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Everything posted by big314mp

  1. Well, depending on how much physics you have already had, you may be able to sit in on some physics lectures at the local university. Even if you don't understand everything, the exposure is good.
  2. There's a quote about blind men put in dark rooms with imaginary black cats that I think is applicable here A while ago, I was watching a Jerry Springer interview of GG Allin (yes, I know, laugh all you want) on youtube. For those unfamiliar with GG Allin, he was known for extreme (an understatement if there ever was one) performances, including self mutilation on stage, and assault on the audience. People were regularly injured at these performances. However, these people freely chose to attend the performances. There was a risk of bodily injury involved, and they chose to take that risk. If you plan to eat at a restaurant where the patrons regularly release mustard gas into the air, I have trouble justifying punishing either the patrons or the owner of the establishment. I'll also probably think you're a little funny in the head As to the running around avoiding people firing off bullets, that is why I believe in banning smoking in public areas. Private property is a different area. If I know there is an area where people regularly fire off their guns (lets say near the targets at a shooting range), you can be guaranteed that I will stay well away from that area. Smoking in the home with a child present is an issue that I had not considered before. The child obviously did not pick his/her circumstance. So, ATM, I have no response to that. I see your point, yet I am a little bit skeptical that the effect of casual exposure to second hand smoke can be separated from the effects of all of the other crap in the air. I mean, the air in Los Angeles must be worse than the air at a bus stop, standing next to a smoker, in a Colorado suburb. Of course, I have no evidence to support either the premise that LA air is worse than Colorado bus stop air, or the premise that Colorado suburbs have bus stops. So at that point, does it become an issue of politeness only?
  3. Probably the metal (I'm guessing copper) pipes that run into the ground. The electrical conduit itself is probably grounded through the building. And thinking about this has led to another question for YT...if one were in a steel frame building, would your reception be improved (using DrP's logic/experience) or worsened (via a faraday cage like effect)?
  4. At home: There is so little smoke that would leak out of one's house, that you are entitled to smoke with no restrictions. In a business establishment: It is up to the owner of the property to weigh whether the increased business from smokers is worth the lost business from non-smokers. As consumers, we can vote with our wallets to tell business owners whether they have a fair policy or not. A restaurant with a smoking section that is well separated from the non-smoking section seems like a good compromise. In a smaller establishment, it may be necessary for the owner to decide whether he will earn more money by pandering to smokers or non-smokers. In public buildings: Vote/have the government do it. Same logic as above, just substituting "business owner" for "public". Personally, I am inclined to say that smoking in public buildings should be banned. Outside: Now it gets tricky. Personally, I say smoke all you like outside. I think the logic that outdoors is a "public space" doesn't really hold up very well. It's a stretch, but what about banning being dressed flamboyantly outside, on the basis that you are polluting my view of the scenery? As to cars...well...I haven't worked that out yet
  5. Well, post a question and someone (usually ) will answer it for you.
  6. big314mp


    There is a similar thread to this one, about solar panels on wind mills. I think the general consensus was that if money was going to be spent on solar panels, they should be placed in areas where they will provide the highest return (such as Arizona, or some other sunny, relatively dry area). For example, solar panels on a car in Alaska may not even produce enough energy to offset their cost of production.
  7. So if I microwave my head, will I suddenly gain the amazing mental powers of a Hot Pocket?
  8. You missed my point. A planet sized ball of gas breaks off of the sun, and then turns into rocks, water, etc. If that ball of gas "decayed" to form this new planet, why hasn't the rest of the gas in the sun "decayed" (the rest of the gas being the same age as the planet blob, so therefore subject to the same decay posited by your theory) to also form rocks, water, etc.
  9. Perhaps a note somewhere to new users about specifying which questions are homework related and which aren't? Usually it is fairly straightforward to tell the difference, even when the poster doesn't explicitly mention it.
  10. Clearly these aliens also possess a time machine, but they are limited to making only small changes to the time continuum
  11. In the interest of actually learning something about this: Is there evidence that second hand smoke is more dangerous than other types of smoke and/or pollution? Obviously it is worse than CO2. But what about soot from a coal power plant? NOx emissions from cars? How about that black crud that old diesels spit up?
  12. Glycerin+nitric/sulfuric acids, with no ice bath could get you a quick bang.
  13. My $0.02 on the HW help are that I see a fair number of homework questions posted outside of HW help, that are then moved to the appropriate board. Not having that may save you guys some effort in moving those around.
  14. If you mean the same thing I do when you say "AC separation", 3rd degree isn't minor at all. I had a 1st degree last spring, and it took the better part of 2 months to come back to full strength. Best of luck on your recovery though. Take it easy for a while.
  15. Quite understandable. However, one must also consider whether the pollution from the smokers is even significant compared to the smoke/exhaust from some city buses. Personally, I think bans indoors should be left to business owners, indoor public areas (including areas around door, etc) should be left to government, and outside should be left alone. Only one of my friends smokes regularly, so I probably have a different view on this, as there really aren't "huddles of smokers" clustered around doorways
  16. Why hasn't the rest of the sun also converted to planet then? If part of the sun has been spat up and converted to planet, why hasn't the rest? What you are suggesting is that the matter from the sun (gas/plasma) cools down and forms rock. Then it cools down further, and poof! we're back to a gas? Seems like a violation of thermodynamics to me.
  17. That last bit is where martial arts can help. If you actually try and use it, you're gonna get cut up (literally).
  18. I'm somewhat confused on this logic: Low chance that we will evolve -> If we do evolve, not many would be interested in running simulations -> lots of people see the same sort of things -> we're living in a computer sim. Seems like a non-sequitor:confused:
  19. ...not really sure what sort of responses you are looking for. Heroin use does not (in and of itself) increase the risk for AIDS, rather it is the IV drug use with dirty needles that is the problem.
  20. Can people sue car owners then for clean air rights?
  21. You could make thicker threads by carefully melting the sugar, and drawing it out with a rod. If the strings are too brittle, you could add molasses or something.
  22. Perhaps the Casimir effect could be exploited to show this difference if it does exist? Based on my understanding, the Casimir effect creates a truly empty space, which you could then measure c in. This is way out of my area though, so I am probably pretty far off base
  23. Well, life can get kinda boring around here. "Here" being listed in my location thingie And, TBH, the confidence boost that a good martial arts class can give, is sometimes enough to ward off attackers. Any chance of pepper spray/taser type devices? Even here, some of my friends carry these when they go out alone. They are a bit paranoid if you ask me though Your situation is a bit different. Best of luck!
  24. Wow, that's awful. I'm from the suburbs here in the US, so not much interesting happens around here. I've always heard that if you look confident and sure of yourself, you won't get assaulted, as attackers are looking for easy targets. Perhaps you could enroll in a martial arts class to pick up that I-will-kill-you-dead sort of look. Oh, and spend more time with your friends as a group is harder to attack. Take what I say with a grain of salt, as there isnt much violence to be found in a 250km radius of where I live
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