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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Optics and Photonics, Semiconductors

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Thank you Klaynos for your suggestions, i am familiar with Fresnel equations. I actually considered the case where we have multiple reflections like a Fabry Perot Etalon. I will consider your suggestions, will get back asap. Thanks lot for your suggestions. I used Fabry Perot Etalon case. I will go through all whatever you have told carefully. I will get back.
  2. hi. Thanks for your response. I have just build a continuous wave Terahertz setup and started doing experiments. I am passing the THz wave in free space as the reference waveform and then through the acrylic as the sample spectrum. Since there is change in refractive index (in free space and acrylic), I am seeing a phase change. I calculated the phase by merging the waveforms and interpolation. Like we can find out the phase, if we know the refractive index and extinction coefficient, attenuation and propagation const, i am trying to solve from the back side, calculating the phase and find the refractive index and the other optical constants. Since, it's will be like a film with a finite thickness, i believe, we will see a fabry perot etalon case here. I am doing it as an exercise, for the following purposes: i) to be clear about the characteristics. ii) i know the acrylic refractive index. I am doing the back calculations, to see how the refractive index changes in the THz ranges. iii) to give a signature to other unknown materials in the THz range, I am just starting off this one as a practice. Thanks
  3. Hi Got stuck in a calculation. Any suggestions will be highly appreciated I am trying to calculate the RI and other optical constants for an acrylic slab (thickness = 1.65 mm) - TAKING MULTIPLE REFLECTIONS within the slab into consideration. I took the reference wave and the sample wave. Calculated the phase change to be 34 degrees. I deduced some equations of T, phi ®, phi (t) and beta and alpha. But there are too many unknown parameters to solve the equation to get the value. WHAT SHOULD I CONSIDER TO CALCULATE THE REFRACTIVE INDEX CONSIDERING MULTIPLE REFLECTIONS WITHIN THE SAMPLE.
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