I and many other scientists would disagree with this notion. To many scientists, the belief in God has influenced them to pursue the field of science.Whether or not you disagree with them does not change their credibility in the field of Science.
This is something similar to the debate of the base number system, stating that one base number system works better than another. I would rather have the metric system, but neither or the other is better.
I think the Scientific field has been untouched by many is because of the education system, society, and the media itself. The education system, which I have been tortured through, teaches science incorrectly and pursues teaching Science in the wrong ways. Let Michio Kaku state what I mean:
The media also has some influence over this. There are movies that seem to portray science as being simple or it gives the wrong notion that a person, mostly, gets a spark of brilliance and gets the solution, which is completely inaccurate.