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Everything posted by Unity+

  1. There is no need for empathy if it is instinctive. For example, we grow livestock that we eat on a daily basis because we need a constant source of food. There is no empathy for the animal, just an instinct to grow resource. Many things that seems intelligence are merely the result of instinct. With evolution, over time, animals that resorted to altruistic measures to keep their prey resource above a particular amount lived onto the next generation.
  2. If I understand it correctly, it is somewhat like what is stated in the plot. It is merely scanning the static state of the neurons and applying to a computer simulation that contains the algorithm of how neurons interact with each other(somewhat like Conway's game of life) and runs the simulation.
  3. Does anyone have any opinion or research they want to link? I am very interested in the concept and want to learn about it.
  4. There has been some research into using MRI scans of the brain to communicate through the brain using patterns in brain scans and such(neuron interactions, etc.). Here is an idea I had. If there was a way to determine how neurons interact in the brain and developing an algorithm that encompasses the interactions of neurons in the brain, and an MRI could scan the patterns that exist in the brain, could there be a way to imitate the person's mind on a computer simulation? And to be able to communicate or interact with the simulation we would have to determine how neurons interact when someone hears, speaks, tastes, smells.etc. Of course, this is easier said and done, but is the basic concept sound?
  5. It may be a convenience, but people probably would rather want to stick to the use of technology to convert it for them instead of changing the system used in a country. It's too much of a hassle. It could be done over time, but still my point remains.
  6. I and many other scientists would disagree with this notion. To many scientists, the belief in God has influenced them to pursue the field of science.Whether or not you disagree with them does not change their credibility in the field of Science. This is something similar to the debate of the base number system, stating that one base number system works better than another. I would rather have the metric system, but neither or the other is better. I think the Scientific field has been untouched by many is because of the education system, society, and the media itself. The education system, which I have been tortured through, teaches science incorrectly and pursues teaching Science in the wrong ways. Let Michio Kaku state what I mean: Script(Summary): The media also has some influence over this. There are movies that seem to portray science as being simple or it gives the wrong notion that a person, mostly, gets a spark of brilliance and gets the solution, which is completely inaccurate.
  7. There has been much research done into the concept of reopening life to Mars by the use of increased carbon in the atmosphere to produce heat and then using the H2 on the surface to produce water on the surface. My question relates to the long-term situation. Currently, Mars is a red, is not an inhabited planet due to the environment that exists(as we know of). Question is, if the red planet is in its current stated, how did it get it's current condition and will the cause of its current environment affect how easy it will be to keep an artificially induced environment?
  8. I think the altruism towards other species comes from a survival stand point of food resources rather than an association with other species. If you notice, a majority of the altruism presented is predator to prey. The Gorilla to human altruism is a result of the training they probably go through.
  9. But I think it would be interesting if there was a function that could be derived from the function that could produce based on ticks how accurate the constant will be at the particular tick. F(t) = accuracy value(i.e, 5 decimals correct).
  10. Would it be possible to produce a bacteria that would influence humans to eat human flesh?
  11. I think a majority of languages do. You have to initialize the variable in the first place in order to use it, I would think. And the language the OP is using is either C or C++. I could be wrong. I could be interpreting the statement wrong, though.
  12. But is there a way to determine if it will be or not?
  13. That is related to the example, but not an answer to he question.
  14. We are all, we are one.
  15. I don't get what the problem you are presenting is. If more people agree with you than disagree with you it will show in the reputation.
  16. But aren't there multi verses?
  17. Those aren't my word, it is merely quotes from arguments from people who talk about "evil Isp's" Also, it isn't about isp's being capable of such content. It is about isp's being able to have tier lists, which cause problems for competing sites. Other censorship deals with problems in china and Australia with their firewalls. I'm assuming through illegal means? Or am I wrong about that? I don't know about porn. They work on a tier system with most requested content being most available, so maybe.
  18. With a new source of free information with global access, it might change the world. http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/la-fi-g-outernet-explained-20140808-htmlstory.html Will the internet become a utility rather than a product of a corrupt system of Isp's(sarcasm)? What do you think?
  19. But how would that apply to this conundrum?
  20. As it is known, with a constant such as phi, lim n->infty F_n/F_n-1 = phi, the function can approach but never reach the irrational constant. This can be observed with the following: Phi = lim n->infty F_n/F_n-1 = (1+sqrt(5))/2 Lim n->infty 2F_n = Lim n->infty F_n-1(1+sqrt(5)) Turn this into a function displaying the approach to the constant. A(n)=2F_n-F_n-1(1+sqrt(5)) Of course, the expected result is to see the function decrease towards 0, but the question I am asking is if this approach towards an irrational constant will always be exponential in nature? If so, is there a way to determine the equation of this decrease without the brute force calculation? Edit: sorry if I didn't use latex. I am on a device that causes problems with it.
  21. Oh man, I wish I could be on here more. I miss some of the threads, especially "Mobius stripis"

  22. Unity+

    Möbius strips

    This thread should be renamed "Mobius porn" Also, here is something since I can't post my own: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/MoebiusStrip.html
  23. I wish 3D printers got cheaper. I have a few ideas that would be pretty good if they were cheap.

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