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About GlassPilot

  • Birthday 01/14/1972

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  • Interests
    Computers (Duh), RC Helos, Flying, COD BO
  • Favorite Area of Science
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Quark (2/13)



  1. 1 11 21 1211 111221 312211 13112221 1113213211 31131211131221 13211311123112112211 11131221133112132112212221 31131122212321121113122122113211 132113213211121312211231131122112221131221 1113122113121113123112111311222112132113212221322113112211 31131122211311123113111213211231132132211211131221131211321113222113212221 132113213221133112132113311211131221121321131211132221123113112221131112211312311332211312113211 111312211312111322212321121113122123211231131122211211131221131112311332211213211321322113312221131112132123222113111221131221 311311222113111231133211121312211231131122111213122112132113213221123113112221133112132123222112111312211312111322212311322113311211131211121332211331222113112211
  2. Switch. If you keep your door you have a 1 in 3 chance of winning. By switching you have a 2 in 3 chance of winning. Has to do with the host introducing known data into the problem after your initial selection. Anyway. Absolutely switch.
  3. Well somebody owes me 8 minutes of my life back. I'm looking at you OP...
  4. My thoughts on gravity being used to generate power. Start with an object in a geosynchronous orbit...but with a very slight elliptical component. Now physically connect the object in orbit to the earth. Now you have the connecting medium moving slowly up and down as viewed from earth. Tie that rod to a generator and poof...gravity as an energy source.
  5. I didn't read any of the posts after the OP so sorry if this has been guessed already.
  6. How the AFA gets away with hijacking these things to the point we're talking about it on a science forum is beyond me. Shameful.
  7. Nice work! Just don't start with "22".
  8. 1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, 312211, 13112221, 1113213211, ????
  9. Great post. Very thought provoking. 've never really looked at a forum this way. Thank you. ..."Hackney Marshes Sunday League". : ) Good stuff!
  10. ooooh, a riddle thread! I love these things. Okay, I have one. 8809 = 6 7111 = 0 2172 = 0 6666 = 4 1111 = 0 3213 = 0 9313 = 1 0000 = 4 2222 = 0 3333 = 0 5555 = 0 8193 = 3 8096 = 5 1021 = 1 7777 = 0 7756 = 1 6855 = 3 9881 = 5 5531 = 0 2581 = ??????
  11. Would FaceBook still get made? What if Mark Zuckerberg had the idea for FaceBook, could see it in his head but didn't know a thing about code? Is it possible he could have hired someone to translate his vision into code? Where would he go to find someone? Is it possible to make/ build a FaceBook with just the idea and not the knowledge?
  12. Hello, I'm Cameron. A pilot by trade but teaching myself computer science. Thought I'd reach out to the interwebs and see what's out there! This forum is a bit overwhelming at first...where to start? Anyway, 'Hello' from Florida.
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