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  1. All great arguments. But what I'm also trying to get at is, that as evolution continues to advance mankind, what if (this is hypothetically speaking) science and technology eventually discovers that there is much much more to the human mind then what we believe there to be. Just because someone says they see a fairy while no one else sees it doesn't mean its not there. And what I mean by that is, our science isn't absolute and perfect. We still have many advances in technology and discovery. What if in 50-100 yrs they discover something new about the human mind that we haven't seen before just because of the sole fact that our current technology wasn't advanced enough to see or understand it.
  2. What is everyone's take and theory on the human mind? Including memory, and if its possible for it to be related to our ancestory Cause I believe that there may be a connection with the human mind and our ancestral blood
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