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Everything posted by Unity+

  1. If I am correct, the information can be found here where he has his hypothesis: http://electrotectonics.weebly.com/
  2. Though the abstract could be reformed, it still gives summarized information of the hypothesis(theory), where the rest of the paper goes into the specifics.
  3. In my opinion, he clearly explains his hypothesis and presents the evidence for which he arrived at such a conclusion of the hypothesis. He has also addressed the problems before, which billard states that his assumption or example was incorrect, therefore such a query was completed and dealt with.
  4. Here is another form of the Collatz Phi Function, which requires the input of x with an integer of n. I have also added notation for input of position and dimensional size of the Collatz-Matrix equation in the Collatz Phi Function. And here is more specifics with the function at hand. What this type of notation with the Collatz Phi function is saying is it is acknowledging that the a dimensional product of some number, for example 4, and since there are many factors of that specific value that could fit, this means that there are infinitely possible ways to set up the Collatz-Matrix equation that would have a product of 4. However, the notation, when addressing the Collatz-Matrix equation, will show which set of factors are being inputted into the equation.
  5. Unless the Sun attracts neutrinos, which means we would need to add another pointless force into the mix.
  6. I would have to say this discussion is getting off topic, but an answer to the questions: I never said it was right. I never said it was wrong either. Until any real flaws are addressed, it is a hypothesis to be proven right or wrong. Don't forget, it just takes one piece of evidence to break down an entire hypothesis. The amount of difficulty for retrieving something doesn't make it anymore right or wrong. Sometimes, looking harder can make us see things that just aren't there.
  7. I don't see where you pointed out that it was wrong. Yes, I would agree that there isn't a mathematical basis, but that in its entirety is not a point that proves it wrong. And I don't see where there is a difference between a believable and unbelievable truth. The only difference is one may not make as much sense as another, but still it is a truth.
  8. Couldn't you account for the expansion and contraction as changes in the temperature of the core? A developing hypothesis would require the mathematics later on, but the concept is the most important part of the development of a hypothesis. In order to develop the mathematics, you need the concept in the first place.
  9. "Gravity compresses matter at the source and expands light in the form of photons." I think I drank too much today.

    1. photon propeller

      photon propeller

      gravity concentrates matter mediating potential differences of electric and magnetic subfields liberating bound energy in the form of photons. Does that clarify it for you? Next time you quote a post at least cite the source. I'll drink to that

  10. Thank you for the recommendation. I will contact him when I can. Here is more complete notation: I will try to find a way to shorten notation, which will still make more sense.
  11. Here is a function I would like to introduce. It is called the Collatz Phi Function. This is how this function would be applied to the Collatz parameters. And here is what the graphical form of this would look like: More to be posted on this kind of function. EDIT: I feel that there something that already exists like this. If anyone finds something that is exactly the same as this, please notify me.
  12. Now only if the United States government would allow nuclear energy as a resource... This would be a great thing for humanity. I think most researchers tried avoiding this kind of form of energy because of the legalities. Now only if Google would complete their computer-driven car...
  13. In the case of solutions, Collatz-Matrix equations can have one solutions or many solutions depending on the parameters of the Collatz-Matrix equations and the size of the Collatz-Matrix equations in terms of the dimensions. However, I still haven't found an equation for finding the amount of solutions for a given Collatz-Matrix equation. It would be nice if I could develop one.
  14. What point were you getting at? I know that a system of equations has a unique solution, but is there something wrong with the work?
  15. Here is some work which relates to how to get normal algebraic equations from Collatz-Matrix equations. In this set of steps, two algebraic equation were derived, which are a curve and its tangent. I have only done it for 2x2 Collatz-Matrix equations. I will attempt to do it with Collatz-Matrix equations of larger sizes. EDIT: To clarify notation: [math]\phi [\phi _{1},\phi _{2}]\phi x[/math] For the matrix sum, the matrix sum is split into two matrices with two elements. In this case, the notation implies that the exponent of x is raised by 1 for the second matrix for the second matrix element.
  16. Sorry for the long time since I have posted any updates on the work, but here is some more. Not really much, but here is a new way to notate the matrix solutions for a Collatz-Matrix equation. For example, if x=3... What has been added is at the end of the notation of the solution. This is called the mean matrix, which can be found by doing the following process. For this, x must be substituted by the value inputted into the Collatz-Matrix equation. The delta denotes that the mean matrix is merely an approximate representation of all of the matrix solutions of the Collatz-Matrix equations.
  17. Or all of the reasons we have been presenting are inaccurate and a proper study needs to be done. This just brings up my point. Apparently there is a decrease in "global warming" when human populations increase. However, I wouldn't assume that it is due to humans being more careful with their carbon emissions.
  18. Couldn't you argue to a police man who has pulled you over for speeding that the speed limit sign didn't propose in which direction it was not allowed?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. WWLabRat


      Also, wouldn't you have to be on a flat plane in order for it to be velocity? If you're going over hills and such or around curves it would be speed...

    3. Endercreeper01


      It would actually be acceleration, because acceleration is a change in velocity, and your velocity is changing over a curved surface. Your speed isn't changing, but because velocity is a vector, the direction is changing. This means it's accelerating

    4. Amaton


      This should be a thread. :)

  19. The fact that others have already made the ideas you think of just limits out views on life. Are some of us just meaningless to existence?

  20. I also think that maybe there should be some special group that can post in speculations. In order to get into this group, you must pass a test that has a variety of questions that deal with quantum mechanics, general physics, and a variety of areas. So, people couldn't just post an essay from another site, but have to get into the group by taking a special test. Then, if they are in that group they can start posting in Speculation.
  21. Just got my hands on the Oculus Rift development. I am going to be developing with either the Unreal or Unity engine a virtual world called Oc Reality, which will be an online virtual world project.

  22. I was just looking at the a+bi=-a+bi thread and I think I had lemonade squirting out of my nose because of how funny it was.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Endercreeper01


      And how is it funny?

    3. Unity+


      Because people try to disprove proofs which are proven to be true.

    4. Endercreeper01


      Oh. I just realized how hilarious it is.

  23. You are pretty much just isolating e from the equation.
  24. Definitely loved this image: It is still interest though. However, this is going to be a while before we do this.
  25. Are we not brilliant minds? I feel offended(in a jokingly matter of course ).
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