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Everything posted by 1veedo

  1. If Hellen Keller falls in the woods does she make a sound?
  2. Downlaod the lattest Knoppix. If anything goes wrong w/ your bootloader, you want a way to get things back to normal. Booting into the live CD will allow you to run #grub-install /dev/hda. You can also look into the /boot folders of your installed OS's and copy the kernel images, etc. You may even find the grub config file still in the root HD partition; just copy it to a safe place, reinstall grub, and put it back I speek from expirience.
  3. I dont get it then... Y = 2 so x^2+2x+7 4 + 4 + 7 = 15? I thought these were three diget numbers. ...4 - 112 + 790 682? Ok, anyway. If you have a message like that and the formular (ie, key), how would somebody (the entended reciever of the message) quickly find out what it is?
  4. Never done that beofre. My math teachers always suck. I sleep all class, get writen up for "disturbing others," and still manage A's That actually looks like a lot of fun. Maybe I'll teach myself some of that.
  5. there are 26 letters in the alphebet. I think a good bet would be that 71 = 7 - 1, two letters. But 13 = only one letter. Maybe they're even in order, but that would make it too hard. And then again, maybe 42 is actually aquin to 21?
  6. This is a SCIENCE forum. I don't think we should make an evolution vs creationism forum. There are already sites dedicated to that sort of thing. I'd rather this be an intilectual site. Moderators could edit posts in actual evolutionary discusion of anoying fundys. Move threads to the religious section if started by a creationist. Or split a thread from evolution and evolution vs creationism.
  7. This is a new movie I think most SFN'rs will like. Here's a trailer: http://www.thegodmovie.com/trailer/tests/GodWhoWasntThere-Trailer-LG.mov It's goign to be released June 6. Same day school is out. Same day Fedora Core 4 comes out Watch the trailer, it's really interesting. Jesus didn't exist Roots of Christianity Controdictions in Christianity Problems w/ religion The God Movie
  8. You'd also have to expose it for a really long time. As you can tell, something that small would be all smuged up...it'd take computer enhanced imaging to take individual frames out of it.
  9. I think Yellow Dog is designed specifically for the mac archetecture. I do know that (unlike Windows) almsot all Linux distros will run on any peice of hardware. Yellow Dog (again, if I remember correctnally) sounds like a pretty cool distro. Bassed on Fedora Core but it's customized and has a bunch of cool stuff...I don't know, I just liked it when I read about it. See what you find out about it.
  10. besides, desies (esp viruses) evolve more rapidly then higher level beings.
  11. .999.......... does in fact = 1. They are completely replaceable. --------- I did not read the italics in the OP, but "nothing is unstable" is a standard principle in the realms of quantum cosmology and other sortof quasy-physics dealing w/ the "something from nothing." I have read a lot on this subject but cant say that I'm an expert. I understand more then I can actually communicate in words. The one thing that people seem to not be able to get is this: Something cannot come from nothing! But when you actually take a look at what nothing really is (nothing), then you begin to understand how it's possible. Nothing has no time, energy, space, laws, nor principles. Just noting. But "Something cannot come from nothing" is indeed a property that you're trying to apply to it. So therefore nothing is unrestricted. There is an infinite probability range: including nothing. Everything has an equal chance to exist. Because in fact, nothing cannot exist. Nothing is a subset of any and every set. Everything is also (partially) nothing. But lets get back to "no properties" can be applied to nothing. One cannot say that "X will result of nothing" in the same way that one cannot say "Z will fluctuate," "nothing will happen and will remain nothing," and "a + b will emerge as an imaginary particle-like relation." This is why I believe the universe is governed by quantum mechanics. The very idea of nothing along w/ some anthropic observations almost guarantee that the highest probability will indeed be a universe governed by probability. It's really not that difficult of a concept to understand. I'm not going to rant, but here is a link to what I personally think about this: http://1veedo.homelinux.com/index.php?1veedo=blog&&blog=2&&t=1 However, this is a bit more "in depth;" if you don't know what the implications of a + b = 0 are, then you may want to read this before the article: In algibra you do a number of things to dimonstrate that something can coem from nothing and that indeed everything is nothing. Factor this xx + 2x + 1 = 0 (x + 1)^2 = 0 xx + x + x + 1 = 0 xx + 2x + 1 = 0 What happened? Did you notice that we created some values? a + b = 0 We could be looking at a and b when in fact they sum to 0. 0 55 = 55 55 - 55 =0. Do you see where I'm going? Just think about it. I'll be around to clarify some of this.
  12. We could aslo make posts in that forum not count to your total post count.
  13. School violence isn't as bad as it used to be. "Teens" in general do less drugs, damage less property, etc.
  14. I think philosophy is an addition, and technically religion could still be "debated" there But I do see how the keyword "religion" is bad for the forum.
  15. I have taken online IQ tests and one at school. The school gave me 144 and I've taken tests that give me around there and others that tell me my IQ is 180! It just depends. Actually, I've taken 3 online. Emodes (web.tickle.com I think) and that High IQ society place are both acurate. The one that gave 180-something was at some big testing site. It was like 40 questions and true or false.
  16. I'm persoanlly not very big on string theory. There is actually another "traditional" quantum mechanics theory pertaining to the big bang, and a new theory (well ok, hypothesis. Or models. Whatever) I just read about that proposes neutrinos are responsible for having more matter then antimatter at the beginning of the universe as well as dark matter; actually, it eliminates dark mater / energy from the equation. The reason for this is all mathematical of course; one of the 3 equations that have been worked out involve imaginary numbers that ignore the duality between matter and antimatter. I'm optimistic about it. I used to be behind string theory 100% but I honestly dobt it's integrity. There are other theores. Revised Newtonian Cronodynamics is another one that is completely out of QM, eliminates dark matter, but has no backing for it. Just dont get dogmatic about string theory...It's not even a theory.
  17. I have all my operating systems on a 40G, a (shared) swap at the begining of my 80G, and the rest of that is designated for my files. Althoguh I do have a couple oddball partitions. One I think is an old /usr partition I'm about to format and try longhorn (10G). I'm also putting an FAT where my current SWAP is (1G) because I found an old 3G laying around the house. I don't know how fast it is, but I might make a gig swap. So on top of storing the OS and other files on diferent HDs, also put your swap on another one
  18. I think I saw it a slashdot, or in a thread someware. Possible even at that ****micrsoft site.
  19. Haha. My IQ test turned back negative!
  20. In Windows Longhorn you will have to pay for updates. In both 98 and ME, M$ intentionally put bugs in thier products. Why? A new version of 98 was released, and a new version of ME was released. These are typical M$ practices.
  21. OP: I don't know if anybody has answered this, but I remember reading exactally that in the book abut a year ago. He was talking about a static universe; one that is not inflating. In a static universe, the light from stars would be so intence that night would be as bright as day. This has nothing to do w/ weather or not space is infinite. Edit to Add:
  22. Actually, that's a myth. Albert made average ( C ) grades. He was not "dumb." That has been exagerated because soem people would assume he had amde A's.
  23. Dude. The admin of this forum are not book burners. Why would it matter if you made an index of other science forums?
  24. Dude, think about this: I run a web server over port 80. Does that mean that other people on my network cant access httpd? Routers are smart. An incomming connection would be fowarded to a specified computer but if another computer is using the port as well, like a browser is opened, and a ping has responded to its outbound request, data will be sent to that one. Make sense?
  25. Yes, I already knew that. I was just wondering if google notices when sites are down, or if it's a subdomain.
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