Hey guys the name is Xavier. I have a question for all of you Computer Scientists out there. I really and truly want to get a Computer Science degree and I'm trying everything I can. From reading programming books to keeping up with different topics (Science, Math, History, so forth and so on). Now I've recently been studying up on Java and I'm picking it up real quick. But I've noticed something. I know the ins and outs of it so far. Like I can tell you the different data types and operators, things of that nature. When programs are brought up in the book, I can sit down and tell you what each expression is and statement and things like that. So I have no problem reading the code, but when it comes to me sitting down and receiving a exercise to do on my own I kind of freeze up and think, "Oh man where to start?" It's weird, because I understand it but I just don't know how to put it down right away. I'm curious is this natural to happen when coding? I want to hear from you guys. Tell me about your experiences and how you dealt with them so I can try to better myself in the process. If you guys have any tips on how to better my programming skills, please do not hesitate. I will take in any information you guys throw at me. Like I said I'm here to better myself. Can't wait to hear from you guys (: