So, I'm late in high school and have somewhat known this girl for about four years (we'll call her Mona). She is excellent at art, but has a sort of fixation with fictional character she has created. She will often refer to them in conversation as if they were real people and talks about them obsessively.
She seems to have had been a social misfit all her life. Last year in a Geometry course, I sat two seats behind her... between us sat three girls who have always been regarded as popular and pretty. One day I caught them having a conversation amongst themselves, and were suprisingly accepting towards her involvement in the talking. During the conversation Mona expressed HER own surprise by their acceptance by saying something like "I'm so happy your being so nice to me." and recalled to them a time in elementry school when they would tease her and tell her she could not be their friend. Of course, the three girls stared at her wide eyed and silent, put-off by her bluntness.
My question is, could being rejected throughout life be the cause of her delusions?
You can see why I get lousey mathematic grades... this is what I spend my time thinking about at school.