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Everything posted by Unity+

  1. The guy who told us wasn't upset, he was just informing us of the guy who allegedly was angry(he was whispering during the lecture as well). I think the professor would get upset for wasting lecture time for doing that. EDIT: I wasn't intentionally trying to piss people off, I just want to say that.
  2. I want to apologize to fellow students if they find me disruptive. Only if I could find out how I would do that...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Unity+


      Apparently whispering for a few seconds to help a student.

    3. imatfaal


      apologize after the lecture. frankly at the first term of uni it pays great dividends to met as many people as possible


    4. Unity+


      I've actually gotten good ties with a majority of the students.

  3. But we didn't talk(whisper) through the whole lecture, it was merely a few seconds of it. We paid attention to the lecture itself. I thought I clarified this. And if the guy found it disruptive, if I knew the guy I would go up to him and sincerely apologize to him.
  4. Some of my professors, especially my math professor, actually enjoys it when people jump in and talk about the problem. It sometimes even turns into a group discussion that is beneficial for all the students. His philosophy is "You guys are the ones learning the content, I am simply guiding you." I'm not arguing that the student has no right to be annoyed. Everyone has the right to be annoyed about anything. I am arguing whether or not lectures should have students whispering(in a very short amount of time) about a particular concept. I am arguing that it may be beneficial due to lecture time and the fact that it may be more difficult for the student to try to understand the concept after class than to try to understand after class, since they are focusing on the material that was last discussed. This is why I created the topic: to have the debate of whether it should be allowed in a lecture. In my opinion, having too strict of class room setting inhibits the student learning ability, at least from what I have experienced. It's that balance between being too talkative and having no discussion at all. If you aren't able to discuss the content while in the class as a group, what do you lean? You can argue that you can discuss it with the professor, but then it becomes a problem of whether all the students could benefit from the discussion. EDIT: Let me clarify that the guy never confronted us about it. The friend of the guy who I was helping said that he thinks the guy next to him is getting angry about it. I don't know if he actually was angry at us.
  5. I recognize that people might find it annoying even not calling it out, but it has been 4 weeks since we have had these lectures and no one has said anything about it. I know everyone should be taken into perspective when considering the matter, but the amount of whispering was low and there were other students talking, yet we are the ones this particular person gets angry at.
  6. Well, the thing is other people talk during the lecture and the professor does nothing about it, so I assume it is okay if it is about the topic and it is for merely a second or so. Some of my professors indirectly encourage chat about the topic(especially in computer science). I can understand if someone is being obnoxiously loud, but what was happening was neither disruptive to a majority, or even all, the students nor was it off topic.
  7. So, one day during a lecture, a fellow student asked if I could help him with a particular concept. Since lectures go by fast and he didn't want to forget to ask the question, I decided to help. We were whispering of course and no one else seemed to find it distracting. However, another fellow student(to my knowledge) got angry that we were whispering. We stopped of course to respect his request, but I think it is dumb for such a request. For one thing, the professor has never called out on doing so because everyone could hear the professor and was distracted by us whispering to the point that we could barely each other and no one else has. Is it just that they finally got tired of it? Was it just that day when a person wasn't in a good mood and decided to tell us to be quiet? The course syllabus doesn't say anything about no talking besides respecting other students. Also, what is your stance on this? Should students be able to converse(quietly) about the concepts if they need help? You can argue that they can ask the teacher, but with limited time it seems the more efficient route. I didn't think it was a problem since we were discussing the topic and we(as I know of) haven't been a distraction to the other students.
  8. I am adding onto the concept by having it so people who do have Internet access through a regular ISP will be able to access the content in the Pillars. That way, people with a regular internet connection can also share content on these pillars.
  9. I don't know whether I should pursue virtual reality development or my major/minor network idea.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Unity+


      Yeah, I am working on incorporating the major/minor network idea to expand on the app. Currently working to get a rasberry pi.

    3. Sato


      I thought you were doing in on Android?

    4. Unity+


      The app is on android. The major/minor network idea requires the rasberry pi.

  10. Anyone interested in 4chan, take a look at this: http://pastebin.com/tAynguZP

  11. I have a Math exam next week. I have been getting full points on each Math quiz. Hope I don't screw up my 100%

    1. ajb


      Good luck and remember you don't need to get 100% in everything to pass with flying colours.


    2. Unity+


      I know, but it would be nice.

  12. The only bad thing I see coming out of this is too much Scottish nationalism in the scientific community, which could draw some unwanted crackpots in the community to promote Scottish pride like with the French(I think) with their "discovered" ray that turned out to be phony.
  13. Submitted my first academic paper for my History class. What a pain with footnotes.

    1. ajb


      I just did not get on well in history class in school, for me it was just one thing after another...

    2. Unity+


      My problem with it is sometimes the topics have barely anything to do with history.

  14. Nice to see you on the Science Forums! Here is a diagram to layout some more detail into the minor data and major data interaction: Some issues I am going to work on for the concept is security to make sure users wouldn't be able to send phony requests that could harm other files.
  15. Im getting a mal-ware warning when trying to enter topis. what's going on?

  16. What does anyone think of this? Do you think it will lead somewhere?
  17. It's about making sub-networks that interact with the wider internet through the Outernet.
  18. rwehio;dcvsijkscazkl.sdjkl

  19. I don't see why they would feel threatened. If you are talking about ISPs feeling threatened, I don't see how. It just provides a second way for people to get access to the Internet at maybe even a faster speed.
  20. I don't think you understood the concept. In the pillar, there is the minor data. Your post would be minor data that would exist on the server in the pillar. When retrieving a particular site, the data associated with that site would also be sent to the device requesting the information.
  21. So, after taking a lecture on the use of difference quotients for derivatives, I happened upon something interesting. The usual equation for the different quotient is the following(applied for derivative use): [math]\lim_{h\rightarrow 0}\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}[/math] Now, I know that getting the derivative of the function 3x+1 and its inverse gets the following result from testing before: [math]f(x)=(3x+1)(\frac{x-1}{3})[/math] Of course, seeing this connection to a pattern I found in hailstone sequences I left it at that. However, I then began investigating the affects of the variable h on the result. Here is what I found. I thought this was an interesting connection. Here is an example of a hailstone sequence: {3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1} All the numbers in red and the ones that continue on are a result of 6x-2. I will continue to experiment with this. Maybe the solution for the Collatz conjecture involves looking further into the concepts of Calculus? EDIT: Therefore, if my speculative idea in fact has some truth, maybe the difference quotient can be redefined also for these particular instances? [math]F(x)=\lim_{h\rightarrow 0}\frac{f(x+d_{i}h)-f(d_{e}x)}{h}[/math] When d_i and d_e are in the formula [math]d_{i}x+d_{e}[/math]
  22. So, the company making the Outernet is providing a service that is only a one-way service(which means that it can only send information, not receive it). They plan to do a two-way communication in the future, but they stated it won't be any time soon. However, I have a design in mind that might work(or not, depends). The company is giving out source code to what is known as The Pillar, which is a device that gets the info from their satellite and has a raspberry pi download that info and send it to wifi recipients. Of course, again, the one-way communication doesn't allow sharing of data by other users. Here is my solution to that. What I was thinking of is a one-way communication system with an imitation of a two-way communication. This involves two types of data that would be shared by the pillar: major data and minor data. Major data is the website data that is sent one-way from the satellite and to the pillar, which is viewable by all users. The minor data is the data that is retrieved from devices using the wifi and sent back to the pillar, which is then associated with a particular ID of major data. What do you think of the idea? Worthy to invest time into?
  23. Well, path finding is related to a computer science problem known as the P vs. NP problem. The question asks whether problems that can be verifiable in polynomial time, but solutions not found in such time could eventually be solved in polynomial time. It somewhat relates to the Traveling salesmen problem, where the whole point is to find the fastest(shortest) route possible to get to all locations. Maybe, it is related to path-finding? Can't wait to see your code, if it does what you say it does.
  24. Well, here is a simple proof. We are trying to find what x is equal to. The information provided states that x is a whole number and that it lies between 1 and 3. Since it is a whole numbers and is between these two numbers, it must be 2(of course you can state that the assumption is we are using the standard set of axioms, but even that can be stated in the problem).
  25. Lectures are pretty fun. Professors tend to go off topic sometimes, which makes the lecture much more interesting.

    1. ajb


      In my experience it would be nice to have the time to go off topic.


    2. MonDie


      I prefer to read on my own, but I have to attend class anway.

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