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Everything posted by Geatar

  1. I think we will rely on cloning so i dont know if we will evolve anything else, what do you think? Mind my spelling its been a long day and my spell check dont work. I think our toes will become more worthless than they already have. If you look at our toes to chimps its a disgrace, they have feet like hands, our toes are almost lifeless, we are evolving them out of existence. We would be better off with a kind of web foot, five ligaments attached by skin, we dont need toes anymore they were like hands once upon a time.
  2. Look if you are gay you desire your same sex the most, if you are straight you desire the opposite sex the most. Yes a straight man or woman may get a crush on the same sex but that dont make them gay, thats normal, thats admiring someone. Homosexuality is a defect, if it was normal we would all eventually die out surely, homosexuals rely on heterosexuals to exist. Hetros dont rely on Homos do they.
  3. when a cat or dog is born their feet are already thick and tough, our babies are gentle, i reckon from Africa where we came, we was designed to walk on the sahara desert and when we came north we started wearing animal skin shoes in europe. Our feet are the most perfect on sand without a doubt.
  4. If you made a toy and its suppose to drive left but it drove right than it has a fault. I dont believe that a certain amount of hormones makes you fancy a man rather than a woman. Than wouldn't every body builder coming off steroids become gay for a bit while there hormones level out from the estrogen. I dont have a problem with homosexuality but its not normal because normal is measured by what the majority average human being is.
  5. I know what you mean but even so, when you watch programs on discovery like the dual survivor program theres a man called Cody whos a survivalist who has walked bare foot on the land for over 20 years and he still has real problems with it. His really slow and is always sore, and dont we humans lose most of our heat through our feet, sorry about the rhyme.
  6. Moontanman has it spot on its just a biological defect and probably quite a fairly common one. Just like quite a few babies are born with a cleft lip which is a physical defect, with homosexuality i dont think it has anything to do with messed up hormones because in general gay men look normal, some may act feminine and camp but others dont. I think its a miswiring in the brain that controls sexuality, whether that happens in the womb or as a kid through maybe trauma i dont know.
  7. Remember war of the worlds was an old story, i mean for godsake it was first told over the wireless thats how old it is. Back than people weren't as smart, you didn't have google to tell you everything. I think the old thinking behind this film comes from when the white man went to America he killed a lot of the native Indians with the flu and small pox which their immune systems weren't use to. I liked it though, i thought it was a decent remake and as much as i dont like Tom Cruise i thought he was good in this film.
  8. I would of thought its been around a lot longer than 3000 bc. Humans or cavemen used all kinds of shit to help illnesses etc. They would of picked the leaves one day hundreds of thousands of years a go and grunted at its smell than stuck it in a pot of boiling water and drank it and then lied back and had a giggle and than feel asleep. But seriously it was probably used back than to ease pain as getting stoned weren't an option back in those days. There may have been drugs back than that have long become extinct, what a sad thought.
  9. I notice when i get up to go to the toilet i tip toe or cant walk proper on flooring because my feet hurt. I once lost my shoes (had them robbed from me) in the street so i had to walk home on pavement, it was the most painful walk i have ever had. When i walk in my garden barefoot i step on stones and snails and hard mud it is also very unpleasant and unnatural. The only place i find walking bare foot a benefit rather than shoes is on sand at the beach, my feet is the best mode of transport and it feels good. So is that what we our, is it sand dwellers. Did we start wearing shoes before we got to Europe because our feet are not designed for rugged forest.
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