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Everything posted by krompir2

  1. Well the topic acutally says it all. I'm working on an article http://www.nature.com/nchembio/journal/v10/n3/full/nchembio.1433.html but i don't quite get it. Any answers are welcome.
  2. I see. But how do they get in our food? What biochemical reactinos are responsible for that?
  3. Hello! We've all heard of essential amino acids, which can not be synthesised in our own body. My question is, why can't we do that and also how come are animals capable of synthesising them? I appreciate all of your answers.
  4. sounds about right. But oxgen and methane it self isnt proof of anything. How do they analyze soil for example? What instrument such space probe, when it lands, should have?
  5. ''We are in year 2212 and chinese space probe approches to solar system Gliese 87. Objective is to find possible trays of life, including the most simple life forms. How do you think the space probe is equipt in order to find life? What kind of substances should it search for? Where on planet is a smart place to start search?'' This is the question my college biochemistry profesor asked us to think about it at the last lecture. It is actually a very decent question and I would like to hear an opinion from a more sophisticated mind.
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