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Everything posted by KimberleyH

  1. Hi JohnB, Thank you so much for your participation in the survey and for your feedback I'll definitely keep it in mind. For now I think I'll stick with the format I have. As the survey is about perception, neutral seems appropriate enough for 'I don't know' as well. After all, most people have many ideas and opinions about many countries they don't truly know that much about, so I don't want to discourage them by implying their answers should be well grounded. It is exactly these type of gut-based associations I am after. If I see too many Neutrals coming in though, I might rethink it. Thank you!
  2. Thank you so much for participation & feedback To the questions where you are asked to select countries I had already added a 'none of the above' option. In light of your feedback, I have now also added a 'Neutral' option to the last section. Personally, I thought these are statements you would either agree or disagree with, but as you indicate you would have been more comfortable with a 'Neutral' option, I now find it relevant to include. Thank you Please, if you are reading this, I implore you to participate in my survey: http://statusofnations.wufoo.com/forms/perceived-status-power-of-nations/ It is for the benefit of my MA thesis and only takes a few minutes of your time. Thank you in advance!
  3. Ok, that's fine. I' apologize for the inconvenience
  4. I just added a "None of the above' option to all questions where you are asked to select one or more countries. If you would be so kind as to complete it now, I would be very grateful. Of course if you or anyone else has anymore feedback this is also very welcome
  5. Thank you, this is very helpful. I am going to add a none of the above option right now!
  6. I am a Master's Student at Leiden University, the Netherlands and I need your opinion. I am conducting a survey on the perception of large nations' status and power by people around the world, to use the findings in my thesis. The survey consists of 10 multiple choice questions and will take about 5 minutes to complete. I will give you 5 good reasons to complete this survey: - Such a survey does not appear to have been done already; - The first hand opinions of people from all around the world will add value to my thesis; - If you are interested in the results of this survey I will gladly send them to participants; - If you have a survey you want me to complete within a year from now, please send it and I will return the favour; - It will only take 5 minutes of your time. So please, support my desire to provide an original contribution with very limited resources and click on the link below. http://statusofnatio...wer-of-nations/ Btw, the survey is anonymous and will be treated as such. Results will be used in my thesis, and will not used be for commercial purposes.
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