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Everything posted by Unity+

  1. Well, gentlemen...it seems Crimea will be owned by Russia once again. Here comes a war.
  2. No, it's a matter of syntax in the equation. (36/6)*6 = 36 36/(6(6)) = 1
  3. Well, we would use PEMDAS. Parenthesis Exponents Multiply Divide Addition Subtraction So, with this one, we would do the following 36/6(2+2+2) 36/6(6) 36/36 = 1
  4. Tis pi day. A day of celebration for mathematicians and scientists alike.

    1. Daedalus


      Happy Pi Day Unity+!!!

  5. I would agree and disagree on this particular topic. Children seem to reflect the habits of their parents and, therefore, the decisions of their parents do affect children rather much. However, there is some choices of the child as well that are involved.
  6. The difference between 'identical' and 'matching' does clear up my confusion. When a person claimed 'identical' I assumed they meant 'identical', not 'matching.' As I know of, there isn't evidence that there are two identical finger prints(though correct me if I am wrong).
  7. Then how do you describe the motion of objects. Motion requires a reference frame. If time doesn't exist there isn't a reference frame therefore there is no ability to detect movement. Also, if time doesn't exist how do you interpret the experiment done with two airplanes going around the world in different directions and at the same time while they arrive at completely different times even though every other factor was similar between each other?
  8. If you want to collaborate with me on a team for this kind of project, please PM me so we can set up a group for this project.
  9. There are some people claiming that there is no scientific evidence that suggests that everyone has their own unique fingerprint, which is important for criminal investigations. Is this true? I hope I posted this topic in the right section.
  10. But then the question then becomes does conflict or cooperation increase the speed of progress.
  11. http://www.cnn.com/2014/03/11/tech/innovation/russia-us-space-program-ukraine/ I think this isn't just about the current issue. Over the decades, human conflict has gotten in the way of scientific progress so much that if humans had not gotten into such conflicts we may have achieved greater success and maybe we could have become more progressed than now. However, one could argue the difference between scientific and social progress.
  12. I must have missed that one. I have a blind eye sometimes.
  13. Okay, that makes sense. I am still looking for the topic, but to no avail. It could just be a false memory.
  14. Being able to predict orbits of asteroids is a part of detecting them. A part of the problem is finding what are asteroids and what are other celestial objects. Being able to more accurately predict the movements of asteroids would help detect asteroids with less and less errors and false alarms. EDIT: Adding onto this, being able to find what movements asteroids will make will help to use ground-based telescope imagery to detect asteroids more accurately.
  15. It is a general question about the rule. I simply giving an example of a particular instance.
  16. Well, thank you for pointing those out. I apologize for my stupidity on that.
  17. So, I took a look at the rule: Now, I remember posting something to the news section about an article and I put the article inside a quote box with citations. However, it was taken down because of this rule. Can anyone clarify what occurred? Must if be paraphrased even when cited?
  18. I think this is the best place to post this. I hope it isn't too late. It might have been posted before. http://www.nasa.gov/content/be-an-asteroid-hunter-in-nasas-first-asteroid-grand-challenge-contest-series/#.UyAY0fmwLGE I, myself, have programming experience in many languages. If there are some astronomers out there that would be willing to work with me and other programmers that are out there, we could use our knowledge to develop an algorithm that could detect asteroids simply using ground-based telescopes. We can also use physics knowledge to solve this problem. I don't know if this contest is already over, but if it is and no one has solved it yet then I think we could take up the challenge.
  19. Actually, it is not a matter of silicon rather it is a matter of language. Binary is the system of language that computers use and, therefore, are limited to decisions related to 1 and 0, or on and off. On the other hand, quantum mechanics allows us to develop a computer that can go way farther than yes and no, though silicon is still useful as a resources if somehow there was a language that could imitate the properties of languages developed using quantum mechanics.
  20. That is one of the factors, but another factor would be their former President not even presiding by the citizens even when Ukraine is supposed to be a democracy.
  21. So, instead of claiming that there is no evidence for what is mainstream, you are declaring the evidence fraudulent? I would expect evidence for this and I think others would as well.
  22. Fleas are the impediment of death. Those little bastards.

    1. imatfaal



    2. Unity+


      What I meant to say they are the impediment of all good in the world and are evil. :P

  23. The equation for finding the distance between two points is . From the coordinates, I also get 5. It is hard to tell how you got you answer because of the way you laid it out. Could you use latex?
  24. Evolution might eventually bite you in the "ass" if you aren't careful.
  25. Thank you for recommending this link. I have had a large interest in fractals and the Hausdorff dimension adds onto my interests.
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