever sense p2p, they’ve been making copyright laws more and more complicated just to fit their needs. It is now also illegal to backup DVDs you’ve legitimately bought in a store. If your DVD breaks, too bad. Looks like you have to give the MPAA more money! And you know what? I don’t really care. I installed xine with CSS descrambling because I believe this is simply fair use. I want to be able to digitalize my media. I don’t want to have to purchase a copy of a lost CD. Plus I actually like listening to music on my computer! People want to be able to fairly use their media. According to a xine RPMs website, “The xine developers do not support CSS descrambling. The use of this software for watching your legally purchased DVDs may be illegal in your country. [<a href=”http://cambuca.ldhs.cetuc.puc-rio.br/xine/”>Daily xine RPMS</a>] According to the 5211 bill, a p2p network is (2A) any two computers connected via computer software that enables the computers to transmit files or data. The actual bill looks like this: `(h) DEFINITIONS- In this section-- `(1) the term `economic loss' means monetary costs only; `(2) `peer-to-peer file trading network' means two or more computers which are connected by computer software that-- `(A) is primarily designed to-- `(i) enable the connected computers to transmit files or data to other connected computers; `(ii) enable the connected computers to request the transmission of files or data from other connected computers; and `(iii) enable the designation of files or data on the connected computers as available for transmission; and `(B) does not permanently route all file or data inquiries or searches through a designated, central computer located in the United States; `(3) a peer-to-peer file trading network is `publicly accessible' if-- `(A) participation in the network is substantially open to the public; and `(B) the network enables the transmission of computer files or data over the Internet or any other public network of computers; `(4) the term `file trader' means an individual who is utilizing a publicly accessible, peer-to-peer file trading network to transmit, make available for transmission, or download computer files or data, or the owner of a computer that is connected to a publicly accessible, peer-to-peer file trading network and is engaged in the transmission of computer files or data through the peer-to-peer file trading network; `(5) the term `distribution', in the case of a computer connected to a peer-to-peer file trading network, includes the placement of a computer file or data in an area of a computer that is accessible to other computers connected to the peer-to-peer file trading network; and `(6) the term `copyright owner' means a legal or beneficial owner of an exclusive right under section 106 and any party authorized to act on the owner's behalf.'. [http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c107:H.R.5211:] By their definition, a p2p network can be anything transferring data over webservers, ftp, mailing lists, instant messenger, and just about any network medium. By clicking the link to view this pace, you (ii) requested to transmit this file from (iii) my computer designed to make the files available. (B) narrows it down some by saying it doesn't permanently route all files through a designated central computer. But the fact is that web traffic does not, mailing servers do not, and most instant messenger services do not. (3) goes on to say that anything publicly accessible with the ability to transfer data is also a p2p network (which applies to anything on the Internet) and that (4) a "file trader" is pretty much anybody using such a client like web browsers, servers, instant messenger, and basically any service connected to the Internet. In this way not only are you violating copyright law by viewing this website, I'm breaking copyright laws by making this site available – and it’s my work that I’m making accessible! I don’t know how much money I could make, but by giving free access it’s obviously nothing at all. It’s in this way that the RIAA owns music made by artists, and not the artists themselves. Every time you use AIM or yahoo (both mail and messenger), you are a p2p network and therefore liable to be hacked by the RIAA. Hell, if they wanted to, they could read your private email! I suspect that in the future, there will be exploits built into software and if Yahoo! doesn’t comply to let others read your mail, they’d be sued and threatened to be shut down. FYI, MSN already archives your private mail. What I want to know is this: What happened to the simple days when having a work not legitimately bought was a copyright violation? What happened to free use of a purchased product? If I want to listen to a CD in my computer’s CD player, why am I breaking the law? What’s so wrong with this? The future of the computer industry is looking worse and worse as new laws such as TCP are coming in. And it’s already started. Information self-determination is already becoming more and more illegal. Pretty soon, it will be illegal to copy or save files, and create programs – all will be controlled by Microsoft and if you don’t do things their way, you can be put in prison (TCPA law). Free speech will be illuminated. And the computer industry as we know it today will be gone. The only way to stop this is to let people know what’s going on. I’m doing my part. ------ I was writing this originally for a blog or article at my site. So when I mention copyright notice, I realize that SFN probably has some sort of disclaiming saying the ideas of it's users are not of SFN, but for all practical purposes...
  2. 1veedo


    There are some commercial games that play on Linux. Actually, more then most people think. Plus, there are free games you can play. Doom, Sim City, Unreal, Medel of Honor, Soldier of Fortune. and a few more popular titles. If you want, you can check out an article on Linux I wrote. I still need to add a couple sections, but all the "pros and cons" are there. http://1veedo.homelinux.com/index.php?1veedo=linux
  3. Hm, I never knew that. The two people I've helped in the past found their router with that address. I did find the combination of numbers kindof weird. So if none of those numbers work for you, Primarygun, then read the instructions for your router A big "problem" most people first get when trying to set up a server is "Well, I can get to it IN my network, but nobody else has access!" FYI, clients and servers are two seperate things. If the mozilla thing is a packaged deal then it just installs two applications. My information applies to any operating systems. VSFTP is, I believe, open source so it shuold run on just about anything with out a lot of over head. I would still recomend it reguardless because it's light and more secure. The commands to get it started would vary per OS but the link I provided should be all he needs in any OS (I'll be it, some of the more advanced stuff may not work if it's not on UNIX).
  4. So is DynDNS. I like their selection of domains better then no-ip. I would look at both of them. The service is the same, so find whatever domain you like the best and go with it. As for a far better FTP server, look into vsftpd. Chances are, you probably already have an FTP server. If not, just apt-get, yum, or whatever vsftpd. Much easier then getting a tarball to compile, and quicker. Another thing to look into is your router. Go to and look for something like virtual servers. Direct trafic from 20 and 21 to your (internal) IP address. You can find that out with ifconfig. http://www.brennan.id.au/14-FTP_Server.html
  5. It wasn't blocked, but I specifically "accepted" images and it worked. I swear it was like that for every browser! Anyway, it's fixed. Thanks.
  6. For about a week I've been waiting for these forums to get fixed, but maybe nobody else has this problem? It worked before I went to camp (3 weeks ago I think) with the same browser, same OS, same everything. Anyway, this is waht happens. Threads sometiems load completely, but the rest of the site (indexes) only load so far. They stop at the immages on the left. If I wait long enough, I see text, Go to first new post You have 1 post(s) in this thread, last 06-17-2005 Poll But there aren't any actual images. It just says "Transferring data from pagead2.googlesyndication.com..." Even right now, in post new thread, the smilies at the right aren't loading. Nor the "icons." Just to illistrate how bad this is, I had to look in the source to find "New Thread" in order to actual post this...The post new thread button never appears. It does this in Firefox, Epiphany, and Mozilla. I'm using FC4. Here's a screenshot: http://1veedo.homelinux.com/misc/scienceforums.png If I wait long enough, it stops loading, but the images still don't appear. Edit: I noticed that sometimes it says "Transfering data from ads.digitalpoint.com..." instead of google. ( Ironically, the edit post button doesn't show up either.)
  7. The only constant is change.
  8. I personally think there are a lot of cynics on this board. From expirience elseware, btw. That is kind of typical for people interested in these forums, though. Generally "unintelligent" cynics are more dogmatic then anything else whereas most cynics have objective reasons to think they're right and therefore tend to think everybody else is dumb for not seeing it their way. It could be possible that both sids of the "argument" were just head-strong.
  9. I just use gaim...
  10. I've been using tor for a ver logn time -- way back when it only worked on Linux. I have run the actual server before, but I recentally installed ubuntu so didn't go through the trouble again. Right now I think I'm running just as a client. I like it though. Giftd seems to keep me anonymous enough to shar all my files. And on top fo that I run peerguardian. Peerguardian is like a firewall that puts IPs against a blocklist. If the RIAA wants to download something, peerguardian resets the connection http://tor.eff.org/ http://methlabs.org/
  11. 1veedo

    Mscle Cultures

    Stem cells would be just how you'd do it. Just make a cell culture, wouldn't be that hard Instead of raising animals to use for meat, grow your own meat w/o the rest of the animal.
  12. 1veedo

    Mscle Cultures

    I was just thinkign about this in the car a lttle while ago... Stem cells can grow any kind of tissue. So what if you created cell cultures of human muscle? Just make strands of nutrients, and the muscle could grow down. It weould be very cheap to make (compared to the environmental distruction cows are doing) plus, logically, human muscle would be best for you sense it already has all the stuff required to grow!
  13. Yeah, that's what I cant pass No cows.
  14. I've tried both. Like I said above, if I use another browser I don't get the gray and red screen saying "Restricted...useless bs" but I get black letters sayign "Forbidden." The PHProxy I found just takes the data and creates headers for everything. Images are linked through the script, falsh, everything. And it makes its own headers. You can check out the source if you like. It's actually pretty short and simple -- I just wasn't aware PHP could do that. Edit: Actually, on my old 95 box I'm thinking about using bootcd so I can install Debian and make it look as much XP as I possible can This way I can boot into my custom LiveCD and do whatever the hell I want!
  15. Then it wou;dn't be the actual webpage...and impossible to play games. All you really need to do is send everything through a computer not on the blocklist -- like a proxy. If the headers contain IP addresses that aren't blocked, the content will get through.
  16. I got stuck on the internal IP one too...and tried to find a tool that would get it!
  17. You mean you get to use Suse at your school? I'm jealus We're stuck with Windows, except for the server...
  18. 1veedo


    http://thinkgeek.com oops, my bad. Try cafepress or whatever that site is. I don't buy a lot of clothing online but have from thinkgeek.
  19. 1veedo

    Games U Like

    I like wesnoth and bzflag. Not big on the expensive non-open-source games.
  20. Then get an AMD 64 bit!!! Linux can already take advantage of the extra power. I think there's some betta XP thing, but I'd never touch a betta release of M$ Trust me, get the 64. In my opinion AMD bassed systems are better. You can probably try looking around on google. The only downfall to the 64 that I've found is that installing flahs is a pain in the ass! I had to read an article for gentoo to get it on ubuntu, and I'm really not sure how I managed it. I've heard that AMDs aren't as good for "multitasking," though...and for some reason AMDs are always prefered for gamming? Quick question: Are they diferent archetectures completely? I know intel uses x86 because my system used to be intel. I'm not sure if AMD's are "x86."
  21. You can use it through the site. You can also download the PHPs and host it at your site. I don't think you'd notice the diference but sense I'm all the way over in WV, hosting it off your connection might constitute faster responses.
  22. My school has a firewall on IE. My little thumg firefox will resolve sites that IE cannot. And putting the IP in IE will not work. Then there's a sort of proxy that acts as a fireall for the entirety of the ISP! They only want teachers usign their (pretty long) email so they can check on what they're doing. Telent to 25 will work if you find services not on their blocklist. Until recently google worked just fine but that's been added. I really don't know what their ISP thing does...Sometiems if I bypass the IE blocking or am using firefox I'll get "Forbidden" but will not get their gray and red screen. So I'm assuming just the "forbidden" is a message from the ISP and the gray and red screen is sent by the firewall placed on top of IE. All of these can be bypassed by PHProxie, though
  23. Isn't that the same thing? If a firewall sees an IP that's on the blocklist it wont let it connect. I'm not talking about filtering or protecting ports, I'm refering to the kind of firewall used to censor content on the web. It'll check the source address against a list of IPs and if it finds it then the host won't be able to connect. Proxies are actually used instead of firewalls for some (mostly larger) networks. It does basically the same thing except, as dave pointed out, HTTP will censor URLs as well.
  24. Most do. Charter's is at webpages.charter.net/whoever In My Memory, I have actually tried all those hosts before. The second two are add ware and have pop-ups. I was actually unaware of this until I noticed pop-ups on IE at school...then saw the cookies. Not sure about the first. If you want free web hosting don't click in the first few results from google. They make their money in other areas. There are free web hosts otu there, just hard to find.
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