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When time is considered a quanta, its called the chronon. 10^-43 is planks time, and is how large a chronon is. Plank time is how long it takes a photon to travel planks length. Since nothing can go faster then light, nothing can take longer then 10^-43 to transition states. Thus, plank time (chronon) is the smallest unit of time. http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/C/chronon.html Time is 2D in almost every model except 4D relativity, and Newtonian mechanics. The discovery of sum-over-paths is why quantum mechanics has two, and sometimes more dimensions of time (dependent on the model there is one that has 1D of time). But yes, most theories have at least 2D of time.
time always moves at 10^-43 also, time is 2D in most cases, so the river example isnt very good. In quantum mechanics for instance, one of the uncertainty principles concerns the enrgy of a particle and its time stating delta(e) * delta(t) > h go figure
Like what, time? 10^-43 Free state?
In QM, everything is, well, quantified. Lets say that you need $1 to get on the train, and the money collector is only collecting exact change. If you have $2 you cant get in, if you have 1.01, you cant get in (of course, 1.01 cant happen in QM). Lets say a photon’s frequency is x. If x is the frequency it needs to be remitted, then it will be. If x is whats needed to be observed and remitted at another wave length, then it will be etc. And, as you’d guess, the same holds true negatively and conversely.
That's only in the case of 5 theories that in addition to 11D supergravity make up M-Theory. There are still other less known string theories that are not part of the M-Theroy map.
open notepad and past this: [shell] Command=2 IconFile=explorer.exe,3 [Taskbar] Command=ToggleDesktop Save the file in file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/veedo/Application%20Data/Microsoft/Internet%20Explorer/Quick%20Launch [or similar]
Show desktop, in the system tray. I'll look around for the image later, probably tomorrow. I have things to do, pertaining to school.
I thought they had free press. And their internet is censored? Yeah, I guess you’re right. That’s probably because some of the country that’s inland is in more of a ‘village’ scene and therefore make far less. I have a neighbor that went to China on business and seems to believe that Chinese live better, or at least in the cities. China has some problems, but its not as bad as other communist countries.
I got lots of response on this. Maybe it was Feyman, but I didnt think he had much to do with relativity; sum-over-paths... I know, from Greene’s The Elegant Universe that after Eienstein presented his theory of general relativity, another scientist suggested a new model that incorporated electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force (by using 6 dimensions). Eienstein didn’t like his ideas at first but later, like his cosmological constant, admitted to the validicity of the model. One of our physics teachers at my high school, whom I took computer science from, talked about how he “didnt like the new physics book” one day because it only taught “the classic model” and “left out the 6D theory”. (PS. I just shortened the two forces for electroweak so I didnt type both of them; I was not refering to cosmology)
No no no, you're missing it completely. Lets say that I have two cards, a king and a queen. Now lets say that I flip them over and randomly put both cards into separate boxes. We have no idea what card is where. We open box A to find the king. This means that box B has the queen. If the queen would have ben found in box A then box B would hold the king.
I used to have an icon on my site, before it's censor [ ] Credit for making the image goes to vigge (http://vigge.net/).
Not necessarily. GR has 6. Most people are taught classical relativity in high school and college unless one is perusing a degree in physics. The ideas of the standard model of relativity is largely because of the work done by Friedman. Einstein didnt like the idea until 2 years after the publication, then decided it served as a better mathematical model because it incorporate the electroweak forces. Later attempts at adding more dimension to the theory (to incorporate the strong force) have ben unsuccessful, though there are some models that may get some attention if a 5th force is discovered (hense the God Particle that will be looked for in Switzerland).
That would be an example of the government ‘corrupt’ (By our standards). Commusims can be run without limiting the rights of people. In China for instance, freedom is limited less then it is in the US (here we have Nazi organizations like the Religious Right and the Christian Coalition for America). It’s just very easy to abuse if not set up on a proper constitution or democratic principles. Chinese have free speech. The Soviet Union didnt. However, Soviet Russia was more of a theocracy then anything else; running under the Russian Orthodox until it’s collapse.
I always thought communism was more of an economic system then a government itself. Hense everybody works the same and gets paid the same? I'm kindof interested in how communism works.
Most modern theories have more then 4 dimensions.
Communism isnt a bad government; its structured very well. Basically, everybody works the same and gets paid the same. Everything you buy is through government, hens a closed market. The problem is that the world is pretty much open market. Communism isnt oppressive, it can be, like democracy, but communism itself can be run democratic. There’s much more to it then that, but the government itself does not equal failure. Actually, middle class citizens in China have higher standards of living then in the US. (In the developed areas of course, some of china is still ‘village’ when you go inland enough) Personally, I dont like communism. Though I dont like the concept of a president, I like an open market. Communism is just too easy to abuse if it isnt set up with a proper constitution and democratic policies.
I was really trying to compare the 'heap of cells' with an ant, or an ameba. Is it inherently wrong to kill a cockroach? I guess its kindof a paradox, but looking in the long run, if we consider the practice as killing, then we can say the death of a few will benifit billions and even trillions of people years to come.
The way I see it, there’s a big difference between killing a living, breathing human being with ambitions, aptitudes, goals, a history, and a life then there is killing just a heap of cells. I really don’t know which way to look though.
My Careers book told us that outsourcing creates new jobs in the US. Probably higher paying jobs like administrative. I'm not sure on the details though :/