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  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. 12uF isnt NEARLY enough to make a coin shrinker. you'd need at least 1000uF just to make a suitable coilgun. and maybe even a farad or 2 for a coin shrinker.
  2. im getting ready to make a rocket using r candy as fuel. its basically potassium nitrate, sugar, water, iron oxide, and corn syrup boiled down and it burns vigorously and with a lot of thrust
  3. i've made a coilgun for probably no more than $30 and a good deal of time that shoots clean through a soda can at 20' away. i used this tutorial http://www.instructables.com/id/Coilgun-Handgun/ as a guide and it worked very well. the reason i came here is to ask about multi stage guns. ill make another topic though, so as to not hijack this one.
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