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Everything posted by orbitspace

  1. Hi all, I'm having a difficult time trying to answer what I think is a simple question. When a spaceship goes near a planet, can it takeadvantage of both the gravity assist AND oberth effect, or can it only pickone? From a gravity assist, the spaceship could pick up as muchas Vf = 2U + v for an increase in speed From the Oberth effect, it can pick up as much Vf = sqrt((Δv+ sqrt(V^2 + Vesc^2))^2 - Vesc^2). (Δv is burn, Vesc isescape velocity at planet peri, V is initial velocity, U is planet's orbitalspeed, Vf is the ship's final velocity after leaving the planet due to eithereffect) How do I calculate, roughly, the final velocity fromcombining both effects? I think it should be simple, but I'm not seeing it. Its tough to find on the web.
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