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Everything posted by whoamiz

  1. The polyphasic sleepers I know of are those with sleep-wake syndrome. Going to rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep is the most beneficial since it is in this stage that our body rejuvenate and the best is that we dream, once our body gets used to the point in which we skip to REM stage our body can be refreshed in just minutes (e.g. power naps). I would also like to differentiate those who sleeps and/or naps from time to time that it is not considered polyphasic sleep but habit.
  2. What are the factors that makes you smile? answer and follow through your answer with a question and/or accept your answer. I made this sentence since your question makes me think that your not seeking for a definitive answer. My apologies if I have not answered responsibly.
  3. In my opinion, I wouldn't see it as a brain drain and why is that? We can say that they might be more comfortable in that country otherwise they will leave for another or just go back to their motherland.
  4. Accepting a new idea would be easier for people who wants to learn more and correct there own mistakes as those who can't, probably has/have there reasons e.g. a community growing up knowing that a fork is called a spoon, if a person is the only one who says that a fork is called a fork then they might burn him alive. For the people who went out of that community and goes back they will also be able to tell that a fork is called a fork!. I'll just leave to your imagination what happened to the "person".
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