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Everything posted by 1veedo
Not really. Music can increase you focus and mood some which can make you score a little better or tests but it wont really make you smarter.
Have you not studied the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis? Helen Keller said something to the effect that she never had a whole thought until she learned language.
It's 23C outside, was raining earlier. There was supposed to be a bonfire but it was canceled due to ran. Been a good day though. I had some carrot cake though I would have preferred chocolate.
Wahoo no thread is complete without a reference to the nazi's. Good job stormwarrior it must be a great talent to notice how everything can somehow be reduced to the nazis! Hitler would have been proud of you.
Actually intelligence is almost completely genetic. The reason I said some of the intelligence difference between races is socially created is because intelligence can on the outside be effect by social conditioning and schooling. The case where people say someone is smart they just don't care, or don't apply themselves for instance. They may be just as smart on the inside per say but don't display it as well or where never schooled (yes education does actually effect intelligence tests). Men actually have more neurons. I read it in a book, The Essential Difference: the truth about the male and female brain. I cant remember how many but it was something like 4 billion neurons or 16% more than women. When I looked it up they were saying scientists didn't know what men were doing with all the extra neurons. edit -- This is the study, http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/abstract/44857/ABSTRACT?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0 And a little news story about it, http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1571/is_n33_v13/ai_19734100 They measured only the cortex, not the entire brain.
Actually there really are statistical differences between races, and as a matter of fact between sexes as well. A lot of the differences in races are socially created verses it actually being caused by genetics, while gender differences are mostly genetic. We studied this in sociology some. Jews are the smartest out of everyone but I don't remember the rest. As for the sexes, on many levels females are actually "smarter" than men. Specifically they have a better memory. Males are better at spacial-orientation, math, and reasoning. There's more to it than that but I don't have my psychology book here to look it up. I found it amusing though that gays and lesbians fall in the middle between average mental abilities of men and women. Men have larger brains though, and this is true even when you take the ratios of brain mass verses body mass.
Sisyphus is right about it being inefficient but I don't think that makes it a bad idea. You can actually get power off radio waves right now. They sell a radio that is powered completely by radio waves. It has a huge intina* though to collect power. *Holy crap how do you spell that word lol
I remember seeing something like that a couple years ago. You didn't jog my memory or anything I've been wondering about it sense I saw it. Just three (or 4?) lines in a zig zag which sort of stayed at the same brightness and then faded out. Not sure how similar it was to what you saw. I remember first thinking it was a comet but when it made the zig zags and sort of disappeared I was like "what the heck?" It's not like it was something flying though -- the zig zag lines were all I really saw. It kind of looked like a boomerang. What was weird was that the boomerang lines sort of flew across the sky together and then stopped and faded away.
Religion is Santa Claus for adults. (no flame)
It's yesterday in America.
Right. We gotta get rid of all the blonds. Now I'm starting to see where you're coming from.
Oh no he didn't! Are you going to take that from him Bettina?
If the programs you're using are open source this would be extreamly easy. Otherwise you'll have to read the manual or something and hope there's some way to echo the gps data where you can then write a program to edit your video (stream the video to vlc or something and edit it as you get the video, technically you'll probably lag a bit but that's no big deal). I would also recommend what bascule suggested or a similar program if these sorts of things already exist.
If the app is open source this should be really easy. If not you'll want to run a script that automatically adds the location to the images as they're taken. (you're taking pictures or video?) I assume you have some programming experience cause I doubt anyone is going to actually do this for you.
I saw this on mythbusters -- "plausible" http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6609068041106073533 The experiment actually confirms what you're saying insane_alien. It didn't matter if you spoke mean or nice to the plants they both grew the same. Best performer: heavy metal, presumably because it had the most sound vibrations. The worst performer was in complete silence -- no vibration at all. Sadly there isn't a lot of information out there about this. Google gives you a bunch of bogus results -- no real science can be found anywhere about this. It'd be nice if someone knew of some peer-review on this subject. edit -- Not sure what to make of all this. I have to go so I'll read this study latter. The results section indicates that music doesn't seem to help plants at all. http://www.jstor.org/view/00063568/ap040014/04a00170/0
Everyone's heard of this by now. I just got back from across the hall (dormitory) where everyone was talking about miss south Carolina (everyone huddled around 1 computer lol, I had to show them the graphics blike posted). I actually heard about this at a party two days before I saw this thread. It's perfectly ok to have some fun every now and then. Limit your drinking to the weekends and don't go out when you have studies. Having a little bit of fun isn't limited to the kids, iNow. I don't think finding this amusing says anything bad about your character. However, being stuck up and not finding things amusing DOES say something about your character... Of course I do have to admit it is a little old now. I've been hearing about this for three days strait -- it's not funny anymore.
You're actually defending her Bettina?
That's just with academy. PhDs in most fields pay a good deal of money eg a PhD in any field of engineering. And even scholar type PhDs can pay a lot if you work for corporations. Corporate scientists make a lot more money than your average college professor. You need the same degree it's just that some people chose to go one way or the other.
Thanks, this was very helpful. I got lost when I heard her but this graphic straitened everything up. Wow she's very suggestible. Pretty much the entire time she's repeating what the reporters say. You'd think that she'd have a different "persona" on the news interview than she did at the pageant but apparently she's this spacey all the time.
"Dawkins conveniently overlooks that faith has actually been the catalyst for progress, if you take that away, however ridiculous the grounds of that faith is, it can be positive (as well as negative)...think of the architecture (just one example) that has stemmed from an irrational belief in something. " This is an equivocation between "types" of faith. Science has done much more for humanity in the past 150 years than religion has ever done, and religion has been around for a very long time.
If you're talking about basic careers and not super-wealthy people there are really two factors that determine how much you make. 1) Education 2) Work ethic You can think of it like steps. The higher education you have to further up you are and the better work ethic the further over you go. A guy with a high school degree has better opportunities than a guy without one so he's like a step higher. And then work ethic moves you "over." It makes more sense when your economics teacher draws this on a black board As a side note people with more social skills tend to have better careers. Sometimes social skills can be more important than book smarts.
Yes there are people who call themselves witches but a witch as described in the bible is something of an evil-doer, like a minion of satan or something. Witches can cause bad things to happen to you with their satanic powers.
Any resources on conquering irrational anxiety?
1veedo replied to GrandMasterK's topic in Psychiatry and Psychology
You could try meditation. Not the new-age bullshit but actual what they call buddhist "mindful" meditation. The basic form of meditation is a focus on your breathing, and other forms follow the same basic rules you use for breathing. If you look at the science it specifically reduces stress, which could help you some. edit -- Actually if you look at wiki it does help with anxiety, and even depression. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mindfulness