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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Plant genetics/epigenetics

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Hi, Any help would be greatly appreciated: I am having some trouble with drawing the flow chart/genetic cross diagrams through generations (F1 to F3) as I do not know the zygosity of a transgene I am using (haven't developed a way to detect), would it be allowed to simply demonstrate this as: Transgene (not stating as het/homo) Instead of: Transgene/- (het) Transgene/Transgene (homo) -/- (WT) Also if I was to show a cross: (Gene = WT, gene-1 = mutant) Transgene/-; Gene/gene-1 X Transgene/-; Gene/gene-1 F1 Transgene/-; Gene/gene-1 + the other 8 outcomes Is it necessary to show every possible outcome from this especially when I don't know the zygosity of the Transgene part? (and then one of these will then be taken through to the next generation and will have same problem there again) Thanks again.
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