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  1. I'm not assuming that polyphasic sleep works for everybody, that's why I'm trying I don't know what effects it will have, I might get to one point I'm so sleepy I have to go back to my normal schedule. I'm really thankfull for your help and it would be very interesting to test my mental capabilities, my physical condition etc. What's is for you the right methodology ?
  2. Then let me correct myself... I read and seen in many articles online that sleeping a nap during the day for 20-40 minutes can replace 1-2 hours of sleep during the night. There are alot of polyphasic sleepers in this world!
  3. Just try it yourself, but you said that you slept during the day so you should know that better than me... I read about that assertion long time ago but if you don't belive me why don't you try it? And yes that's biphasic, but there is a schedule in wich you sleep 4 hours at night and you nap 2-5 times during the day.
  4. You don't know if sleeping 8-10 hours is needed... If you sleep 10-30minutes during the day it is the same as sleeping 3 hours at night, there is a polyphasic sleep called Siesta: You sleep 4 hours at night and then after lunch you sleep another hour and you will feel great too That might be true, but I'm doing this experiment to clear everything and finally prove the consequences of polyphasic sleep to the world, and then there will be no more suspicions.
  5. So, I have read about something called polyphasic sleep, and I'm going to try it out, I think it's really something interesting worth charing with the rest of the world, so I will fully document my polyphasic sleep experiement and I would be really happy if you could follow my experiment and discuss some interesting facts about it. In my opinion polyphasic sleep is something that isn't given too much attention, but could easily change our world and our society. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UM4sEb9p9Xw&feature=plcp
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