Well, this is quite the heated discussion. 60 Minutes recently did an interesting segment that covered both the topics of resveratrol (the primary focus), and calorie restriction: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/01/25/60minutes/main4752082_page4.shtml. I do believe calorie restriction has been proven to have a positive impact on health and lifespan. According the the researchers in this segment, the focus is more on improving health than necessarily on reversing aging. So, with something like resveratrol, a 90 year-old might be as healthy and active as a 60 year-old not taking resveratrol. I think this is the primary focus of the research at this point, which makes sense. I definitely believe a healthy lifestyle along with some resveratrol can go a long way. Pomology makes a great Anti-Aging product containing resveratrol, along with several other antioxidants as well.