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keen learner

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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Biology, neuroscience, phycology

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. hello I am fascinated by all the research I have been reading about quantam physics and behaviour - genes - but I have not had enough to get the root artcles and TBH I am never sure if the analysis of the research is based on a perception of a person wanting it to mean something... For instance, I have been reading a book (sorry I don't have the references) about some studies by the miiltary and others which showed that DNA has an effect on the flow of protons, and further more that DNA continues to be influenced by the human it was extracted from and changes shape according ot emotion? i.e contract with negative emotion and expands with positive emotion. Could this research be provided by people with vested interests who want us to support new age religion? HeartMath researchers have gone so far as to show that physical aspects of DNA strands could be influenced by human intention. The article, Modulation of DNA Conformation by Heart-Focused Intention – McCraty, Atkinson, Tomasino, 2003 – describes experiments that achieved such results. http://www.forwellness.ca/articles/experiment-2.aspx What do you think of the following (Dr Bruce Lipton): Leading edge contemporary cell research has transcended conventional Newtonian physics and is now soundly based upon a universe created out of energy as defined by quantum physics. This new physics emphasizes energetics over materialism, substitutes holism for reductionism, and recognizes uncertainty in place of determinism. Consequently, we now recognize that receptors respond to energy signals as well as molecular signals. Conventional medicine has consistently ignored research published in its own main-stream scientific journals, research that clearly reveals the regulatory influence that electromagnetic fields have on cell physiology. Pulsed electromagnetic fields have been shown to regulate virtually every cell function, including DNA synthesis, RNA synthesis, protein synthesis, cell division, cell differentiation, morphogenesis and neuroendocrine regulation. These findings are relevant for they acknowledge that biological behavior can be controlled by "invisible" energy forces, which include thought.
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