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  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. friction will creat heat...... and i need something that will not slow down.. something that u spin it and nothing will stop it = no restance....../ no bearing nothing.... just gutta figure out a way to hold a metal (mangtized) shaft up using only magnets...
  2. stupid (removed sorry)
  3. i wonder if we could stop the light and then take the energy
  4. i have a idea for a machine that could put out more energy (electic) that u put into it but i have one probleam i have to make a shaft have no weight or no resitance just float so that i spin it and then make it real long sence there is no resitance u make it long as u want and still use the same amount of energy to spin it and then wrap a coil around this charged shaft and u could get ac....
  5. ok light travels and let say that i hit's something and it changes direction to do this it most come to a comeplete stop and then accelrate back to light speed... do you think the properties of it change when this happens when it comes to a complete stop?
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