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  1. There are some limitations... It needs to be no greater than 40 feet long or so. If I could make some kinda cannon that would probably work. I have been watching youtube videos of some Air Cannons that look like they may be able to get the job done.
  2. HMmm... I need something that can launch objects really far and the egg doesnt have to survive... As long as the yoke lands about 300 meters away from the launch pad... Doesn't have to be an egg... COuld be any small fruit really.
  3. Well I am thinking about a making an egg launcher maybe a trebuchet or something like that, but I was wondering if it would be possible to launch an egg on something like this a great distance... As in about 320 meters or so? I have read that Medieval Trebuchet's could throw heavy projectiles this distance(50kg-100kg) but I was wondering what about eggs cuz they have liquid in the center? And how big would it have to be?
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