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  1. So a few days ago, I saw a star in the sky that kept slightly flashing green and red colors. Was this a satellite or something else?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Unity+


      But it wasn't the slow type flashing, but randomly changing from red, green, to the normal apparent color of a star.

    3. arc


      I would say it was a star, we've had some very cold clear nights that will, with atmospheric turbulence, produce multi-directional

      refraction of the starlight, "Twinkling". Planets are less likely to twinkle like points of light such as a star does, the size of the planet's larger light beam on the sky "averages out" the turbulent effects of the atmosphere, producing a more stable image.

    4. Unity+


      That would make sense. Thanks for clarifying that up.

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