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Everything posted by Unity+

  1. I still believe it is true, as do a majority of Mathematicians. Deductive reasoning is the core of many proofs of Mathematics that exist. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematical_proof
  2. That is somewhat similar to paranoia if there is no evidence to support the idea, unless there is a pattern of him doing this.
  3. A good scientist is only right 1% of the time.

    1. MonDie


      So is a bad scientist.

    2. arc


      Is that statement from the 1% or the 99% column? :)

  4. If this is the case, we should make it the parameters of the conclusion of whether we are in a modern Renaissance. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Renaissance Using how we defined the earlier movement, I would say we are. Not only are we moving towards an age of new technologies, but a new way of thinking. Culturally, we are moving towards a connectivity era(with the Internet, new social media, and connectivity through mobile devices). Politically, we are experimenting with new ideas(the Grand experiment of the United States still continues). To make sure this doesn't become a political discussion, there has been an inclusion of new political ideas that may influence our political systems in the future with the introduction of new technologies. There are many ways that the word fits. However, I think the progression is somewhat constant, with there being noticeable innovations in history.
  5. Why do people hate cynicism? IMO, it is simply a realistic look at human interaction.

    1. Lucius E.E

      Lucius E.E

      People hate skeptics and cynics due to their realistic stance on objective reality and their desire to stray away from sugar coating it.


      The vast majority of the species have been conditioned over thousands of years of organized religion, and spirituality; to believe that anyone whom opposes someone's happiness; even to tell them the truth, is wrong.


      Take for example a human who is less aesthetically pleasing to the eye, and they have high standards. They ask you wh...

    2. Lucius E.E

      Lucius E.E

      They ask you what's wrong with their personality and why they can't find a date. If you gave them the realistic answer you would be regarded as cruel. If you told a lie to make them feel better then you would appear as a good person.


      Take this and extrapolate it to anything involving an opinion and you will find that the realistic, and logical among us are regarded by the liars as cruel, or more recently among my generation "haters."

    3. MonDie


      Because they love hypocrisy. It's the same reason they hate hypocrisy.

  6. So, if I understand this thing correctly, the machine uses layers of sand. It heats up the part of each layer to then combine the layers together to make the glass object. Interesting.
  7. Thank you everyone for the resources posted. I am assuming the general answer is "It is possible theoretically, however the resources required just have not been met yet."
  8. Well, a reference point that I can give is Conway's game of life. We simply apply 4 simple rules and use two options for each square, on or off. This results in many complex structures that can imitate organisms on the lowest levels in biology. If Conway's game of life is maybe remade into something where neuron connections are made and these neuron connections can interact just like neurons interact in reality, a primitive simulation of a human brain could be formed. Although, yes I agree the concept can use some detail to improve its merit.
  9. I am merely asking a question about a concept. I am asking if it lies in the range of science rather than speculation. I am discussing the topic that I posted here. I am trying to get a yes or no answer, which I haven't received.
  10. This isn't even worth discussion because there is nothing that you have provided to really discuss besides bait.
  11. I have let this thread run, and I was wondering why no one is responding.
  12. First day of college.

    1. arc


      How was it? Tomorrow's assignment is baking a cake. :)

    2. Unity+


      It was fine. Just syllabus stuff.

  13. I actually have been reading those slowly. Time is limited for me because college is starting. I will start reading more of them. That is actually a good idea. I will use it.
  14. I am still trying to find a way to solve for that. What I was going to do was have it so if the web hosting is discontinued, it would automatically download to the server and simply move onto another crowd hoster.
  15. Well, it wouldn't be distribution of one website among multiple computers, but hosting of many websites upon one device. Also, the files are also stored(offline) on the device that published the content, therefore not causing a problem.
  16. So, I have been thinking about implementing something into a project I am developing. Here is a diagram of how it will work: The basic idea is crowd hosting on mobile platforms(because of the project I am developing). I am implementing another feature called voluntary crowd hosting, where a person can choose to crowd host on their mobile device. How it works is there is communication between the recipient and both the crowd hoster and the server containing the content. Both the main server and the crowd hoster(s) contain data. Whenever a recipient requests certain content, something will search for that content. If the recipient both allows content from the server and crowd hosters, the content search will display both the requested content that is available on the main server and the same content that is available on crowd hosting devices. How this works is a recipient(or multiple) send a request to the server. The server, if requested, will then send a request to the crowd hoster's device which then download the data from the crowd hoster to the server. That requested data on the main server will then be sent to the recipient and deleted on the main server(unless the content is requested, which then it will remain on the server until no longer requested). Are the basic mechanics sound? The only problems that I think could be faced are server stress and an attempt to break the security of the system. EDIT: The cool thing I find about this idea is if more and more people voluntarily become crowd hosters, then there is more server space. There are other things involved, such as if someone crowd hosts when their own hosted content will be recognized. Recipients can also be crowd hosters, so it would be a huge network.
  17. Thanks everyone for the replies. I might stick with MySQL since it provides decent services.
  18. I am majoring in Computer Science, and I have to do an extensive essay about food the first day of college.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. imatfaal


      Spam and chips?

    3. Unity+


      @imatfaal Maybe, just maybe.

    4. arc


      Better than bugs and worms!

  19. No, you are putting words into my mouth. I never said it was an assumption.
  20. Assumption: A thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof I would think that my statement is not an assumption, but a generally accepted statement that is proof of itself, almost like an axiom.
  21. It's less of an assumption and more of a conclusion based on deductive reasoning. It's like asking "Well, we may know what is in the set, but then what is not in the set?" You are asking a question that could have an infinite amount of possibilities. Therefore, the logic is not reasonable to follow.
  22. Is anyone doing android development here?

  23. Recently, I have been working on a project that requires the use of a database for many features I am implementing into it. Currently I am using MySQL as the database service. However, I have searched on the web about databases and their uses, advantages, and disadvantages. Here are a list of database services that I know of used on the Internet: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_relational_database_management_systems And, as far as I know, the two biggest competitors are MySQL and Oracle. I have looked at arguments from mainly the MySQL and Oracle perspectives and the main differences in both is MySQL is a fast solution, but very low feature wise while Oracle is more complex in its structure and comes with many more features of control, but again is more complex and requires intense experience. So, what database management service do you recommend?
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