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the GardenGnome

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Everything posted by the GardenGnome

  1. Canada can be very warm in the summer. Unless you plan to hibernate in the summer or have a shack that you live in on some iceberg in the Artic ocean.
  2. moron! :bs:
  3. So far there has been something around 6.5 billion digits in pi. And it's still not exact.
  4. I'm not jealous of Windoze, not at all. I have my own operating system that can run Windose applications.
  5. Satisfy yourself with whatever you want. It does not matter anyway. But do you know how many times he has broken the law doing it! The fact that you can't uninstall Internet Explorer, it just becomes hidden.
  6. But see, when one would clone themselves the cloned person would consider their clone to become property of themselves. Not just like a parent would raise a child, it would be likely for the person to use their clone as a slave.
  7. Women still fight, and not all men agree to war. So it depends on the person.
  8. Nature does things well. Nothing good will come out of cloning humans.
  9. Actually in was a sect in in Canada, to be specific in Quebec. There called the Realiens leaded by ofcource Real. And no the baby was not born, it is just a scam for attention. Unless the one that was "cloned" just gave birth to twins. (It's the same thing)
  10. Clone will help serve in Microsoft evil plan for world domination. Microsith will develop an evil clone army that will wipeout all competion in their way. But the lawful Linux users will fight back in save the day. This story is just an exageration of what just might be.
  11. Someone helped him, because in the Iran/Iraq war the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA provided him with weapons!
  12. LOL, yes give back our country.
  13. One book that is good and easy to understand is The Universe in a Nutshell by Stephen Hawking. Lots of diagrams and stuff. There are lots of good books by Dr. Michio Kaku, on various topics in physics. You could also read articles on physics post. There was some quote I found, I don't know who said it but it goes like this: Whatever you learn with enjoyment you will never forget... Something like that. http://www.hawking.org.uk/ http://www.mkaku.org/ http://www.physicspost.com/
  14. Pi is exactly 3! -Professor J. Frink
  15. It's called the plasma vortex. It seems like an believble theory. http://www.paradigmshift.com/theories.html
  16. Physics is wrong... More like you are wrong!
  17. The atomic bomb was based on E=mc2. That was scientific progress. And just about every country has one. Including the States.
  18. Oh dear God no! Imagine that, he hosts the most disfunctional show, and then he will run the most powerful country in the world.
  19. Excellent point. The States go around doing whatever they like and noone does anything about it.
  20. As Scott Adams once said " Idiots always get promoted to management"
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