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Everything posted by Crow

  1. OK, I get it. We have two stationary particles located far apart. If we take a measurement of #1 and quickly take a measurement of #2 before a photon sent from #1 could ever reach it, we still aways find entanglement. It's obvious, so I wonder why I didn't think of it . So much for an information transfer theory...which is fine with me because I much prefer nonlocality. Thanks for your patience and rapid response to my question.
  2. Yes, nonlocality and hidden variable theories do not require information transfer. Because Bell's theorem indicates hidden varible theories cannot overcome nonlocality, I have heard it said that a superluminal theory in which information is transfered is required to defeat nonlocality. I disagree. From the frame of reference of two entangled electrons, the spacetime contraction would be very much less than is the case for photons. However, since the electrons would be traveling much slower than the speed of light, photons could be used for information transfer. If information transfer within the spacetime frame of reference of any two entangled particles can occur, and if our experience of nonlocality is just an artifact of our frame of reference, would this not provide some support for Einstein's preference of realistic physicalism? I'm assuming that I am wrong, but I'd like to know why.
  3. Please excuse a beginner's question. I don't see the need for superluminal or hidden varible theories to avoid what Einstein called spooky action at a distance. Couldn't the spacetime contraction in relativity theory provide the answer? Let's suppose that we could put an observer on the back of a photon. For that observer, spacetime will have contracted to zero or near-zero. The inception of that photon's life and its ending would be simultaneous or nearly so. For two entangled photons, our observer would see near-zero distance between the two and near-zero time for information to pass from one to the other. Our observer would not experience nonlocality and would find no need for hidden or superluminal varibles. So, isn't our spooky experience of the entangled photons just an artifact of our frame of reference? From the photon's frame of reference their is no nonlocality and no need to construct a hidden varible theory. What am I missing?
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