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  1. Thanks for the recommendation, I'll definitely check it out! The book I had in mind was great for the age that I discovered it. I was telling my father about it and he seemed interested in it, but it sounds like your suggestion might be better suited for him (and me!!).
  2. Hey guys, I'm new here, and joined in hopes that you might be able to help me out. Like the title says, I'm looking for the title of a specific book. I read it when I was 12 (18 years ago!) so the details are REALLY fuzzy. Here's what I remember: It covered several concepts of relativity in layman's terms. The version I read was a paperback with deckled pages (the edge of the pages was cut in a jagged zigzag fashion) If I recall correctly, the cover was printed in gold and black. I know that's not much to go on, but that's all I can remember. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated!
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