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Everything posted by seaker
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/08/12/fluoride-and-the-brain-no-margin-of-safety.aspx?e_cid=20110812_DNL_art_1 http://www.fluoridealert.org/ http://rense.com/general93/fluo.htm http://m.naturalnews.com/news/030952_CDC_fluoride.html http://www.fluoridealert.org/issues/dental-products/toothpastes/
You think you are so smart. Hilarious. This is not a website to share ideas. It just so assholes like you can knock then down.
- 46 replies
Have you heard of Edward teller? No dragons, just facts. Do research before you buy into the government and media. I'm done here
Well thank you very much. I do appreciate the polite conversation. I have all of the information I'm assuming I can get from you modern geniouses on this topic. I will abandon my plans and fall in line with the mainstream opinions.
Ok ill go eat a pack of cigarettes and some dog shit. Thank you for the advice. There is plenty of unused land And mental capability to solve that problem naturally. And plenty of people who could produce crops, instead of working for Wal-Mart or McDonalds. This has gone far off point of my original question. I asked if anyone knows of land in the US that has been the least affected by chemtrails. If u do not believe in chemtrails, or believe that the way we are doing things now is the only way to do it you need not reply.
What a bunch of crap. Show me some studies that show communities that don't fluoridate their water are less docile (more aggressive?) or have other personality disorders manifested by the community as a whole. I do not think personality disorders would manifest from lack of fluoride ingestion, although you are right there are no studies to prove this. communities without fluoridation would be unaffected. I do not see how any personality disorders manifest from either ingesting or not ingesting fluoride. Being more docile is not a personality disorder. But the studies by dentists that have been done conclude that ingesting fluoride is not beneficial. At all. Period. End of story. Do the research. There are no studies that say places with fluoridated water leads to better dental health, but on the contrary, there are studies that show the average dental health of the population has no ling at all with flouridated drinking water. So maybe there are no conclusive studies that it affects the brain, but it does not improve dental health when ingested. A toothpaste bottle will tell you to brush with a pea sized amount of toothpaste and not to swallow. If the toothpaste is ingested you should "contact a poison control center" their words exactly. So why do we drink it in our water? I do not understand. Actually, as I mentioned earlier, dental fluorosis is a condition of significant tooth decay which is ONLY caused by ingestion of fluoride. So why would the government, with all their smarts and knowhow ( supposedly ) be allowing us, even encouraging us to drink fluoride? And phi, that was a silly think to say about that lake, just because a substance can collect naturally in a water source, does not mean it is beneficiall, or even ok to ingest. We don't go around drinking salt water do we? Even though it collects naturally over 75% of the planet.
So its like they are trying to subdue us, without us really even knowing. Put this chemical that effects our brain in our drinking water, and we do the damage to ourselves. Brilliant. I think it has been working. People are really ignorant to these things, and are easily manipulated and fooled..scarry to really think about.
Organic farming is unsustainable? So our ancestors used harmful pesticides and genetically engineered their crops, right? How could people ever have survived without that shit, right?
that's funny you would say that. Yes, dentists have been all for brushing your teeth with toothpaste containing fluoride, but there is a warning label that clearly states ingestion is harmful. Studies have actually shown that places with the most fluoride in the drinking water from tap actually have highest tooth decay rates. It's called dental fluorosis. The only cause is too much fluoride. There are literally no benefits to ingestion, so the argument that the dosage is small enough for the benefits to outweigh the risks is a load of crap the government had been shoving down your throat. Go ahead, do the research. Something vile is going on here. Why would our own government put poison in our tap water??
Bleach is toxic but I'm sure can be ingested in extremely small doses as to harm us in an almost unnoticeable way, but why in the world would we put poison in our bodies!? Regardless of dosage. No one has yet to answer my question, WHY? WHY IS THERE FLUORIDE IN OUR TAP WATER? WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS WHEN INGESTED IN "SMALL DOSES?"
That does not answer my question.
Where do u buy anti matter?
But water is essential to our survival. We literally can not live without is. Fluoride is unnecessary, taking this fact into account, the costs do outweigh the benefits, because as I mentioned earlier, there are no definitive study's to prove there even are any benefits WHEN INGESTED. Your dentist does not instruct you to drink your mouthwash or eat your toothpaste, so what is the purpose of fluoride in tap water?
When the universe was created, matter and anti matter collided and destroyed one another until just enough matter was left to form everything in our universe. If you ask me this was a possibility, not a probability. Life forming and DNA reproducing, a perfect combination of elements joining together in just the right way, to produce living, breathing, thinking, creatures that can change, evolve, seems to me more like a possibility than a probability. The fact that all of us are alive, supposedly evolved from a monkey, and now have consciouss, aware, intelligent minds also to me seems like a possibility. Not a probability. Probabilities are probably, but possibilities are possible and things once thought impossible have happened. I do understand your argument phi, but I also believe that some things people might call supernatural, well, they might not be gods, demons, or angels, but maybe they are things we cannot understand at our current intelligence level. Things or beings that exist beyond our point of view here. And if you want to think about probabilities, it would be silly for us to believe we are not neighbors to many different types of beings, in this vast universe, where a million questions remain to be answered and even more possibilities exist.
You are not very helpful john cuthber. If you read my post I clearly stated it is to reflect radiation. But I am not at all even sure if that is why. m brobably in the dark as to the why, I only know they are doing it. I want to find out geographic locations that have been affected the least or possibly not affected at all. Can you help me with that? If not, a reply is of no use to me.
That is completely irrelevant to my topic.
What are the benefits when ingested? I know of none that are conclusive. Simply medical slander if u ask me. But there is proof of the substance being toxic to animals. In small doses to humans it simply leads to lethargy, lack of energy, and, ironically, when ingested, studies have shown it can cause tooth and bone decay.
Yes, yet. Lack of evidence does not mean something does not exist, and many things in the past that were thought to be unlikely have turned out to be true. And even if you believe it is most likely in the mind, according to quantum physics, anything is possible, and perception is reality. And according to M theory there are higher dimensions, where possibly beings might exist that we cannot simply access from our dimension. So, without full access, evidence is extremely elusive.
If fluoride is used in animal poisons and has a toxic effect when ingested, why is it used in tap water and antidepressants?
Well, yes. But I don't think its a conspiracy or a theory. It's just what they are doing. Spraying chemicals in the atmosphere to act as a kind of synthetic ozone to protect from radiation. Conspiracy theorists think they are trying to cause health complications among other things, but I don't know about all that. I just know its unnatural.
On the t.v. shows about paranormal activity the researchers use machines that sense electromagnetic fields and voice recorders that pick up voices. Sometimes they even catch shadows and lights on their camcorders. Of course it is not conclusive evidence, the only thing conclusive would be to catch an alien, spirit, angel or demon. But that would be like asking an ant to catch a fish. They reside in different places on our planet. Inaccessible to eachother, but that does not mean in an ants world, fish don't exist. It just means his ant friends might not understand or believe the stories of interactions with fish.
I dream of one day owning an orchard like my great grandmother once did. I am completely interested in growing optimally organic and pure produce. I know the government is and has been spraying chemicals into the atmosphere, not 100% sure why, but that is beside the point, does anyone have any information about parts of the US that have not been affected by this, if any? I am trying to find locations with the cleanest soil, atmosphere and water in order to truly produce chemical free plants.