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Everything posted by Marie88

  1. This is for physiology lab, so if anyone out there can help me with this, I will worship you. If a 7 year old female patient has a high lymphocyte count of 42%, neutrophils = 51%, Basophils= 1%, Eosinophils = 2% and monocytes = 4% ....what would the likely explanation be of the lymphocytes being out of range AND how many of those cells would be present in 1mm3 of blood? The patients total white blood count is 11,000/mm3. Additional Info: My textbook noted that the following was considered normal WBC, hence how i figured the female patient's lymphocytes were high: Neutrophil 54-62% Eosinophil 1-3% Basophil less than 1% Lymphocyte 25-33% Monoctye 3-9%
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