Very complex does not equal random, which is why they are in two different categories.
A majority of patterns rely on deductive reasoning, where it does not lie is where it will lie. For example, where there is no even number there is an odd number and where there is no odd number is an even number because a pattern does exist that allows us to make this determination.
I am also aware of the prime gap, I am also aware of someone proving the limit in the prime gap. I believe it is 70,000,000
From this prime-gap limit, we can discern that there will be no consecutive prime that will be larger than this limit. Therefore, randomness cannot apply to prime numbers because in order for randomness to apply to prime numbers, it must have all possible distances, or gaps, between the prime numbers.
EDIT: Basically, this video gives an idea about the proof, which states that on the number line, P1 - P2 < 70,000,000.
My bad, misinterpretation.