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Everything posted by Mokele

  1. Why am I voting for Kerry? Well, I try to avoid saying I'm voting for him; I really don't like him. But I detest Bush. So I say "I'm not voting for Kerry, I'm voting against Bush." That aside, most of it boils down to 3 things: a) How Bush has violated the separation of church and state blatantly, b) Bush's silly stem-cell problems, and worst of all c) Bush's position that I and many of my friends are inferior, less-than-human beings who don't deserve to have basic human rights, like getting married. There's other reason, but those are the ones that really send me into fits of apoplectic rage. Mokele
  2. As everyone probably knows, in the human body, the right hemisphere controls the left side, and vice versa. A little while ago I was struck by a question: Why is this the case? Is there some sort of efficiency gain, in spite of what I'd think? Or is it a retained primitive trait? If so, what other groups of animals have this, and why did it occur when it did? Is it the product of some sort of developmental/evolutionary constraint (if so, which), or is it genuinely adaptive? In short, why does this crossover exist? Mokele
  3. The fossil Archaeopteryx..es (whatever the plural of that is; Archaeopteryi?) were preserved in an excedingly fine-grained sand which was capable of holding such detail. In fact, the fossils were found in a quarry being mined for the sandstone for just that purpose: the sandstone was so fine that it could be etched in detail to make very fine quality printing plates. This type of sandstone is called "lithographic sandstone" and if you ever see really, really old biology pics called "lithographs", it's because this stone was used to make them. In fact, the species name of Archaeopteryx is "lithographica". Iirc, this same type of sandstone also preserves pterosaur fossils with wing membranes and ichthyosaurs with body outlines, and the Chinese fossil beds that have proven so rich have similarly fine-grained sandstone. So the lack of feathers on some dino fossils doesn't necessarily mean they weren't there, only that the situation of their preservation may have precluded preservation of such details. Mokele
  4. Well, given that it's at the core of your body, and your temp goes up to roughly the standard just inside your mouth under your tongue, I'd say it's pretty safe to assume that yes, the stomach would be about 37 C. Mokele
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