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Everything posted by Unity+

  1. I think another feature I could add is if an item is referenced once, it is kept in reference until it no longer is needed. For example, have it so the user can request the information once, it is stored, and then the reference can be removed if a condition is met.
  2. The way I am going about storing all the queries and columns is through the linked list method, where each query references the next query within the column. This makes it easier to remove a query from the column, in my opinion. Also, for searching a query, I would be storing the middle query(this is set and changed when a query is added or removed). This way I can perform a modified version of binary search. I also store the last and first queries(head, tail), which can help in the search as well. Using files like this is a very bad idea in regards to security as well as organization. I would rather store the tables as bytes and encrypted. That way I can decrypt the tables and then add them back into the database.
  3. That is a problem I will have to try to solve. I also realized that for array queries, you could also store an theoretical infinite amount of elements, which defeats the purpose of having the column in the first place. Might have to limit the size of the array list within a query.
  4. So, I am currently working on a database project that would improve(or try to) on the current model of database queries and other stuff. One idea I had was to allow a column have multiple types allowed within itself instead of having a fixed type. Would this be a bad idea? Also, would allowing queries to contain arrays/lists be bad? If someone has any suggestions on new features for a database to have, that would be fine. I am currently testing out my skills in programming and seeing how far I can go with a project like this.
  5. It would send it to the device requesting, not through the internet again through some other process. Bluetooth, maybe?
  6. If people are down voting because of rivalries or personal reasons and it has a larger affect than it should, that would be revealing a problem with the community, not the voting system. I would like to do that so I can cook my hamburgers. I am really hungry over a pointless debate. In all seriousness, if you have a problem with the forum and don't like it, move to a different one or start your own and implement your ideas. If it garners more attention(positive) than this one, we could rethink our logic. Until then, the sky is still blue.
  7. I apologize. I meant to say it that way.
  8. Well, I won't give you the full answer, since I am suspicious that this is homework. However, I will give you tips for it. If you don't know what binary search is, it is the process of taking the middle element of an array, if it isn't equal to the key then find if the key is bigger or smaller than the selected element, either go left or right(assuming the list is sorted already). After that, select the middle element of the left or right side of the array. This can easily be done recursively. Since you get an array as an input, simply find the middle element, do all the comparisons, and then create a new array that contains all the proper elements which will be inputed into the function again.
  9. I somehow got the bonus question on my exam correct. I think it was an integral gamma function.

    1. imatfaal


      not "somehow" - hard work, good study and lots of application to the subject. congrats


  10. Of course that is true, but then again there are ways around this.
  11. I forgot to explain about the Major Data and Minor Data part of the protocol. Major data is the website itself, essentially a template. If the website is a PHP website, the user will get the PHP webpage that gets its information from the device that it sending the webpage, known as the Minor Data.
  12. I'm assuming you are referring to the usage of jQuery. There could easily be packages made to imitate this with MAMP. Both pings would be accounted for. Both ping and where the content is located would be taken into effect.
  13. So, if there are any Star Wars fans out there, you may be familiar with the breather that is in the pre-sequals of Star Wars. A very useful tool, but the question is if it is possible to develop some device that is similar. It would seem pretty straightforward, so I did some research on how this would be possible. First, we have to assume that the user is underwater. The way this breather could be developed is by having a small container that attatches to the breather. This contains the mechanism that converts the water into oxygen. This can easily be done with the electrolysis of water. However, we want to be environmentally friendly with this device. Therefore, one way we can put the water back into the body of water that the user is in is by using the mask that the user has on their mouth and take the carbon dioxide that we breath out, split the carbon dioxide into carbon and O2, and then recombine the Oxygen and hydrogen that will be stored in the device when the water is split into its components. It's easier said than done, but I think it would be a good way to develop a device as such. I haven't done any calculations at all, so maybe provide some information on this if you want. Does something like this already exist?
  14. Verizon must be different then, as well as CenturyLink. Yeah, didn't see the part about modems. I apologize for that.
  15. I don't think hotspots are against ISP policy unless it is for the purpose of allowing other users access to the device, which can be detectable. This is just making it harder for them to detect it. NOTE: I am not condoning this activity. I am simply giving tips.
  16. The teacher stated that any number works, since k and c are simply "witnesses" to whether O(g(x) represents the function. The problem was just asking for O(x^2). Thanks for the help, btw.
  17. From the definitions within Wikipedia, it is close but not really what I am talking about. What I am talking about is not allowing the connected devices to have direct access, but the requests sent to the device that is acting as the hotspot and the hotspot device will essentially download the webpage to itself and then send the information requested for to the user asking for it. It doesn't give the user access to the Internet access, simply access to the information. It would be limited, but possible.
  18. Here is some progress on the Major/Minor Data Protocol that I am developing to make a two-way Outernet access which, once completed, will be implemented into a package which I will be releasing for people to use to make access points. Here is a diagram. The algorithm is similar to LinkedList algorithms, but with some different aspects: Essentially, what will happen is the program will search for any connection to another similar device(most likely through different types of checks). Once it finds random devices, it will record their pings, store the information both about the device and connection name. It will compare the pings of each device, and store it so other devices that connect to it will know the best connection to use. Then, when a device connects to any of these connective devices, the device will be able to connect and request a website page and data required to fill it out. When the request is made, the device first will check if the file exists on it. If not, it will refer to the other devices it is connected to through a recursive method. The device will make requests to both of its devices it is connected to see if they have the files. If so, the devices will send the files to that device making the request, then that device will send the data to the original device that requested the information. I hope that is understandable. If there are any questions just ask.
  19. So, I was just thinking about this earlier and thought I would just share my idea. I don't know if this is an actual bypass. Inform me if it is, though. The idea involves developing an app that allows a mobile device/PC to connect to the hotspot device(which also has the app) that has the Internet access. While the device doesn't provide direct access to the Internet, what happens is the hotspot device would allow requests from the connected devices. Essentially, the connected devices make requests of webpages to the device. The hotspot device would then download that requested webpage and then send it to the device that requested it. That is just the basic aspect of it. So, what do you think? Is this a bypass or simply just an inefficient process that would also be breaking the rules(I don't see why it would be).
  20. Finally, Spring Break is here. I now get to work on my own projects.

    1. MonDie


      Or you could get ahead now. I've got plans for that Unity+, sinister plans.

  21. The problem is asking the following: Determine if the following function is O(x^2). f(x) = 17x+11 I attempted the problem by doing the following: Since the highest degree is 1, the following function is valid. Now, let's set c = 17. 17x + 11 <= 17x^2 x + (11/17) <= x^2 Since x = 2 is the lowest natural number that makes the statement true, c = 17 and k = 2. Is this done right?
  22. What I would find fascinating, if this works, is the ability to have removable heads. If these type of transplants are possible, we could go even further and have the option to change bodies. Use donated DNA to recreate yourself.
  23. I don't think this operation would work on a politician. If it were done, there would be no brain to do the transplant.
  24. Sorry for the late reply, finally got back to my studies. I also found the same pattern that you got when working with the method I proposed: I wonder if there is some connection between what we are both doing. EDIT: Here is the pattern I have seen between our work. The formula I get from taking the product of the function and its inverse, I get: Now, I take your and my pattern and subtract them from each other: p2-p1 And I get the following sequence: [math]1,-\frac{1}{3},-1,-\frac{1}{3},3,\frac{35}{3},31,\frac{215}{3},155,\frac{971}{3},...[/math]
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