Moral is a something like gravity. Did it exist before homo sapiens came to be? Robert M. Pirsig says it's a ghost in his most famous book.
Some people watch movies where a hungry Cheetah is skin over bones and they sigh with relieve when it finally gets a meal.
Some people watch movies where a limp impala is struggling to luck out of it's delayed destiny of being a diner to a predator.
The truth is that morals do not exist but in human minds.
I do not see why you distinguish "secular moral" from "religious moral"
Moral, the word and its explanation itself is discriminate and full of bias. In political denomination it would be called "left wing".
Morality favors the weak and outcasts and it rather sides that part of life that struggles.
Empathy is moral, that is why psychopaths lack moral.
But all in all "moral" is a human invention and therefor not the truth per se.
You can deem "moral", when looking objectively from an extraterrestrial mind's eye on earth, just a character trait of the mammal homo sapiens sapiens.
People who hate to see cattle slaughtered for hamburgers sometimes do not mind cattleslaughters to die by the knife themselves.
Some philosophers, like Christopher Hitchens, knowing and realizing that evolution through natural selection is rather cold and impersonal, we should regardless all that be nice to each other.
Some jews say: if you kill one person you kill the entire world.
Both are right in the realm of morality.
The execution - the following up to, rather than the demise of - moral is an utopian one, walking on a conjecture gold lanes of pre-paved idealism.
The truth is not a mixture of the classical and romantic truth. No, the truth is still the truth when no humanoid ever got into existence period: a dystopia of a cheetah that needs to feed, and an impala that in peace needs to breed.
Moral, and thus empathy, is merely a human surplus that is granted to lesser beasts because we are in the position to play god over all other mammals and co.
The annual pardon of the turkey in the usa is a prime example of this. I personally do not give a shid. As goes for the holocaust.
6 million "jewish" homo sapiens sapies died along with homosexuals and "gypsies". That is what THEY say.
Multiply 6 million by 10 and you get the total death rate of that stupid war based on sheer bigotry nationalism.
I do not like religions, nationalism and culture. But those are the 3 prime suspect warmongers that get rewarded by tax money the most worldwide.
Stop being proud of your place of birth (of which you had no vote anyway), and stop believing that one human race is superior over another. Let alone religions, because you all should realize that religion is stupid like you think your kids are stupid when they keep believing in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy.
Somehow modern philosophers forsake philosophie by stating that even though Darwin has deprived us from a omni- scient, present and potent God, that we yet got to remind ourselves that we are humans and should keep in high regard the so called " Anthropic principle".
I wonder why. Why is this world or universe, after the demise of God, having a big brother in order to judge your karma?
There is no moral other than the one that is protecting people at best, it is called democracy.