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Everything posted by Unity+

  1. I bet you could implement a system where the air can leak out at a certain rate. That way, if you are splashed and there isn't enough water to sutain air in the jacket, it simply deflates. However if you are constantly surrounded by water it will always be inflated.
  2. Time to start working on the network protocol I developed. This might take a while...

  3. Imagine this: Having multiple drones carry out Conway's game of life.

  4. I still have 100 in my Calculus class. I recently wrote a paper about the use of derivatives to calculate the efficient of an algorithm.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Unity+


      The pi is pretty decent. Fast considering its cost and has some capabilities. I can send my paper over as soon as possible.

    3. Sato


      How are you sending it? Link here or PM?

    4. Unity+


      Most likely pm

  5. Well, the problem is without having x+d_ih, the results aren't the same. For example, without having the modification the result is 6x-2/3. However, after adding it, it becomes 6x-2. This applies to other linear functions. EDIT: Yeah, it is kind of self-explanatory, I guess.
  6. I can't understand what you are saying. Can you explain more?
  7. And can you say why that is important?
  8. Alright, that seems to be a stable proof. You see, I am trying to prove the Collatz conjecture and I feel there is something down this road that will lead to something. EDIT: Also, if the case is that d_e must not be bigger than 1, it also cannot be less than 1.
  9. The problem with that is the definition of the derivative is changed in the conjecture. Therefore, regular tests won't work, I don't think.
  10. It's not homework, actually. I just thought people might want to take a whack at it. I don't think my Calculus class even gets into the stuff when modifying the values within the derivative definition. [math]b(x)=a^{-1}(x)=\frac{x-d_e}{d_{i}}[/math] How would plugging in values even prove anything? The proof has to apply to all numbers specified. My conjecture is that for all values of d_e above 1, the result of the limit will be none existent.
  11. Alright prove the following: Let [math]f(x) = a(x)b(x)[/math], where b(x) is the inverse of a(x) and a(x) is a linear function. Now, let us redefine the definition of derivatives: [math]f'(x) =lim_{h\rightarrow 0} \frac{f(x+d_{i}h) - f(d_{e}x)}{h}[/math] Where [math]d_{i}[/math] is equal to the coefficient of x while [math]d_{e}[/math] is a constant of the linear function. Prove(or disprove) that for all [math]d_{e} > 1[/math], the limit from both sides will not exist.
  12. The moderation on other forum community sites makes me appreciate the staff here(not an insult, its a compliment).

    1. arc


      You can't beat the price either! :)

  13. We thought that when a woman sued McDonald's for spilled coffee.
  14. As we progress through the digital age, questions will arise about whether there is a limit to our capabilities of advancement. Will we simply continue to go beyond the boundaries that we think is the limit or is there a "transcendent" state we will soon be in, where we are no longer physical, but data entities and we no longer are consistent as biological organisms, but as pieces of data that live in a network? I put this in philosophy because this may bring some philosophical questions.
  15. Just ordered a Raspberry and I am now going to continue the work on my idea. Hope it works out.

  16. Who puts an assignment that's due in 6 weeks within the syllabus and not on the Calender?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Unity+


      But it was under the Poor-performance section. Also, it was arbitrarily described. I mean he is extending it because everyone didn't even know the assignment existed. The thing is everyone is busy and everybody expects the assignments to be on the calendar. Yeah, it's in between the lines, but do we have time to read the small text on the bottom of the commercial?

    3. too-open-minded


      Oddly it sounds like he was either screwing with ya'll or secretly testing you lol

    4. Unity+


      He may have been lol. He actually tends to do that :P

  17. From my experience, papers, quizzes, and exams are for frequent than tiny assignments. To confess, instead of writing out the equation in complete latex, I shorten it using my own acronyms(intgrl, d/DX,->, etc.) Later on, I go back and put it into latex form.
  18. Got a 100% on the first Math exam. Therefore, my overall grade is 100%.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. arc


      That's great!

    3. Unity+


      @Hen Well, that will be determined by the rest of the quizzes and exams I take.

    4. Hendrick Laursen

      Hendrick Laursen

      Hope you do good, keep informing!

  19. If I remember correctly, Universities are more research based than assignment based.
  20. Yeah, I find it okay. I usually do it fast. The professor is even surprised because he think it would be too tedious.
  21. I clarified earlier that the alleged guy didn't actually confront us. The friend of the guy I was helping said he thought(keyword) someone was getting annoyed, but he wasn't sure. A lot of the students at the university I go to type their notes and the teachers don't mind. I confess that I know a majority of the content being taught(I was too lazy to go up to the teacher and try to get into the higher-end courses in computer science to get used to the format). I understand, though, that it can be rude to talk over the professor during a lecture, which is why I avoid doing it at all costs(hence I use gestures rather than speaking). I use google docs. I can understand why.
  22. What an embarrassment. For my history course, I misunderstood what panopticism when beginning research on it. The teacher even noted how I 'clearly' don't full understand it. Oops.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. imatfaal


      Maybe you havent reached this in D&P - he explicitly engages with Bentham's idea and IIRC has a lovely illustration with Benthams Tech -Drawings

    3. imatfaal


      It is unsurprisingly in the chapter called Panopticism

    4. imatfaal


      I do hope you enjoy a bit of Foucault - takes a lot of effort. It can be easily dismissed especially by those who read the first few chapters and realise it is actually hard reading

  23. It must be a hybrid because they refer to them as lectures, but they become hybrids a lot of the time. Sorry if I am creating confusion. I'm still new to college vocabulary. Edit: Apparently they never update syllabuses, but come up with or remove rules without us knowing.
  24. Well, it was short communication through barely even spoken words, it was mostly gesture. He was trying to figure out a problem on his compiler and I guided him to the solution. I brought up technology because some of the policies the posters brought up about such use seemed to lean towards the intolerance of the technology in the classroom.
  25. The weird thing is apparently my university's policy seems to be completely different than those of ones the users keep talking about. A majority of the professors promote technology use in the classroom, especially since many of the texts are electronic and must of the course work is contained online. Also, the professor in computer science especially encourages it if he wants us to test example code in the class, which was what was happening when I was helping the student next to me with. He was trying to figure out what was wrong with his code and I was just correcting the code for him. It might be that the colleges have changed policy over the years. This is why I am totally confused over all the posts. Guess different universities have different policies.
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